The LZ Dark Matter detector

25 Aug 2015, 15:10


Particle Cosmology Theory and Experiment Particle Cosmology


Maria Elena Monzani (SLAC)


The nature and origin of Dark Matter is one of the most compelling mysteries of contemporary science. For over two decades, physicists have been trying to detect Dark Matter particles via collisions on target nuclei, with little success. The LZ collaboration is designing a massive Dark Matter detector, to be installed at the 4850 level of the Sanford Underground Research Facility in Lead, South Dakota. This detector will feature several tons of target nuclei and use the established liquid xenon TPC technology to achieve unprecedented sensitivity to a wide range of Dark Matter candidates. This experiment will reach a sensitivity to WIMP-nucleon spin-independent cross section approaching $∼2⋅10^{−48}$ cm$^2$ in 3 years of operation. This represents an improvement of almost three orders of magnitude over current results, covering a substantial range of theoretically-motivated dark matter candidates.

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