Fabrizio Furano
The Dynamic Federation project aims to give tools and methods to
on-the-fly federate different storage repositories whose
content satisfies some basic requirements of homogeneity.
The Dynafeds have been designed to work in WANs, have given so far excellent results also
in LAN, and are well adapted to working with the HTTP/WebDAV protocols
and derivatives, thus including a broad range of Cloud storage technologies.
In this talk we will introduce the system and its recent larger
deployments, and discuss the improvements and configurations
that can make it work seamlessly with Cloud storage providers.
Among the deployment possibilities we cite:
- seamlessly using different cloud storage providers at once,
thus creating a federation of personal cloud storage
- boosting client data access performance by optimizing redirections to
data that is globally replicated
- easy, catalogue-free insertion/deletion of transient endpoints
- seamlessly mixing cloud storage with WebDAV-enabled Grid storage
- giving a WAN-distributed WebDAV access backend to services like
OwnCloud/CERNBox, to enable collaboration across administrative
Fabrizio Furano
Adrien Devresse
Oliver Keeble