28 June 2015 to 2 July 2015
JW Marriott Starr Pass Resort
Etc/GMT-7 timezone

Helium–Hydrogen PVT-x Measurements and Equation of State

1 Jul 2015, 11:00
Tucson Ballroom GH

Tucson Ballroom GH

Contributed Oral Presentation CEC-12 - Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, and Cryogen Properties C3OrC - Mixed Gases


Ian Richardson (Washington State University)


Although cryogenic helium-hydrogen mixture properties remain essential to modeling long-duration propellant storage, the property measurements and models have not been extensively studied in nearly 50 years. The majority of the available measurements are vapor-liquid-equilibrium (VLE) with little or no pressure-volume-temperature-composition (PVT-x) measurements which are important for predictive equation of state development. This paper presents the results of initial liquid hydrogen density measurements obtained in a Rubotherm IsoSORP in the single-sinker configuration and provides a comparison to the equation of state. Additionally, PVT-x measurements of helium-hydrogen mixtures are presented from 15 K to 32 K for pressure up to 100 psia. These measurements are combined with existing VLE data to regress an excess Helmholtz function for binary helium–hydrogen mixtures.


Ian Richardson (Washington State University)


Prof. Jacob Leachman (Washington State University) Mr Thomas Blackham (Washington State University)

Presentation materials