Nov 17 – 18, 2014
Europe/Zurich timezone
There is a live webcast for this event.

Workshop on Cloud Services for File Synchronisation and Sharing

CERN Nov 17-18 2014

The objective of this workshop is to share experiences and progress for technologies and services in cloud storage file synchronization and file sharing.

Cloud storage services for scientific and technical activities allow groups of researchers to share, transfer and synchronize files between their personal computers, mobile devices and large scientific data repositories. Adding synchronization capabilities to existing large-scale data repositories (typically above the 1-PB mark) creates an opportunity for new scenarios for data analysis. The challenges include seamless data sharing across working groups and providing an extremely easy to use interface available on all client platforms.

The workshop coincides with the launch of such a service at CERN with the intent to serve CERN research communities integrating the existing disk storage (currently about 50 PB of physics data) for a 10,000 physicists community. The user community CERN is serving for the LHC is highly mobile and completely distributed (more than 100 countries).

In the workshop we will review the state of the art technologies and evaluate the experience in running such services for technical and scientific communities. We invite you to present your plans of concrete service implementations.

We invite you to submit abstracts (abstract submission 26-AUG-2014 -- 30-SEP-2014) using the link from the workshop page).

You can download the workshop poster from here.

Topics of interest:

  • Protocols for file sharing and synchronization
  • Reliability and consistency of file synchronization services
  • Efficiency and scalability of file synchronization services
  • File-sharing semantics
  • Data analysis workflows
  • Backend storage technologies
  • Federated access to cloud storage
  • Integration of large data repositories
  • Mobile access to data

Miguel Branco (EPFL), Massimo Lamanna (CERN), Jakub Moscicki (CERN)



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