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12–16 Oct 2015
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Europe/Budapest timezone

Newton force with a delay: 5th digit of G

15 Oct 2015, 11:00
Kis terem (Small conference room) (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

Kis terem (Small conference room)

Hungarian Academy of Sciences

1051 Budapest, Széchenyi tér 9.


Prof. Lajos Diósi (Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest, Hungary)


I have recently proposed a slight non-relativistic modification of the Newton law of universal gravitation [1,2]. Accordingly, the 1/r Newton field is following the motion of the source with a certain
 laziness characterized by the delay time τ_G. The background motivation came from quantum foundational
 speculations [3,4] yielding an estimate τ_G ∼ 1ms. Surprisingly, in the simplest model of lazy Newton force, a 1ms delay predicts significant effect on the notorious 5th digit of the Newton constant G determined in a Cavendish experiment despite its poor time-resolution. 

In 2014, Yang, Miao and Chen advocated independently the concept of finite emergence 
time of gravity [5], along with a cautious analysis of cosmologic, celestial and laboratory 
evidences, suggesting stringent upper bounds on τ_G at low frequency cosmological
 phenomena and weaker upper bounds from laboratory experiments at higher frequencies, mentioning my 1ms in the middle. I'll briefly discuss their work. [1] L. Diósi, Phys. Lett. A377, 1782 (2013) [2] L. Diósi, EPJ Web of Conf. 78, 02001 (2014) [3] L. Diósi, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 504, 012020 (2014) [4] L. Diósi, Found. Phys. 44, 483 (2014) [5] H. Yang, H. Miao and Y. Chen: Towards a measurement of the space-time dissipation, E-print arXiv:1504.02545

Primary author

Prof. Lajos Diósi (Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest, Hungary)

Presentation materials