Sep 15 – 18, 2015
Hotel Schweizerhof, Saas-Fee
Europe/Zurich timezone

Project Everware: running complicated analysis pipelines made easier

Sep 16, 2015, 12:10 PM
Hotel Schweizerhof, Saas-Fee

Hotel Schweizerhof, Saas-Fee

Haltenstrasse 10 Saas-Fee
Presentation Presentations Presentations


Tim Head (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH))


# Project Everware This presentation will introduce the Everware project. The primary goal of Everware is to develop a service which allows for single click execution of complicated data analyses in the user's browser. Users visit an Everware instance, and provide the URL of the repository they wish to execute. Everware then clones this repository, builds a custom environment according to the specifications in the repository, and launches it in a container. The user is given access to the container via their web browser. Use-cases for Everware include code demonstrations, tutorials, sharing of research code as well as analysis reproduction and preservation. Everware makes ROOT accessible to more people as they can quickly try it out in their browser. This is a brand new project, with participating in the ROOT Users workshop we want to spread the word about the project and connect with people working on related projects (RootJS, Root as a Service, etc) Everware makes extensive use of the features of jupyter notebooks which support many different languages as kernels, including cling. Everware is an open source project: More details on the ideas and thoughts behind Everware:


Tim Head (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH))


Andrey Ustyuzhanin (Yandex School of Data Analysis (RU)) Igor Babuschkin (Technische Universitaet Dortmund (DE))

Presentation materials