C3PoE - Turbomachines and Helium Components
- Mark Zagarola (Creare LLC)
Cecile Gondrand
(Air Liquide Advanced Technologies)
01/07/2015, 09:00
CEC-01 - Large-Scale Refrigeration and Liquefaction
Poster Presentation
Strong of 60 years of innovation and design in the field of cryogenic turbomachines, Air Liquide Advanced Technologies is constantly developing new products. The first cryogenic helium pump of Air Liquide standard range of cryomachine was commissioned successfully in 2014. The compression map of the pump was measured and in very good accordance with the calculations. The same motor cartridge...
(Technology Research Center, Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Ltd.)
01/07/2015, 09:00
CEC-05 - Expanders, Pumps, Compressors, and Regenerators
Contributed Oral Presentation
The superconducting single photon detection (SSPD) system has been researched and developed the miniaturization of Gifford-McMahon (GM) cryocooler (SRDK-101D, Sumitomo Heavy Indstries, LTD) that occupies many of system volume for using it in the vehicle,. Total volume of the commercial cryocooler expander and the cryostat should be down about 2/3 and the compressor unit (CNA-11) should be...
(Cryogenic Engineering Centre, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India), Prof.
(Cryogenic Engineering Centre, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India)
01/07/2015, 09:00
CEC-05 - Expanders, Pumps, Compressors, and Regenerators
Poster Presentation
Helium liquefaction and refrigeration plants are an essential part of nuclear fusion reactors, particle accelerators etc. The thermodynamic efficiency of these plants depends upon the performance of the turboexpander which is the main cold generating component and therefore they should be designed for higher thermodynamic efficiencies. Balje’s ns – ds chart, which is a contour of isentropic...
Parthasarathi Ghosh
(Cryogenic engineering centre, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India)
01/07/2015, 09:00
CEC-05 - Expanders, Pumps, Compressors, and Regenerators
Poster Presentation
*For manned space mission and deep space probe, reusable launch vehicles are envisaged to be utilized with high fidelity. For low cost, high impulse, long endurance mission with high execution and high reliability, hence demand to be curtailed the inert weight and thereby increasing the delivered payload. Turbopump (TP) feed system for a liquid rocket engine has the highest power to weight...