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Axino LSP Baryogenesis and Dark Matter

27 Aug 2015, 14:40


Particle Cosmology Theory and Experiment Particle Cosmology


Chang Sub Shin (Rutgers University)


We discuss a new mechanism for baryogenesis, in which the baryon asymmetry is generated by the lightest particle in another sector, for example the supersymmetric particle (LSP), decaying to quarks via baryonic-number-violating interactions. As a specific example, we use a supersymmetric axion model with an axino LSP and baryonic R-parity violation. This scenario predicts large R-parity violation for the stop, and an upper limit on the squark masses between {15 and 130 TeV}, for different choices of the Peccei-Quinn scale and the soft Xt terms. We discuss the implications for the nature of dark matter in light of the axino baryogenesis mechanism, and find that both the axion and a metastable gravitino can provide the correct dark matter density. In the axion dark matter scenario, the initial misalignment angle is restricted to be (1). On the other hand, the reheating temperature is linked to the PQ scale and should be higher than 104−105 GeV in the gravitino dark matter scenario.

Primary author

Chang Sub Shin (Rutgers University)


Angelo Monteux (Rutgers University)

Presentation materials