Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

22–25 Sept 2014
Chamonix - Les Aiglons
Europe/Zurich timezone

SPS Consolidation for LS2 and Beyond

25 Sept 2014, 10:00
Chamonix - Les Aiglons

Chamonix - Les Aiglons


James Ridewood


As a major part of the LHC injector chain and with its own dedicated physics program it is essential that the SPS remains capable of reliably providing high quality beams. This presentation will give an overview of the consolidation plans concerning the SPS and its transfer lines as provided by each of the equipment groups to the IEFC committee. The overview will be presented from a perspective of machine operation. These consolidation plans will be reviewed focusing principally on the impact on operation with beam and will endeavor to highlight any of the works which are of particular interest or represent a particular concern for operations. This presentation will not focus on LIU or other project work unless there is a direct consequence of one upon the other.

Presentation materials