Heavy flavors
- Julia Velkovska (Vanderbilt University)
Torsten Dahms
(LLR - Ecole Polytechnique, IN2P3-CNRS)
24/05/2011, 15:00
Heavy flavor and quarkonia production
CMS is fully equipped to measure hard probes in the di-muon decay channel in the high multiplicity environment of nucleus-nucleus collisions. Such probes are especially relevant for studying the quark gluon plasma since they are produced at early times and propagate through the medium, mapping its evolution. In particular, the $J\psi$ production in heavy ion collisions has been studied at...
Roberta Arnaldi
(INFN Torino)
24/05/2011, 15:20
Heavy flavor and quarkonia production
The ALICE experiment has studied J/psi production at forward rapidity from pT=0, through its dimuon decay channel, in proton-proton and Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC.
Results obtained in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=7 TeV will be discussed. The integrated and differential (in pT and rapidity) inclusive production cross sections will be presented and compared to results from other LHC...
Zebo Tang
(University of Science and Technology of China)
24/05/2011, 15:40
Heavy flavor and quarkonia production
The $c\bar{c}$ bound state $J/\psi$ provides a unique tool to probe the properties of the hot dense medium produced in heavy-ion collisions, but to date its production mechanism is not understood clearly either in heavy-ion collisions or in hadron hadron collisions. Measurement of $J/\psi$ production at high $p_T$ is particularly interesting since at high $p_T$ the various models give...
Abhisek Sen
(Georgia State University)
24/05/2011, 16:00
Heavy flavor and quarkonia production
Quarkonia suppression is one of the highly cited
signature of quark gluon plasma (QGP) formed in relativistic heavy
ion collisions. PHENIX observed a high suppression of $J/\Psi$
production in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s}=200$ GeV. However,
theoretical predictions remain diverse due to lack of precise
knowledge of heavy flavor meson production, suppression,
regeneration in hot and dense...
Chiho Nonaka
(Nagoya University)
24/05/2011, 16:20
Heavy flavor and quarkonia production
From phenomenological considerations, J/psi suppression was proposed
as a signature of QGP production in relativistic heavy ion collisions,
and has been considered as one of the most promising ones [1].
However recent lattice QCD calculations show that charmonia survive even above the
critical temperature [2], which presents the possibility that the scenario of J/psi
suppression in...
Jean-Philippe Lansberg
(IPNO, Université Paris-Sud 11)
24/05/2011, 16:40
Heavy flavor and quarkonia production
I will discuss the impact of QCD corrections on the P_T differential cross section for quarkonium production in pp collisions at RHIC, Tevatron and LHC energies, as well as the contributions from charm-gluon fusion. I will present comparisons between the predictions of the Color Singlet Model up to alpha_s^5 with the first LHC data both for J/psi and Upsilon. I will also show predictions for...
Philippe Pillot
(SUBATECH, Nantes)
24/05/2011, 17:00
Heavy flavor and quarkonia production
Heavy quarkonium states are expected to provide essential information on the properties of the high-density strongly-interacting system formed in the early stages of high-energy heavy-ion collisions. Such probes are especially promising at LHC energies, where heavy quarks are copiously produced.
ALICE is the experiment at the LHC mainly dedicated to the study of nucleus-nucleus collisions....