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8–11 Dec 2014
University of Antwerp
Europe/Zurich timezone
REF 2014: Resummation, Evolution, Factorization

High-energy resummation effects in Mueller-Navelet jet production at the LHC

9 Dec 2014, 14:25
Building R, Room R218 (University of Antwerp)

Building R, Room R218

University of Antwerp


Samuel Wallon


The study of the production of two forward jets with a large interval of rapidity at hadron colliders was proposed by Mueller and Navelet as a possible test of the high energy dynamics of QCD. We analyze this process within a complete next-to-leading logarithm framework, supplemented by the use of the Brodsky-Lepage-Mackenzie procedure extended to the perturbative Regge dynamics, to find the optimal renormalization scale. This leads to a very good description of the recent CMS data at LHC for the azimuthal correlations of the jets.

Primary authors

Mr Bertrand Ducloue Lech Szymanowski (National Centre for Nuclear Research) Samuel Wallon

Presentation materials