17–19 Jun 2015
Graduate Institute & Campus Biotech (University of Geneva)
Europe/Zurich timezone

Digital curation and preservation of large and complex scientific objects: Data Life-Cycle Management - The Swiss Way

19 Jun 2015, 11:00
Campus Biotech (University of Geneva)

Campus Biotech (University of Geneva)


Mr Pierre-Yves Burgi (UNIGE)


We target in the context of a national program (CUS-P2) the setting up of the the required services that will allow the efficient management of active research data, and ensure the publication, long-term reference and preservation of subsets of data selected by researchers. Through this project we intend to implement concrete high-impact use cases of exemplary research data life-cycle management solutions, along with guidelines and training, so that researchers and their supporting scientific IT and library teams can apply the results themselves in their daily data management activities.

Presentation materials