Correlations and fluctuations
- Thomas Hemmick (SUNY Stony Brook)
Jorge Mercado
(Heidelberg University)
23/05/2011, 17:30
Correlations and fluctuations
We present the first measurement of pion source radii in Pb-Pb
collisions at the LHC. The radii were obtained by analyzing the
Bose-Einstein enhancement in two-pion correlation functions. Like at lower energies, the radii drop with increasing transverse momentum, indicating the presence of collective expansion. In absolute terms, all three radii (R_out, R_side, R_long) are larger than at...
Sandra Padula
(Instituto de Fisica Teorica (IFT)-Universidade Estadual Paulista)
23/05/2011, 17:50
Correlations and fluctuations
Bose--Einstein correlations between identical particles are measured in samples of proton-proton collisions at 0.9 and 7 TeV centre-of-mass energies, recorded by the CMS experiment at the LHC. The signal is observed in the form of an enhancement of number of pairs of same-sign charged particles with small relative momentum. The dependence of this enhancement on kinematic and topological...
Thomas Humanic
(Relativistic Heavy Ion Group, Department of Physics - Ohio State U.)
23/05/2011, 18:10
Correlations and fluctuations
Identical neutral kaon pair correlations are measured in 7 TeV proton+proton collisions in the ALICE experiment. Neutral kaons are identified from their decay into π+π- pairs. K0sK0s correlation functions are formed in 4 multiplicity x 4 kT bins. The kaon source parameters Rinv and λ are extracted from these correlation functions by fitting a Gaussian*PYTHIA model to them, the Gaussian...
Yuriy Sinyukov
(Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics)
23/05/2011, 18:30
Correlations and fluctuations
A study of energy behavior of the pion spectra and interferometry radii is carried out for the SPS, RHIC and LHC energies within the hydrokinetic approach. The main mechanisms that lead to the paradoxical, at first sight, dependence of the femtoscopy scales on a collision energy, in particular, a decrease of Rout/Rside ratio with the energy growth, are exposed. The hydrokinetic predictions for...
Claudia Ratti
(Torino University)
23/05/2011, 18:50
Correlations and fluctuations
We present the new results of the Wuppertal-Budapest lattice QCD collaboration on flavor diagonal and non-diagonal quark number susceptibilities with 2+1 staggered quark flavors, in a temperature regime between 120 and 500 MeV. A Symanzik improved gauge and a stout-link improved staggered fermion action is utilized; the light and strange quark masses are set to their physical values. Lattices...
Joseph Kapusta
(University of Minnesota)
23/05/2011, 19:10
Correlations and fluctuations
Hydrodynamic fluctuations have been applied to a wide variety of physical, chemical, and biological phenomena in the past decade. In the context of high energy heavy ion collisions, there will be intrinsic fluctuations due to the finite size and finite particle content even if the initial conditions are fixed. We develop the theory of relativistic fluctuations, and apply it to a 1+1...