Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

21–27 Mar 2009
Europe/Prague timezone

Portal for VO-specific SAM tests and VO-customised site availability

26 Mar 2009, 15:40
Club C (Prague)

Club C


Prague Congress Centre 5. května 65, 140 00 Prague 4, Czech Republic
oral Distributed Processing and Analysis Distributed Processing and Analysis




WLCG relies on the SAM (Service Availability Monitoring) infrastructure to monitor the behaviour of sites and as a powerful debugging tool. SAM is also used by individual experiments and VOs (Virtual Organisations) to submit application-specific tests to the grid. This degree of specificity implies additional requirements in terms of visualisation and manipulation of the test results provided by SAM. Our portal, built on top of SAM, provides a clear and precise view of the test results and makes it possible for VO managers to define several groups of tests, all critical for a specific task. In addition, availability metrics are extracted out of the "raw" test results, giving the opportunity to the experiments to evaluate a site's performance with regard to a given application. We will describe the application itself and the additional functionalities it provides to all the VOs, as well as its use for the experiments' distributed computing operations and for the site administrators.

Primary authors

Alessandro DI GIROLAMO (CERN) Andrea SCIABA (CERN) Benjamin GAIDIOZ (CERN) Brian BOCKELMAN (University of Nebraska) Gerhild MAIER (CERN) Julia ANDREEVA (CERN) Pablo SAIZ (CERN) Ricardo BRITO DA ROCHA (CERN) Stefano BELFORTE (CERN) William OLLIVIER (ENS des Telecommunicat. de Bretagne-Unknown-Unknown)

Presentation materials