David Jericho
17/11/2014, 14:15
Users and use-cases
As more users adopt AARNetโs CloudStor Plus offering within Australia, interim solutions deployed to overcome failures of various distributed replicated storage technologies havenโt kept pace with the growth in data volume. AARNetโs original design goal of user proximal data storage, combined with national and even international data replication for redundancy reasons continues to be a key...
Patrick Haworth Owen
(Imperial College Sci., Tech. & Med. (GB))
17/11/2014, 14:40
Users and use-cases
Ganga is a python API for submitting jobs to distributed computing systems.
When a user submits processing jobs to a Grid or a Cloud resource, these
jobs will often depend on input as well as producing output. To make the
job gain access to the input and how to get easy access to the output
afterwards is often a challenge. Within the Ganga framework,
we have implemented an abstraction...
Marian Bubak
(AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland)
17/11/2014, 15:05
Users and use-cases
The VPH-Share project [1] develops a cloud platform for the Virtual Physiological Human (VPH) research community. One of the key challenges is to share and access large datasets used by medical applications to transform them into meaningful diagnostic information. VHP researchers need advanced storage capabilities to enable collaboration without introducing additional complexity to the way...
Giacinto Donvito
Marica Antonacci
Spinoso Vincenzo
17/11/2014, 15:30
Technology and research
We have set-up an OpenStack-based cloud infrastructure in the framework of a publicly funded project, PRISMA, aimed at the implementation of a fully integrated PaaS+IaaS platform to provide services in the field of smart-government (e-health, e-government, etc.). The IaaS testbed currently consists of 18 compute nodes providing in total almost 600 cores, 3550 GB of RAM, 400 TB of storage...
Daniel Harฤลผlak
17/11/2014, 15:55
Technology and research
Managing and sharing data stored in files results in a challenge due to data amounts produced by various scientific experiments [1]. While solutions such as Globus Onlineย [2] focus on file transfer and synchronization, in this work we propose an additional layer of metadata over file resources which helps to categorize and structure the data, as well as to make it efficient in integration with...
Klaas Freitag
(ownCloud GmbH)
17/11/2014, 17:00
Technology and research
The ownCloud desktop clients provide file syncing between desktop machines and the ownCloud server, available for the important desktop platforms.
This presentation will give an overview of the sync algorithm used by the clients to provide a fast, reliable and robust syncing experience for the users.
It will describe the phases a sync run will go through and how it is triggered. It also...
Maciej Brzezniak
17/11/2014, 17:25
Technology and research
In our presentation we will analyse approaches to combine the sync & share functionality with file system-like access to data. While relatively small data volumes (GBs) can be distributed by sync&share application across user devices such as PCs, laptops and mobiles, interacting with really large data volumes (TBs, PBs) may require additional remote data access mechanism such as...
Fabrizio Furano
17/11/2014, 17:50
Technology and research
The Dynamic Federation project aims to give tools and methods to
on-the-fly federate different storage repositories whose
content satisfies some basic requirements of homogeneity.
The Dynafeds have been designed to work in WANs, have given so far excellent results also
in LAN, and are well adapted to working with the HTTP/WebDAV protocols
and derivatives, thus including a broad range of...
Paul Millar
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
17/11/2014, 18:15
Technology and research
For over a decade, the dCache team has provided software for handling big data for a diverse community of scientists. The team has also amassed a wealth of operational experience from using this software in production.
With this experience, the team have refined dCache with the goal of providing a "scientific cloud": a storage solution that satisfies all requirements of a user community by...
Andrea Manzi
17/11/2014, 18:40
Technology and research
WebFTS is a web-delivered file transfer and management solution which allows users to invoke reliable, managed data transfers on distributed infrastructures. The fully open source solution offers a simple graphical interface through which the power of the FTS3 service can be accessed without the installation of any special grid tools. Created following simplicity and efficiency criteria,...
George Jaroslav Kremenek
17/11/2014, 19:05
Technology and research
We are currently witnessing data explosion and exponential data growth. I will talk about real world experience with very large data sets storage and services. We are storing Peta and in the near future Exa bytes and hundreds or thousands millions of data sets. The one problem is very large number of data objects. File systems were not created to effectively manage thousands of million data...