James Gainer
(University of Florida (US))
We provide a readily generalizable procedure for determining the number of sparticle mass hierarchies in a given SUSY model. As an application, we analyze the gravity-mediated SUSY breaking scenario with various combinations of GUT-scale boundary conditions involving different levels of universality among the gaugino and scalar masses. For each of the eight considered models, we provide the complete list of forbidden hierarchies in a compact form. Our main result is that the complete (typically rather large) set of forbidden hierarchies among the eight sparticles considered in this analysis can be fully specified by just a few forbidden relations involving much smaller subsets of sparticles.
Primary authors
James Gainer
(University of Florida (US))
Konstantin Matchev
(University of Florida (US))
Myeonghun Park
(Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP) (KR))