September 27, 2015 to October 3, 2015
Kobe, Fashion Mart, Japan
Japan timezone

QGP properties from azimuthal-angular dependence of charged-pion interferometry

Sep 29, 2015, 4:30 PM
Exhibition space 3 & 4

Exhibition space 3 & 4

Board: 0821
Poster Collective Dynamics Poster Session


Chiho Nonaka (Nagoya University)


Recently the results of HBT measurements of charged pions with respect to the second and third order event plane are presented by PHENIX [1]. They extract $\epsilon_2$ and $\epsilon_3$ from the HBT measurements which contain information about not only the source shape at freezeout but also the space-time evolution of QGP matter. They show the relation between initial $\epsilon_{2, 3}$ which are obtained from a Glauber model and final $\epsilon_{2,3}$ which are extracted from the HBT radii. They find that the final $\epsilon_2$ from the HBT radii is finite and smaller than the initial $\epsilon_2$. On the other hand, the final $\epsilon_3$ is significantly reduced and potential reversed by the end in spite of existence of finite initial $\epsilon_3$. The interesting different response of $\epsilon_2$ and $\epsilon_3$ during space-time evolution gives us a clue to understand the detailed QGP properties. For analyses of such high statistics experimental results, we develop a state of the art numerical scheme of causal viscous hydrodynamics for relativistic heavy ion collisions, which has a shock-wave capturing scheme and less numerical dissipation [2]. Furthermore, using the hydrodynamic algorithm, we construct a hybrid model of hydrodynamic model plus UrQMD to include the realistic freezeout processes. Using the model we investigate the time evolution of spatial anisotropies $\epsilon_n$. We find that the sign of $\epsilon_3$ changes from positive to negative during the space-time evolution, which suggests a solution of the vanishing final $\epsilon_3$ from the HBT radii by PHENIX. From detailed analyses, we discuss the initial conditions of hydrodynamic model and the detailed QGP properties such as transport coefficients. [1] A.Adare et al. [PHENIX collaboration], Phys. Rev. Lett. 222301 (2014). [2] Y. Akamatsu, S. Inutsuka, C. Nonaka, M. Takamoto, J. Comp. Phys. (2014), pp. 34-54; K.Okamoto, Y.Akamatsu, C.Nonaka, in preparation.
On behalf of collaboration: NONE


Chiho Nonaka (Nagoya University)


Kazuhisa Okamoto (Nagoya University) Yukinao Akamatsu (Nagoya University)

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