Sep 15 – 18, 2015
Hotel Schweizerhof, Saas-Fee
Europe/Zurich timezone

Moving CMS developers and analysis community to ROOT6

Sep 15, 2015, 2:45 PM
Hotel Schweizerhof, Saas-Fee

Hotel Schweizerhof, Saas-Fee

Haltenstrasse 10 Saas-Fee
Presentation Presentations Presentations


David Lange (Lawrence Livermore Nat. Laboratory (US))


The CMS experiment relies heavily on the ROOT toolkit for both its core software and analysis functionalities. In preparation for data taking in 2015, CMS has completed its transition to use ROOT v6 in close collaboration with the ROOT development team. In this presentation, we will discuss recent development work and experiences based on our use of ROOT6. These include 1) developments and constraints for using ROOT in the CMS multithreaded framework, 2) optimization of CMS data storage, and 3) analysis, e.g., object identification algorithms, recently developed based on ROOT capabilities.


David Lange (Lawrence Livermore Nat. Laboratory (US))

Presentation materials