Linear confinement and phase transitions in holographic QCD

Not scheduled
Théâtre National (Centre Bonlieu)

Théâtre National

Centre Bonlieu

Board: 116
Poster New theoretical developments


Dr Mohammed Mia (Columbia University)


We study linear confinement of quarks in a class of large N gauge theories using gravity duals that capture the logarithmic runnings of the coupling constants in the IR and strongly coupled asymptotic conformal behavior in the UV. First we classify the most general dual gravity that describes linear confinement of quarks at zero temperature and then show that at higher temperatures, quarks must deconfine. Using the gravity description, we also compute energy and pressure density of the gauge theory plasma and observe a rapid change as temperature is altered, indicating a phase transition. Finally we estimate the critical temperature and discuss how to analyze phase transitions in nuclear matter using holography.


Dr Mohammed Mia (Columbia University)


Prof. Charles Gale (McGill University) Prof. Keshav Dasgupta (McGill University) Prof. Sangyong Jeon (McGill University)

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