Sep 15 – 18, 2015
Hotel Schweizerhof, Saas-Fee
Europe/Zurich timezone

Evolution of multiprocessing in ROOT

Sep 17, 2015, 4:00 PM
Hotel Schweizerhof, Saas-Fee

Hotel Schweizerhof, Saas-Fee

Haltenstrasse 10 Saas-Fee
Presentation Presentations Presentations


Gerardo Ganis (CERN)


Multiprocessing in ROOT has so far meant PROOF, the Parallel ROOT Facility. PROOF was designed to address specifically the case of speeding up processing of ROOT trees, and evolved in facilities such as VAF or PAF to exploit generic resources (clouds included), and PROOF-Lite to exploit the many cores available on a single node. For broader usage, a more generic approach to parallel execution is envisageable, for example exploiting C+11 features available in ROOT 6. Multi-processing still remains appealing because of the minor requirements it puts on the end-user programming skills. In this presentation we present the current ideas and recent developments for in-node multiprocessing and the plans for distributed setups, including possible integration with deployment toolkits, such as DDS ([][1]). [1]:


Presentation materials