C1OrE - Refrigeration and Liquefaction - sponsored by TechSource, Inc.
- Philipp Arnold (European Spallation Source ESS AB)
- Jay Theilacker (Fermilab)
Philipp Arnold
(European Spallation Source ESS AB)
6/29/15, 4:00 PM
CEC-01 - Large-Scale Refrigeration and Liquefaction
Invited Oral Presentation
The European Spallation Source (ESS) is a neutron-scattering facility funded and supported in collaboration with 17 European countries in Lund, Sweden. Cryogenic cooling at ESS is vital particularly for the linear accelerator, the hydrogen target moderators, a test stand for cryomodules and the neutron instrument sample environments. The paper will focus on specific process design criteria,...
xilong wang
(European Spallation Source ESS AB)
6/29/15, 4:30 PM
CEC-01 - Large-Scale Refrigeration and Liquefaction
Contributed Oral Presentation
The European Spallation Source (ESS) is a neutron-scattering facility being built with extensive international collaboration at Lund, Sweden. The ESS accelerator will deliver protons with 5 MW of power to the target at 2.0 GeV, with a nominal current of 62.5 mA. The superconducting part of the accelerator is about 300 meters long and contains 43 cryomodules. The ESS accelerator cryoplant...
Yannick FABRE
(AIR LIQUIDE Advanced Technologies)
6/29/15, 4:45 PM
CEC-01 - Large-Scale Refrigeration and Liquefaction
Contributed Oral Presentation
The ITER Tokamak requires an average 75kW of refrigeration power to maintain the nominal operation condition of the ITER superconducting magnets and cryopumps. This is produced by three identical liquid helium (LHe) Plants.
Air Liquide Advanced technologies, as the supplier of the entire ITER liquid Helium plant, should demonstrate through various running conditions, that the expected...