QCD Phase diagram
- Joachim Stroth (Goethe-Universität)
Frithjof Karsch
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
24/05/2011, 15:00
Correlations and fluctuations
In the chiral limit and at temperatures close to the QCD phase transition temperature physical observables are expected to show universal properties that are controlled by the symmetry class of a 3-dimensional O(4) spin model [1]. Higher moments of net baryon number as well as electric charge fluctuations are sensitive to these universal features of the chiral phase transition [2].
Peter Petreczky
24/05/2011, 15:20
QCD phase diagram
I will discuss new lattice results on the deconfinement and
chiral aspects of the transition in QCD at nonzero temperature.
I will report on calculations performed using the Highly Improved
Staggered Quark (HISQ) action on Nt=6, 8 and 12 lattices. I will
show the continuum extrapolation for several quantities that are discussed in connection with the transition at nonzero temperature
Zoltan Fodor
24/05/2011, 15:40
QCD phase diagram
The QCD transition is studied on lattices up to Nt=16. The strange susceptibility the chiral condensate and the renormalized Polyakov loops are presented. The equation of state is determined on lattice with Nt-6,8,10 and at some temperature values with Nt=12. The pressure, the trace anomaly, the energy and entropy density and the speed of sound are presented as functions of the temperature in...
Vladimir Skokov
(GSI, Darmstadt, Germany)
24/05/2011, 16:00
QCD phase diagram
Fluctuations of conserved charges are key probes of the chiral
phase transition in a QCD medium. Of particular phenomenological importance are studies of such fluctuations at finite baryon density. A valuable tool for assessing critical fluctuations and the thermodynamics at non-vanishing baryon density is provided by effective chiral models.
We consider the Polyakov loop-extended two...
Pasi Huovinen
(Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität)
24/05/2011, 16:20
QCD phase diagram
The effects of non-zero baryon density are expected to become important
in hydrodynamic modeling of heavy collisions below the highest energy at RHIC. Recent calculations in effective models and in QCD using Dyson Schwinger equation suggest that the transition in QCD remains a crossover up to baryon chemical potentials of about 800MeV [1]. If so, the equation of state relevant for...
Sourendu Gupta
(TIFR, Mumbai)
24/05/2011, 16:40
QCD at high temperature and density
We present a test of QCD in the non-perturbative domain through a comparison of thermodynamic fluctuations predicted in lattice computations with the experimental data of baryon distributions in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. This study provides evidence for thermalization in these collisions, and allow us to set a scale for the QCD phase diagram. The scale is the temperature for the cross...
Nan Su
(Bielefeld University)
24/05/2011, 17:00
QCD at high temperature and density
The weak-coupling expansion of the QCD free energy is known to order g^6*log[g], however, the resulting series is poorly convergent at phenomenologically relevant temperatures. I will discuss how the gauge invariant hard-thermal-loop perturbation theory (HTLpt) reorganization of the calculation improves the convergence of the successive approximations to the QCD free energy. I will present new...