426 / 426
- Hiroyuki Abe (Waseda University)
- Kaustubh Agashe (University of Maryland)
- Haipeng An (Caltech)
- Attilio Andreazza (Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT))
- Ignatios Antoniadis (UPMC)
- Ernesto Arganda (Universidad de Zaragoza)
- Chiara Arina (University of Amsterdam)
Nima Arkani-Hamed
- Author in TBA
Peter Athron
(Monash University)
- Author in FlexibleSUSY: spectrum generation for SUSY and non-SUSY models
- Co-author in $Z'$ limits and naturalness in $U(1)$ extended models
- Co-author in Naturalness and supersymmetry
- Collaboration ATLAS (ATLAS Experiment)
Kyu Jung Bae
(Univ. of Oklahoma)
- Author in Dark Matter in Supersymmetry
Howard Baer
(University of Oklahoma)
- Author in SUSY with radiatively-driven naturlness at the LHC and ILC
- Co-author in Dark Matter in Supersymmetry
- Yang Bai (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
Csaba Balazs
(Monash University)
- Author in Naturalness and supersymmetry
- Author in Preview of SUSY 2016
Kazuharu Bamba
(Fukushima University)
- Co-author in Ratchet Baryogenesis during reheating
J. Enrique Barradas Guevara
(Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla)
- Co-author in Trilinear Higgs self-couplings in $S(3)$SM
- Neil Barrie
- Matteo Bauce (Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))
- Afsaneh Bazrafshan (Jahrom University)
- Philip Bechtle (Universitaet Bonn (DE))
Lana Margaret Gwen Beck
(University of Bristol (GB))
- Co-author in Probing top-philic sgluons with LHC Run I data
- Genevieve Belanger (LAPP Annecy)
- Genevieve Belanger (LAPTh Annecy)
- Nicole Bell (University of Melbourne)
Brando Bellazzini
- Author in Composite Higgses
Martin Beneke
(Rheinisch-Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))
- Author in The relic density of heavy neutralinos
- Joshua Berger (SLAC)
- Asher Berlin (University of Chicago)
- Florian Bernlochner (Bonn)
- Jérémy Bernon (LPSC Grenoble)
(Université d'Aix-Marseille)
- Author in The relic density of heavy neutralinos
- Cristina Biino (INFN Torino (IT))
Thomas Blake
- Author in Status of Quark Flavour
Freya Blekman
(IIHE, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (BE))
- Co-author in Probing top-philic sgluons with LHC Run I data
- Ralph Blumenhagen (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik)
- Christopher Bock (Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. Muenchen (DE))
- Walter Marcello Bonivento (INFN Cagliari)
- Julian Michael Bouffard (State University of New York (US))
- Radja Boughezal (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Kurt Brendlinger (University of Pennsylvania (US))
- Lydia Brenner (Nikhef)
- Anja Butter
Daniel Butter
- Author in All rigid N=2 supersymmetric backgrounds
- Pierfrancesco Butti (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))
Maria Eugenia Cabrera Catalan
(Instituto de Fisica, Universidade de Sao Paulo)
- Co-author in Constraints on sneutrino dark matter from LHC Run 1
- Maria Eugenia Cabrera Catalan (Universidad Automa de Madrid)
- Matthew Cahill-Rowley (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Yi Cai (University of Melbourne)
- José Eliel Camargo Molina (Lund University)
- Linda Carpenter (Ohio State University)
- Zackaria Chacko (University of Maryland, College Park)
- Joydeep Chakrabortty (Inspire Faculty)
- Spencer Chang (University of Oregon)
- Andrew Chen (U. of Michigan)
Mu-Chun Chen
(University of California, Irvine)
- Author in RPV from Discrete R Symmetries
Hsin-Chia Cheng
(University of California, Davis)
- Co-author in Exotic quarks in Twin Higgs models
- Kingman Cheung (Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University)
- Debtosh Chowdhury (INFN, Roma)
- Marcin Chrzaszcz (University of Zurich (CH))
Eung Jin Chun
(Korea Institute for Advanced Study)
- Co-author in Dark Matter in Supersymmetry
- Marco Ciuchini (Universita di Roma Tre and INFN)
CMS Collaboration
- Author in BSM Higgs searches with the CMS experiment
- Author in Combination of CMS SUSY searches and interpretation in the pMSSM
- Author in Heavy flavour results from CMS
- Author in Higgs boson properties in bosonic final states at CMS
- Author in Higgs, flavour at the high pT frontier, top and FCNC with the CMS experiment
- Author in Inclusive SUSY searches with the CMS detector
- Author in Search for compressed SUSY in final states containing one or two soft leptons with the CMS detector
- Author in Search for compressed SUSY in hadronic final states with the CMS detector
- Author in Search for dark matter in multijet events at CMS
- Author in Search for Dark Matter recoiling from singly produced high pT objects at CMS
- Author in Search for Displaced Supersymmetry in events with leptons with large impact parameters at CMS
- Author in Search for electroweak SUSY with the CMS detector
- Author in Search for excited leptons at CMS
- Author in Search for high mass Higgs-like bosons at CMS
- Author in Search for high mass resonances in diphoton final states in CMS
- Author in Search for RPV SUSY via LQD couplings in dileptons+jets final states at CMS
- Author in Search for supersymmetric neutral Higgs bosons using the LHC run 1 data recorded by CMS
- Author in Search for SUSY in the di-lepton final state in CMS
- Author in Searches for boosted dibosons in CMS
- Author in Searches for charged Higgs boson with the CMS experiment
- Author in Searches for Dark Matter in association with top quarks at CMS
- Author in Searches for long-lived massive particles in CMS
- Author in Searches for new physics in dijet and multijet in CMS
- Author in Searches for R-parity violating SUSY with the CMS detector
- Author in Searches for SUSY with photons in the final state in CMS
- Author in Searches for tt and tb resonances at CMS
- Author in Searches for vector-like partners of top and bottom quarks at CMS
- Author in Study of Higgs bosons decaying to bottom quarks at CMS
- Author in Study of Higgs bosons decaying to leptons at CMS
- Author in Third generation SUSY searches with the CMS detector
- Author in Updated results on heavy neutrino searches in CMS
- Co-author in ATLAS and CMS Prospects for Higgs Physics at the HL-LHC
- Co-author in CMS results on SUSY searches
- Co-author in New Directions in SUSY Searches at LHC
- Co-author in Overviews of BSM Higgs Physics from the ATLAS and CMS
- Co-author in Status of Exotic Searches at LHC
- Raymond Co (University of California, Berkeley)
Kit Colwell
(UC Davis)
- Author in Little Conformal Symmetry
- Adam Coogan (UC Santa Cruz)
Cristobal Corral
(Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Maria (Chile))
- Co-author in Implications of torsion gravity
Giovanna Francesca Cottin Buracchio
(University of Cambridge (GB))
- Author in Searches for long lived SUSY particles
Nathaniel Craig
(UC Santa Barbara)
- Author in Neutral Naturalness of the Weak Scale
- Graham Cree (Carleton)
- Yanou Cui (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)
David Curtin
(University of Maryland)
- Author in Towards a No-Lose Theorem for Naturalness
- Co-author in Tight Scrutiny of Electroweak Phase Transitions.
- Mirjam Cvetic (University of Pennsylvania)
- Arindam Das (University of Alabama)
- Jonathan Da Silva (University of Manchester)
Sally Dawson
- Author in Cutting into Higgs pairs
- Jorge de Blas (INFN Rome)
- Celine Degrande (UIUC)
- James Dent (University of Louisiana at Lafayette)
- Francesco D'Eramo (University of California, Berkeley)
Klaus Desch
(Universitaet Bonn (DE))
- Author in Killing the CMSSM softly
- P. S. Bhupal Dev (University of Manchester)
- Maikel de Vries (Mainz University)
- Marco Dias (UNIFESP)
- Philip Diessner (TU Dresden (DE))
Anthony DiFranzo
(UC Irvine / Fermilab)
- Author in Vector Dark Matter via Higgs Portal
Francesco Dighera
(TU Munich)
- Author in The relic density of heavy neutralinos
Didar Dobur
(Ghent University (BE))
- Co-author in Probing top-philic sgluons with LHC Run I data
Matthew Dolan
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in Prospects for SUSY DM after the LHC Run 1
- Co-author in Simplified Models for Higgs Physics Studies
- Matt Dolan (SLAC)
- Xi Dong (Stanford)
patrick draper
- Co-author in Partially Natural Two Higgs Doublet Models
Herbi Dreiner
(Bonn University)
- Author in Killing the CMSSM softly
- Jeff Dror (Cornell University)
Mateusz Duch
(Univeristy of Warsaw)
- Author in A stable vacuum with vector dark matter
- Beranger Dumont (LPSC Grenoble)
- Tristan Arnoldus Du Pree (CERN)
- Bhaskar Dutta (Texas A&M University)
- Otto Eberhardt (INFN, Rome)
- Helmut Eberl (HEPHY Vienna)
- Bertrand Echenard (Caltech)
- Daniel Egana-Ugrinovic (Rutgers University)
- Gerald Eigen (University of Bergen (NO))
- sonia el hedri (JGU Mainz)
- Jonathan R. Ellis (CERN)
- Sebastian Ellis (University of Michigan)
Henriette Elvang
(University of Michigan)
- Author in Scattering amplitudes
- Rouven Essig (Stony Brook University)
Jason Evans
(University of Minnesota)
- Author in Affleck-Dine Sneutrino Inflation
- Lisa Everett (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
Benjamin Farmer
(Monash University)
- Co-author in Naturalness and supersymmetry
- Marco Fedele (INFN, Sezione di Roma)
- Lorenzo Feligioni (CPPM Marseille)
- Olga Felix
- Jonathan Lee Feng (University of California Irvine (US))
- Alysson Ferrari
Raphael Flauger
(The University of Texas at Austin)
- Author in Implications of CMB Observations
- Simon Foreman (Stanford University)
- Andrew Fowlie (University of Sheffield)
Patrick Fox
- Co-author in Vector Dark Matter via Higgs Portal
- Roberto Franceschini (CERN)
Enrico Franco
(INFN Rome)
- Author in $B \rightarrow K^{*} \mu\,\mu\,$: Charming Penguins strike back again?
- Author in Global Bayesian Analysis of the Higgs-boson Couplings
- Author in Update of the electroweak precision fit, interplay with Higgs-boson signal strengths and model-independent constraints on new physics
- Co-author in A Critical Examination of SU(3) in D to P P Decays
Mariana Frank
(Concordia University)
- Co-author in Higgs constraints on left-right supersymmetry
- Rikkert Frederix (CERN)
- Dan Freedman (MIT)
- Stefano Frixione (CERN)
- Benjamin Fuchs (KIT)
- Benjamin Fuks (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (FR))
- James Gainer (University of Florida (US))
- Jamison Galloway
- Marcos A Garcia Garcia (University of Minnesota)
- Todd Garon (UW-Madison)
Michael Geller
- Author in The Holographic Twin Higgs
- Mohammad Ghanaatian (Payame Noor University)
Tony Gherghetta
(Institut de Physique Theorique)
- Co-author in Affleck-Dine Sneutrino Inflation
- Co-author in Higgs constraints on left-right supersymmetry
- Diptimoy Ghosh (Weizmann Institute of Science)
- Geoffrey Gilles (Univ. Blaise Pascal Clermont-Fe. II (FR))
- Elena Ginina
- Felix Gonzalez Canales (Universida de Valencia)
- Jessica Goodman (The Ohio State University)
- Andreas Goudelis (HEPHY Vienna)
Giovanni Grilli di Cortona
- Author in Exploring SUSY from below
Philipp Grothaus
(King's College)
- Author in LHC "excesses": Have we found SUSY?
Bohdan Grzadkowski
(University of Warsaw)
- Author in A stable vacuum with vector dark matter
- Co-author in Light dark Higgs and the role of isospin violating effect
- Jack Gunion (University of California Davis (US))
- Jun Guo (Shanghai Jiao Tong University (CN))
- Howard Haber (University of California,Santa Cruz (US))
Jan Hajer
- Author in Heavy Higgs Bosons at 14 and 100 TeV
- Mahsana Haleem (DESY Zeuthen)
- Lawrence Hall (University of California, Berkeley)
Matthias Hamer
(CBPF - Brazilian Center for Physics Research (BR))
- Author in Killing the CMSSM softly
- Dylan Harries (University of Adelaide)
- Hong-jian He (Tsinghua University)
Sven Heinemeyer
(CSIC (Santander, ES))
- Author in Effects of Sfermion Mixing induced by RGE Running in the Minimal Flavor Violating CMSSM
- Author in Higgs to SUSY decays at the full one-loop level
- Author in MSSM Implications of Higgs searches during LHC Run 1
- Author in Status and prospects of FeynHiggs
- Co-author in HiggsSignals: Testing new physics models against Higgs measurements
- Co-author in Prospects for SUSY discovery after the LHC Run 1
- Co-author in Prospects for SUSY DM after the LHC Run 1
- Simeon Hellerman (IPMU)
- Jaime Hernandez Sanchez (Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla)
- maria herrero (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)
- Bjoern Herrmann (LAPTh Annecy)
- Björn Herrmann (LPSC Grenoble)
- JoAnne Hewett (SLAC)
- Valentin Jonathan Hirschi (SLAC)
- Sungwoo Hong (University of Maryland, College Park)
Rachel Houtz
(UC Davis)
- Author in Little Conformal Symmetry
Andrzej Hryczuk
(TU Munich)
- Author in The relic density of heavy neutralinos
- Peisi Huang (University of Chicago/Argonne National Lab)
Katri Huitu
(University of Helsinki)
- Co-author in Higgs constraints on left-right supersymmetry
- Valerio Ippolito (Harvard University (US))
- Mateusz Kamil Iskrzynski (University of Warsaw)
Ahmed Ismail
(Argonne National Laboratory/University of Illinois at Chicago)
- Author in Cutting into Higgs pairs
- Sho Iwamoto (Technion)
- Paul Douglas Jackson (University of Adelaide)
- Brett David Jackson (University of Pennsylvania (US))
- Joerg Jaeckel (ITP Heidelberg)
- YUN JIANG (UC Davis)
- Aniket Joglekar (The University of Chicago)
- Sunghoon Jung (Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS))
- Jan Kalinowski (University of Warsaw (PL))
- Nemanja Kaloper (UC Davis)
- Andrey Kamenshchikov (Institute for High Energy Physics (RU))
- Gordon Kane (University of Michigan)
- Supriya Kar (University of Delhi (Department of Physics and Astrophysics))
- Alex Kastanas (University of Bergen (NO))
- Bryan Kaufman (Northeastern University)
- Malgorzata Kazana (NCBJ Warsaw (PL))
- James Michael Keaveney (Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) - Interuniversitary Institute for high energies (IIHE) (BE))
- John Kehayias (Vanderbilt University)
- YAMAMOTO Kengo (Department of physics, Osaka University)
- Doojin Kim (University of Florida)
Doyoun Kim
(Monash University)
- Co-author in Naturalness and supersymmetry
- Matthew Kleban (New York University)
Felix Kling
(University of Arizona)
- Co-author in Light Charged Higgs Bosons to AW/HW via Top Decay
- Rob Knoops (KU Leuven (BE))
Archil Kobakhidze
(The University of Sydney)
- Co-author in Generating Luminous and Dark Matter During Inflation
- Dai Kobayashi (Tokyo Institute of Technology (JP))
Yury Kolomensky
(UC Berkeley/LBNL)
- Author in Status of Lepton Flavor
- Wojciech Kotlarski (University of Warsaw (PL))
Sergey Kovalenko
(Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Maria (Chile))
- Co-author in Implications of torsion gravity
- Kamila Kowalska (NCBJ)
- Jonathan Kozaczuk (TRIUMF)
Michael Kraemer
(Particle Physics)
- Co-author in Simplified Models for Higgs Physics Studies
Michael Kramer
(Rheinisch-Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))
- Author in Killing the CMSSM softly
- Sabine Kraml (LPSC Grenoble)
- Sabine Kraml (LPSC Grenoble)
Suchita Kulkarni
(Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
- Co-author in Constraints on sneutrino dark matter from LHC Run 1
- Co-author in Indirect and direct detection of sneutrino dark matter
- Yoshitaka Kuno (Osaka University)
- Anders Kvellestad (University of Oslo)
- Bumseok Kyae (Pusan National University)
- Ursula Laa (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
- Ursula Laa (LPSC Grenoble)
Tommaso Lari
(University and INFN, Milano)
- Author in ATLAS results on SUSY searches
- Rebecca Leane (University of Melbourne)
- Gabriel Lee (Technion)
- Samuel Lee (Princeton University)
- Jae Sik Lee (Chonnam National University)
- Lawrence Lee Jr (U of Adelaide)
Andre Lessa
- Co-author in Dark Matter in Supersymmetry
- Matt Lewandowski (stanford university)
Ying Ying Li
- Author in Heavy Higgs Bosons at 14 and 100 TeV
- Bing Li (University of Chicago)
Seng Pei Liew
(University of Tokyo)
- Author in LHC "excesses": Have we found SUSY?
- Mariangela Lisanti (Princeton University)
- Mariangela Lisanti (Stanford University)
- Muyang Liu (Sichuan University)
Tao Liu
(The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HK))
- Author in Heavy Higgs Bosons at 14 and 100 TeV
- Feihu LIU (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China)
- Zhen Liu
- Heather Logan (Carleton University)
- Kristina Anne Looper (Ohio State University (US))
Ian Low
(Argonne National Lab/Northwestern Univ)
- Author in Cutting into Higgs pairs
- Ran Lu
- Markus Luty (University of California Davis)
Joseph David Lykken
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
- Author in Summary and outlook
Valery Lyubovitskij
(Universitat Tubingen)
- Co-author in Implications of torsion gravity
Petar Maksimovic
(Johns Hopkins University (US))
- Author in Status of Exotic Searches at LHC
- Fabio Maltoni (Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL) (BE))
- Xabier Marcano (IFT-UAM/CSIC)
Travis Martin
- Co-author in Light Pseudoscalars and Coy Dark Sectors at the LHC
Stephen Martin
(Northern Illinois University)
- Author in Status of Weak Scale Supersymmetry
- Paolo Mastrandrea (Stony Brook and LAPP)
- Anna Mastroberardino (Universita della Calabria (IT))
- Konstantin Matchev (University of Florida (US))
- Olivier Mattelaer (UIUC)
Kentarou Mawatari
(Vrije Univ. Brussel)
- Co-author in Probing top-philic sgluons with LHC Run I data
Matthew Mccullough
- Co-author in A Photon Line From Decaying Goldstini Dark Matter
- Samuel McDermott
Moritz McGarrie
(University of Warsaw)
- Author in A stable vacuum with vector dark matter
Patrick Meade
(Stony Brook University)
- Co-author in Tight Scrutiny of Electroweak Phase Transitions.
- Yukihiro Mimura (National Taiwan University)
- Yuto Minami (University of Tokyo (JP))
- Satoshi MISHIMA (INFN Rome)
- Subhendra Mohanty (PRL Ahmedabad)
- Juan Carlos Montero (ift-unesp)
Angelo Monteux
(Rutgers University)
- Author in Thermal goldstino production at low reheating temperatures
- Co-author in Axino LSP Baryogenesis and Dark Matter
Maria Elena Monzani
- Author in The LZ Dark Matter detector
- Antonio Morais (Lund University and Aveiro University)
- Maria Moreno Llacer (Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen (DE))
- Stefano Moretti (STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB))
- Dimitri Nanopoulos (University of Texas (US))
Harry Nelson
- Author in Direct Detection of Dark Matter
- Brent Nelson (Northeastern University)
- Matthias Neubert (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
Kin-Wang Ng
(Academia Sinica)
- Author in Split Supersymmetry and Flat Directions
- Wee Hao Ng (Cornell University)
Ramon Niet
(Technische Universitaet Dortmund (DE))
- Author in CP violation measurements at LHCb
- Roberto Noriega Papaqui (Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Hidalgo)
- Satsuki Oda (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University)
Nobuchika Okada
(University of Alabama)
- Author in Classically conformal U(1)′ extended Standard Model and Higgs vacuum stability
- Co-author in Improved bounds on heavy neutrino productions at the 8 TeV LHC
- Co-author in Mu-term Hybrid Inflation with Low Energy Consequences
- Co-author in Radiative Breaking of the Minimal Supersymmetric Left-Right Model
Hideki Okawa
(University of Tsukuba (JP))
- Author in Higgs flavor studies and rare decays
- Takemichi Okui (Florida State University)
Ben O'Leary
- Author in Killing the CMSSM softly
- Keith Alison Olive (University of Minnesota (US))
- Antonio Padilla (University of Nottingham)
Cristobal Padilla Aranda
(IFAE-Barcelona (ES))
- Author in Heavy Flavour Physics with ATLAS
- Author in Higgs, flavour at the high pT frontier, top & FCNC
- Gabriel David Palacino Caviedes (York University (CA))
- Carlos Palechor (UFABC)
Priscilla Pani
(Stockholm University (SE))
- Author in Searches for Dark Matter at the LHC
- Nathan Papapietro (npapapietro@crimson.ua.edu)
- Duccio Pappadopulo (University of California, Berkeley)
- Jae-hyeon Park (University of Valencia)
- Myeonghun Park (Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP) (KR))
Seongchan Park
- Author in Higgs inflation after Planck
- Roman Pasechnik (Lund University)
Ketan Patel
(INFN, Padova)
- Co-author in Indirect Searches of Degenerate MSSM
- Ayan Paul (INFN, Sezione di Roma)
- Ayan Paul (INFN, Sezione di Roma)
Marco Peloso
(University of Minnesota)
- Co-author in Affleck-Dine Sneutrino Inflation
- Adrian Perieanu (Hamburg University (DE))
- Maurizio Pierini (California Institute of Technology (US))
- Tilman Plehn (Heidelberg University)
- Vicente Pleitez (IFT-Unesp)
- Joseph Polchinski (UC Santa Barbara)
- Werner Rudolf Porod (Julius Maximilians Universitaet Wuerzburg (DE))
- Franklin Potter (Sciencegems.com)
- Stefano Profumo
- Alexander Pukhov (SINP, MSU)
- Adarsh Pyarelal (University of Arizona)
- Fernando Quevedo (The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics)
- Andres Quinto (Universidade Federal do ABC)
- Petar Kevin Rados (University of Melbourne (AU))
Santosh Rai
- Co-author in Higgs constraints on left-right supersymmetry
Are Raklev
(University of Oslo (NO))
- Co-author in LHC signals from R-parity violating chargino decays
- Harikrishnan Ramani (Yang Institute Of Theoretical Physics)
lisa randall
- Author in Double Disk Dark Matter
- Soumya Rao (University of Adelaide)
Michael Ratz
(Technische Universität München)
- Author in RPV from Discrete R Symmetries
- Michael Rauch (Univ. Karlsruhe, KIT)
- Laura Reina (Florida State University (US))
- Jing Ren (University of Toronto)
- Thomas Rizzo (SLAC)
- marcos cardoso rodriguez (universidade federal rural do rio de janeiro)
Ezequiel Rodriguez Jauregui
(Universidad de Sonora)
- Co-author in Trilinear Higgs self-couplings in $S(3)$SM
- Christopher Rogan (Harvard University (US))
- Samuel Roland (University of Michigan)
- Alfonso Rosado (Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla)
- Leszek Roszkowski (University of Sheffield (GB))
- Leszek Roszkowski (University of Sheffield)
- Tom Rudelius (Harvard University)
Joshua Ruderman
(Princeton University)
- Co-author in Partially Natural Two Higgs Doublet Models
Pedro Ruiz-Femenia
(TU Munich)
- Author in The relic density of heavy neutralinos
- Benjamin Safdi (massachusetts institute of technology)
Ipsita Saha
- Co-author in Higgs constraints on left-right supersymmetry
Kazuki Sakurai
(King's College)
- Author in LHC "excesses": Have we found SUSY?
- Ennio Salvioni (University of California Davis (US))
- Bruce L. Sanchez (hep- Argonne)
Christian Sander
(Hamburg University (DE))
- Author in CMS results on SUSY searches
- McCullen Sandora (CP3-Origins)
Bjorn Sarrazin
(Universitaet Bonn (DE))
- Author in Killing the CMSSM softly
- Toru Sato (Osaka University)
- Joe Sato (Saitama University)
- Yutaro Sato (Nagoya University)
- David Schaich (Syracuse University)
Ivan Schmidt
- Author in Implications of torsion gravity
Sezen Sekmen
(Kyungpook National University (KR))
- Author in New Directions in SUSY Searches at LHC
- Leonardo Senatore (Stanford University)
- Dipan Sengupta (LPSC Grenoble)
- Carlos Senise (UNIFESP)
Hasan Serce
(Univ. of Oklahoma)
- Co-author in Dark Matter in Supersymmetry
- Enrico Maria Sessolo (NCBJ, Warsaw)
- Yael Shadmi (Technion)
- Qaisar Shafi (University of Delaware)
- Bibhushan Shakya (MCTP)
- Hua-Sheng Shao (Peking University,Beijing,China)
Julia Shelton
- Author in Higgs in the B(MS)SM: susy and non-susy
- William Shepherd (UC Santa Cruz)
Chang Sub Shin
(Rutgers University)
- Author in Axino LSP Baryogenesis and Dark Matter
- Author in Thermal goldstino production at low reheating temperatures
- Co-author in Dark Matter in Supersymmetry
John Shiu
- Author in Heavy Higgs Bosons at 14 and 100 TeV
Jing Shu
(Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science)
- Author in EW phase transition and Baryogenesis
- Philipp Sicking (TU Dortmund)
- joseph silk (IAP)
Luca Silvestrini
(INFN Rome)
- Author in $B \rightarrow K^{*} \mu\,\mu\,$: Charming Penguins strike back again?
- Author in Global Bayesian Analysis of the Higgs-boson Couplings
- Author in Update of the electroweak precision fit, interplay with Higgs-boson signal strengths and model-independent constraints on new physics
- Co-author in A Critical Examination of SU(3) in D to P P Decays
- Co-author in SusyFit: A Bayesian Analysis Tool for Electroweak, Flavour and Higgs Observable
- David Simmons-Duffin (IAS)
- Tracy Slatyer
- Pietro Slavich (LPTHE Paris)
- Benjamin Smith (TRIUMF)
- Oscar Stal (DESY)
- Emmanuel Stamou (Weizmann Institute of Science)
- Tim Stefaniak (SCIPP, UCSC)
- David Stefanyszyn (University of Nottingham)
- Harold Steinacker (University of Vienna)
- Dominik Stockinger (TU Dresden)
Shufang Su
(University of Arizona)
- Co-author in Light Charged Higgs Bosons to AW/HW via Top Decay
Akio Sugamoto
(Ochanomizu University)
- Co-author in Ratchet Baryogenesis during reheating
- Keigo SUMITA
- Zheng Sun (Sichuan University)
- Matthew Szydagis (University at Albany)
Tim M.P. Tait
(University of California, Irvine)
- Co-author in Vector Dark Matter via Higgs Portal
- Daisuke Takahashi (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University)
Tatsu Takeuchi
(Virginia Tech)
- Co-author in Ratchet Baryogenesis during reheating
Volodymyr Takhistov
(University of California, Irvine)
- Author in RPV from Discrete R Symmetries
- Tomohiko Tanabe (The University of Tokyo)
Flip Tanedo
(UC Irvine)
- Author in Dark Photons from the Sun
- Shlomit Tarem (Israel Institute of Technology (IL))
Xerxes Tata
(University of Hawaii)
- Co-author in Indirect Searches of Degenerate MSSM
- Jamie Tattersall (University of Heidelberg)
Ofri Telem
- Author in The Holographic Twin Higgs
John Terning
(UC Davis)
- Author in Little Conformal Symmetry
- Andrea Tesi
Jesse Thaler
- Co-author in A Photon Line From Decaying Goldstini Dark Matter
Scott Thomas
(Rutgers University)
- Co-author in The low energy theories of the Higgs sector
- Zachary Thomas
- Paolo Torrielli (Universita e INFN Torino (IT))
- Emma Torro Pastor (University of Washington (US))
Yuhsin Tsai
(UC Davis)
- Author in Dark Matter Annihilation Decay at the LHC
- Author in Phenomenology of Induced Electroweak Symmetry Breaking
- Co-author in Exotic quarks in Twin Higgs models
- Po-Yan Tseng (Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University)
Chris Tunnell
- Author in The XENON Dark Matter Search Program
- Brock Tweedie (Boston University)
- Yuichi Uesaka (Osaka university)
Mathias Uhlenbrock
(Universitaet Bonn (DE))
- Author in Killing the CMSSM softly
- Piero Ullio (SISSA)
- Mauro Valli
- Stefania Vecchi (INFN Ferrara)
Sudhir Kumar Vempati
(Centre for High Energy Physics, Indian Institute of Science)
- Co-author in Indirect Searches of Degenerate MSSM
Christopher Verhaaren
(University of Maryland, College Park)
- Author in Colorless Top Partners at the LHC
- Alexander Voigt (DESY)
- Carlos E.M. Wagner (University of Chicago)
- Devin Walker
- Harri Waltari
- LianTao Wang (University of Chicago)
- Liantao Wang (University of Chicago (US))
- Chaowaroj Wanotayaroj (University of Oregon (US))
- Tokihiro Watanabe (Waseda University)
- Georg Ralf Weiglein (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
- Cedric Weiland (IFT UAM/CSIC)
- Tom Weiler (Vanderbilt University)
- James Daniel Wells (University of Michigan (US))
- Christoph Weniger (University of Amsterdam)
Stephen West
(Royal Holloway, University of London)
- Author in Non-Standard Dark Matter
Peter Wienemann
(University of Bonn)
- Author in Killing the CMSSM softly
- Anthony Williams (University of Adelaide)
Mobolaji Olukayode Williams
(Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (MIT))
- Co-author in A Photon Line From Decaying Goldstini Dark Matter
- Andrew Williams (NCBJ)
- Zhongzhi Xianyu (Tsinghua University)
- Masato Yamanaka (Nagoya University)
Kimiko Yamashita
(Ochanomizu University)
- Author in Ratchet Baryogenesis during reheating
Naoki Yamatsu
(Osaka University)
- Author in Gauge-Higgs Grand Unification
- Tsutomu Yanagida (IPMU)
- Weiming Yao (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
- George Zahariade (UC Davis)
- Jochen Zahn (University of Leipzig)
- Dirk Zerwas (Laboratoire de l'Accelerateur Lineaire (FR))
- Lisa Zeune
Cen Zhang
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Author in kappa, EFT ... status and prospects
- Yue Zhao (Stanford)
- Bob Zheng (University of Michigan)
- Yiming Zhong (Stony Brook University)
- Kathryn Zurek (University of Michigan)