C4OrB - Pulse Tube Configurations
- Jeff Olson (Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company)
- Ray Radebaugh (NIST)
Longyi Wang
(Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics, Zhejiang University)
7/2/15, 9:00 AM
CEC-03 - Cryocoolers (Non-Aerospace)
Contributed Oral Presentation
A pulse tube cryocooler can not reach the Carnot efficiency basically because the expansion work must be dissipated at the warm end of the pulse tube, thus the ideal efficiency of a PTC is only Tc/Th, which is less than the Carnot efficiency Tc/(Th-Tc). How to recover this amount of dissipated work is a key to improve the PTC efficiency. A cascade PTC is consisted of PTCs those are staged by...
Shaowei ZHU
(School of Mechanical Engineering, Tongji University)
7/2/15, 9:15 AM
CEC-03 - Cryocoolers (Non-Aerospace)
Contributed Oral Presentation
Solid piston as phase shifter for the second stage of a two-stage pulse tube refrigerator is effective for getting higher performance. If a step displacer is used as the phase shifter, both stages can used higher performance phase shifter. In this paper, a gas separation type two-stage pulse tube refrigerator with the step displacer is discussed with numerical simulation. It is shown that the...
Experimental verification of cylindrical adjustable inertance tube for pulse tube refrigerators
John Pfotenhauer
(Adviser, second author)
7/2/15, 9:30 AM
CEC-03 - Cryocoolers (Non-Aerospace)
Contributed Oral Presentation
The performance of the Stirling type pulse tube cryocooler increases significantly with optimal use of an inertance tube. The phase angle produced by the inertance tube is very sensitive to its diameter(s) and length(s). Recent developments are reported here regarding an adjustable inertance tube whose length and diameter can be adjusted in real time during the operation of the cryocooler. The...