Katarzyna Grebieszkow
(Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QGP in Small Systems
The signatures of the onset of deconfinement were reported by the NA49 experiment in the energy scan of central Pb+Pb collisions. This motivated the strong interactions program of the NA61/SHINE experiment, where possible evidences of the energy threshold for deconfinement will be searched in proton+proton, proton+nucleus, and nucleus+nucleus interactions.
In this contribution intriguing...
nada ezzelarab
(Researcher and teaching assistant at MTI univ.)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QCD at High Temperature
The Polyakov linear-sigma model (PLSM) and Hadron Resonance Gas (HRG) model are considered to study the hadronic
and partonic equation(s) of state for the case of nonzero external magnetic fields. Thermodynamic quantities
including the pressure, interaction rate, entropy density, magnetization and the speed of sound are presented
as function of the temperature and the magnetic field and...
Timo Scheib
(Goethe University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
Over the years an extensive amount of data in the $1$-$2$ AGeV energy regime has been collected leading to enormous improvements of our understanding of particle production mechanisms and HIC dynamics.
At these beam energies the production of hadrons is observed below or slightly above their free elementary production threshold. Due to this fact a comparison to reference data from elementary...
Kenji Morita
(Kyoto University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
We show that $\Lambda\Lambda$ intensity correlation function $C(Q=k_1-k_2)$ measured in high energy heavy ion collisions can constrain the interaction between two $\Lambda$ [1].
For various $\Lambda\Lambda$ interaction potentials in literature, summarized in the figure with corresponding low energy scattering parameters, we compute the $\Lambda\Lambda$ relative wave function...
Miroslav Simko
(Nuclear Physics Institute of the CAS (CZ))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
Baryon/meson ratios (p/$\pi$, $\Lambda$/K$^0_\mathrm{s}$) are observed to be significantly enhanced in central
heavy-ion collisions compared with peripheral heavy-ion collisions and p+p collisions at
RHIC and LHC. Several model calculations
suggest that coalescence hadronization between charm quarks and light quarks will also
lead to an enhancement in the $\Lambda_\mathrm{c}$/D$^0$ ratio....
Kenji Morita
(Kyoto University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
We investigate the
two-particle momentum intensity correlation function for $\Omega N$ pairs $
C(Q,K) = \frac{\int dx_1 \int dx_2
S_\Omega(x_1,K)S_N(x_2,K)|\Psi(x_1,x_2;Q)|^2}{\int dx_1 S_\Omega(x_1,k_1) \int dx_2 S_N(x_2,k_2)}
$ where $Q$ is the relative momentum of the two emitted particles and $S_i(x,k)$ denote the source function of particle species $i$.
$C(Q,K)$ has been used as a...
Xiaochun He
(Georgia State University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
A major objective in nuclear physics is to quantify and characterize the hot and dense state of strongly interacting matter formed in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. The $\phi$ meson is an excellent probe for studying this deconfined state of nuclear matter due to its very short lifetime, and the absence of strong interactions between muons and the surrounding hot hadronic matter makes the...
Murad Sarsour
(Georgia State University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
The $\phi$ production in high-energy heavy-ion collisions provides key
information on the hot and dense state of the strongly interacting matter
produced in such collisions. They are sensitive to the medium-induced effects
such as strangeness enhancement, modification of the resonance line shapes
and their relative production rates in leptonic and hadronic decay modes
linked to the...
Cristina Bedda
(Universita e INFN Torino (IT))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
Heavy quarks (charm and beauty) can be used to study the properties of the strongly-interacting matter that is created in central Pb--Pb collisions at ultrarelativistic energies. They are produced in parton scattering processes with high-momentum transfer in the initial stages of the collisions. Therefore, the heavy quarks experience all the phases of the system evolution losing energy in the...
Leszek Kosarzewski
(Warsaw University of Technology)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Studies of quarkonium production in heavy-ion collisions can provide insight into thermodynamic properties of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP). Suppression of $\Upsilon$ states is expected at a sufficiently high temperature in the QGP and can be measured using the nuclear modification factor $\mbox{$R_{\textit{AA}}$}$. Measurements of $p_{T}$ spectra for separate $\Upsilon$ states in $\mbox{${\it...
Long Zhou
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
Heavy quarks, produced in hard scattering processes in the initial stages of the collisions, are considered as excellent probes for the strongly interacting deconfined medium formed in heavy-ion collisions. The $D_{s}($c$\bar{s}/\bar{c}$s)production is affected by the strangeness enhancement and the primordial charm quark production. Thus the modification of the $D_{s}$...
Kishora Nayak
(National Institute of Science Education and Research (IN))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
The ALICE experiment has unique particle-identification capabilities allowing one to identify pions, kaons and protons over a wide momentum range through the measurements of their specific energy loss in the Time Projection Chamber (TPC) and of their velocity in the Time-Of-Flight (TOF) detector.
Hadronic resonances can therefore be successfully reconstructed via invariant mass analysis of...
Jasper Van Der Maarel
(Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
Heavy quarks (charm and beauty) are effective probes to investigate the properties of the Quark-Gluon Plasma created in high-energy heavy-ion collisions at the LHC. They are primarily produced in hard scattering processes in the early stage of the collision, after which they experience the full evolution of the system. Previous measurements have shown that the production of prompt D mesons in...
Pierre Moreau
(Frankfurt Institute of Advanced Studies)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
We study the production of (anti-) strange and multi-strange hadrons in
heavy-ion collisions from FAIR/NICA to LHC energies within the
Parton-Hadron-String Dynamics (PHSD) microscopic transport approach,
which contains the partonic and hadronic dynamics. By showing the
channel decomposition for the strangeness production we demonstrate
how with increasing energy the production in the QGP...
Marcus Bluhm
(North Carolina State University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Baryon Rich QCD Matter
A major goal of ongoing experiments in heavy-ion physics is the exploration of the QCD phase diagram with the potential discovery of the QCD critical point. Here, fluctuation observables are considered to be promising quantities for achieving this goal. Present experimental results alone are however inconclusive and need to be accompanied by advanced theoretical calculations which capture the...
Shin Muroya
(Matsumoto University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
New Theoretical Developments
Based on the Nakajima-Zubarev type non-equilibrium density operator, we derive a 2-nd order hydrodynamic equation. Microscopic Kubo-formulas for all coefficients in the equation are systematically obtained. Coefficients βi and αi in the Israel-Stewart equation are given as current-weighted correlation lengths which are to be calculated in statistical mechanics. We also numerically evaluate...
Hongxi Xing
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Initial State Physics and Approach to Equilibrium
Recent results from the p+Pb run at the LHC on light hadron, heavy flavor, and jet production reveal highly non-trivial nuclear cross section modifications, when compared to p+p collisions. These discoveries complement similar earlier findings form d+Au reactions at RHIC. In this talk we present recent calculations and theoretical interpretation for two such examples - the nuclear enhancement...
Andrej Ficnar
(Columbia University in the City of New York)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
New Theoretical Developments
We numerically simulate classical falling string configuration with non-trivial transverse dynamics in thermal AdS_5. These
strings develop kink-like structures which, in the dual theory, can be interpreted as the propagation of hard gluons produced in association with a quark anti-quark pair. We observe the appearance of two physically distinct regimes of the in-plasma dynamics depending on...
Fuqiang Wang
(Purdue University (US))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Future Experimental Facilities, Upgrades, and Instrumentation
The hot quark-gluon plasma ($\sim 10^{12}$ K) and the cold atom systems ($\sim 10^{-6}$ K) exhibit amazingly similar phenomenon of azimuthal anisotropy [K.M.O’Hara et al., Science 298, 2179 (2002)]. This has been postulated as stemming out of a common underlying mechanism--both systems are strongly interacting and expand hydrodynamically--despite of the very different nature of their...
Zuzana Feckova
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
We present a new shock-capturing numerical scheme for ideal relativistic hydrodynamics based on an exact solution of Riemann problem for an arbitrary equation of state. Having performed standard numerical tests such as sound wave propagation and shock tube problem, we show that the scheme has low numerical viscosity and high precision and thus is particularly suitable for modeling of...
Nikola Poljak
(University of Zagreb (HR))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Future Experimental Facilities, Upgrades, and Instrumentation
Future upgrades of several large particle detectors intend to employ gaseous micropattern detectors. This class of detectors, which include Gas Electron Multipliers (GEMs), Micro-MEsh Gaseous Structure detectors (MicroMegas) and similar, usually require the measurement of small currents (pA) at high potentials (kV) with respect to ground. While only this in itself presents an obstacle, the...
Ben Meiring
(University of Cape Town)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
Typical energy loss calculations in AdS/CFT simulations use an initial condition of off-shell pairs of quarks placed back-to-back in the QGP, but a precise and theoretically motivated description of this does not exist.
Quark virtuality can have noticable effects on the rate of energy loss so a first principals calculation is needed for the early time behaviour of virtual particles soon...
Ming Liu
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Initial State Physics and Approach to Equilibrium
Strong suppressions of charmonia have been observed in heavy ion collisions at RHIC and LHC. The suppressions exhibit strong nucleus A and also kinematic dependences, especially with Feynman-x (or rapidity) and transverse momentum pT. Such suppression in heavy ion collisions is predicted to be an important signature for the formation of quark-gluon plasma (QGP) due to color screening, however,...
Francesco Becattini
(University of Florence (Italy))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
We present a quantitative study of vorticity formation in peripheral ultrarelativistic
heavy ion collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200$ GeV by using the ECHO-QGP numerical code,
implementing relativistic dissipative hydrodynamics in the causal Israel-Stewart
framework in 3+1 dimensions with an initial Bjorken flow profile. We consider and
discuss different definitions of vorticity which...
Ritsuya Hosokawa
(University of Tsukuba (JP))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Future Experimental Facilities, Upgrades, and Instrumentation
After a successful three-year data taking period, the Summary Trigger Unit,
a FPGA-based embedded device implementing the ALICE EMCal L1 trigger
algorithms, has demonstrated efficient real-time selection of events with high
transverse momentum jets and photons.
LHC LS1 has been the opportunity for ALICE to upgrade its calorimetry
system with DCal, a second arm situated back-to-back in...
Vera Loggins
(University of Illinois Urbana Champaign)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Future Experimental Facilities, Upgrades, and Instrumentation
The sPHENIX detector is a proposed new detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). The sPHENIX physics program focuses on jets and hard probes of the quark gluon plasma (QGP). The proposed design of the electromagnetic calorimeter (EMCAL), made of a tungsten powder and epoxy composite with embedded scintillating fibers, is designed to have a small Moliere radius and short radiation...
Gergely Barnafoldi
(Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HU))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Initial State Physics and Approach to Equilibrium
Hadron spectra measured in high-energy collisions present distributions which can
be derived from the non-extensive statistical and thermodynamical phenomena. Based on
earlier theoretical developments, it seems, the methods are very applicable for jets hadronization processes in electron-positron, proton-proton, and even in heavy-ion collisions.
Here, we present what can was learnt from...
Dmytro Oliinychenko
(FIAS, Goethe University, RuthMoufang Str. 1, 60438 Frankfurt upon Main, Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics of the National Academy of Germany, Sciences of Ukraine, 03680, Kiev, Ukraine)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
With the help of an advanced version of the hadron resonance gas
model we have found remarkable irregularities of relativistic heavy ion
collisions at chemical freeze-out. They include an abrupt change of the
effective number of degrees of freedom at laboratory energies 8.9-11.6
AGeV and plateaus in the collision energy dependence of the entropy per
baryon, pion number per...
Yusuke Fukuda
(University of Tsukuba (JP))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QGP in Small Systems
Elliptic flow and ridge-like correlation have been observed in heavy-ion collision and they are considered as important probes for understanding the hydrodynamic properties of Quark Gluon Plasma. The ridge and $v_{2}$ are also measured in $d+Au$ and $^{3}He+Au$ collisions at RHIC, and in $p+p$ and $p+Pb$ collisions at LHC, therefore these observation have raised a great interest whether a...
Kenji Araki
(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Recently, we proposed a new type of QCD sum rules i.e. the complex Borel sum rules (CBSR) [1]. It has been found that the CBSR is superior to the conventional QCD sum rules from the point of view of the maximum entropy method (MEM) analysis. Specifically, we have demonstrated that our novel method can be used to study the excited states of hadrons. The suppression of quarkonium states (e.g....
Bowen Xiao
(Central China Normal University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
Evolution of quark-gluon plasma (QGP) near equilibrium can be described by the second-order relativistic viscous hydrodynamic equations. Consistent and analytically verifiable numerical solutions are critical for phenomenological studies of the collective behavior of QGP in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. A novel analytical solution based on the conformal Gubser flow which is a...
Jorge Noronha
(University of Sao Paulo)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Initial State Physics and Approach to Equilibrium
In this talk we present a general method for computing exactly the nonlinear collision term of the relativistic Boltzmann equation for a homogeneous and isotropic system [1]. This is used to find the first full analytical solution of the nonlinear Boltzmann equation for an expanding system corresponding to the primordial matter in the early universe. This solution is used to investigate (in an...
Sergey Petrushanko
(M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (RU))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
The LHC data on elliptic and triangular flow fluctuations from PbPb collisions at center-of-mass energy 2.76 TeV per nucleon pair are analysed and interpreted within the HYDJET++ model. The final state in HYDJET++ represents the superposition of two independent components: the soft state (parametrization of relativistic hydrodynamics with preset freeze-out conditions) and hard state...
Ewa Maksymiuk
(Jan Kochanowski University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Initial State Physics and Approach to Equilibrium
Relativistic hydrodynamics has been a fundamental tool to understand the evolution of matter in heavy-ion experiments at RICH and LHC. Despite the success of second order viscous hydrodynamics in reproducing collective behavior and particle spectra, there are still theoretical shortcomings that may question the validity of the approach in heavy-ion experiments conditions. Large gradients and...
Igor Lokhtin
(Skobeltsin Institute of Nuclear Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University (RUSSIA))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
Studying the charmed hadron production is a particularly useful tool to
probe properties of hot and dense matter created in ultrarelativistic
heavy ion collisions. It allows one also to extract the information about mechanisms of
in-medium heavy quark thermalization. In this talk, the phenomenological
analysis of various characteristics of charmed hadrons (J/Psi and D mesons) in heavy ion...
Mingliang Zhou
(State University of New York (US))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
ATLAS measurements of the longitudinal multiplicity correlation are presented. These correlations are sensitive to the early time dynamics, one of the most poorly constrained stages in the evolution. These measurements suggest sources of fluctuation that seem to be directly related to the forward-backward asymmetry in the initial geometry, and they are important for understanding the...
Maowu Nie
(Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics (SINAP))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
Azimuthal anisotropies of reconstructed jets [$v_{jet}^{n} (n = 2,3)$] have been investigated in Pb + Pb collisions at the center of mass energy $√s_{NN} = 2.76 TeV$ within a framework of a multiphase transport (AMPT) model. The $v_{jet}^{2}$ is in good agreement with the recent ATLAS data. However, the $v_{jet}^{3}$ shows a smaller magnitude than $v_{jet}^{2}$ , and approaches zero at a...
Kisoo Lee
(Korea University (KR))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
Hadrons with heavy quarks are promising probes to investigate the detailed
properties of hot and dense medium generated by heavy-ion collisions at
collider energies. Since heavy quarks are sensitive to the transport
properties of the medium, the energy-loss pattern of them is expected to
be quite different from that of light quarks in a strongly-interacting
matter. On the other hand, in...
Akira Ohnishi
(Kyoto University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
Cumulants of conserved charges contain information of fluctuations
across the phase boundary, then can be the signal of criticality of the QCD phase
transition. The net-proton number cumulant ratios observed at RHIC show non-monotonic
behavior as a function of the incident energy.
In order to confirm the conjecture that the non-monotonic behavior could suggest the existence of the QCD...
Douglas Wertepny
(The Ohio State University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Initial State Physics and Approach to Equilibrium
We calculate the two particle correlation function for the net baryon number fluctuations using the saturation/Color Glass Condensate (CGC) framework in proton-nucleus and heavy-light ion collisions. We show that the main contribution to the net baryon number fluctuations at mid-rapidity comes from $q\bar{q}$ pair production in the transverse plane. There are three intrinsic length scales...
Mauricio Martinez Guerrero
(The Ohio State University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Baryon Rich QCD Matter
Baryon number density perturbations could provide a possibility to access baryon number susceptibilities and the heat conductivity of a quark gluon plasma. We use a background-fluctuation splitting and a Bessel-Fourier decomposition for the fluctuating part of the fluid dynamical fields with respect to the azimuthal angle, the radius in the transverse plane and rapidity. We examine how the...
Ning Yu
(Central China Normal University CCNU)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Baryon Rich QCD Matter
The production of light nuclei with small binding energy such as deuterons, can be used to study the freeze-out properties and local baryon density in high-energy nuclear collisions. The azimuthal anisotropic results of protons and deuterons have shown that the coalescence is the dominant process for the light nuclei production at later stage of the evolution.
In this talk we present a...
Tapan Nayak
(Department of Atomic Energy (IN))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
Experiments at RHIC and LHC are on the quest to unearth the nature of
the QCD phase transition and to get a glimpse of how matter behaves at
such extreme conditions. Phase transitions are governed by a set of
thermodynamic parameters, like, temperature ($T$), pressure, entropy,
and energy density ($E$), and can be further characterized by their
response functions, like, specific...
Georg Wolschin
(Heidelberg University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
The statistical hadronization (or thermal) model was initially developed by Hagedorn for hadron collisions above 10 GeV/c primary laboratory momentum [1]. In relativistic heavy-ion physics, many authors have developed it further and compared to a large amount of data in particular for hadron production rates, e.g. [2,3,4], where it yields excellent results.
To decide whether the system is...
Deepali Sharma
(Stony Brook University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
The dielectron mass spectrum is a unique probe
to directly access the different stages of a heavy-ion
collision. The intermediate ($1< m_{e^+e^-}<3$
GeV/$c^2$) and high ($4<m_{e^+e^-}<8$ GeV/$c^2$) mass regions
are dominated by semi-leptonic decays of open charm and beauty
respectively, and so provide information about the heavy flavor
dynamics. We will present the current status on the...
Michael Strickland
(Kent State University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
We compute the QGP suppression of $\Upsilon(1s)$, $\Upsilon(2s)$, and $\Upsilon(3s)$, $\chi_{b1}$ and $\chi_{b2}$ states in $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=2.76$ TeV Pb-Pb collisions. Using the suppression of each of these states, we estimate the inclusive $R_{AA}$ for the $\Upsilon(1s)$ and $\Upsilon(2s)$ states as a function of $N_{\rm part}$, $y$, and $p_T$ including the effect of excited state feed down....
Clint Young
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
In heavy ion collisions, quarkonium is produced in a rapidly thermalized deconfined medium. Quarkonium production can be understood in terms of Langevin dynamics of heavy quarks interacting through medium modified potential [1]. This framework was used sucessfully to understand charmonium production at RHIC [1,2] including recombinant production [2] when realistic values of the heavy quark...
Barbara Betz
(Frankfurt University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
Current freedom to adjust competing effects of the jet-medium coupling, the jet-path length, eccentricities, and fluctuations make it difficult to deceide between pQCD tomographic or AdS holographic paradigms. We test jet tomographic and holographic models in a broad range of state-of-the-art event-by-event fluctuating bulk sQGP background evolutions and compare predictions of leading-hadron...
Christian Holm Christensen
(University of Copenhagen (DK))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QCD at High Temperature
We present the charged particle pseudo-rapidity density in Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}$ = 2.76 TeV with an extended centrality dependence, and in p-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}$ = 5.02 TeV over a broader pseudo-rapidity range. In the forward regions where the signal
is dominated by secondary particles produced in surrounding material, we use a data-driven correction to...
Asobu Suzuki
(University of Tsukuba)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QCD at High Temperature
Confinement/deconfinement phase transition is one of the most interesting subject in finite density QCD. For example, high-order cumulant of net quark number that has been observed in experiments shows a specific behavior around the phase transition line. However, sign problem caused by complex action makes it difficult to numerical calculation of it. In this study we realize the calculation...
Kang Seog Lee
(Chonnam National University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
Production of K* in the relativistic heavy-ion collisions at LHC draws strong interest since the ratio involving K* mesons such as K*/pi or K*/K+ doesn’t fit to the statistical model calculations while most of other ratios fit nicely. The reason is possibly that the K* doesn’t chemically freeze-out at the same temperature $T_{ch}$ as other particles do. Rather K* maintains partial chemical...
Rupa Chatterjee
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Electromagnetic Probes
We calculate elliptic and triangular flow of thermal photons for different collision centralities at RHIC using event–by-event hydrodynamic model with fluctuating initial conditions. Photon $v_3$ as a function of $p_T$ calculated with respect to the participant plane angle is found to be comparable to the elliptic flow parameter $v_2(p_T)$ for 0—20% centrality bin at RHIC. However, $v_2(p_T)$...
Jonah Bernhard
(Duke University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
A primary goal of heavy-ion physics is the measurement of the fundamental properties of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP), notably its transport coefficients, such as the specific shear viscosity $\eta/s$. Since these properties are not directly measurable, one relies on a comparison of the data to computational models of the time-evolution of the collision to connect measured observables to the...
Rajeev Bhalerao
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
We present a complete set of multiparticle correlation observables for
ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions. These include moments of the
distribution of the anisotropic flow in a single harmonic, and also
mixed moments, which contain the information on correlations between
event planes of different harmonics. We explain how all these moments
can be measured using just two symmetric...
Kun Jiang
(University of Science and Technology of China & Purdue University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
Jets are modified in relativistic heavy-ion collisions due to jet-medium interactions. Measurements of jet medium modifications have so far been obscure because of the large underlying anisotropic flow background. In this analysis we devise a novel method to subtract the flow background using data themselves. We select events with a large recoil momentum ($P_x$) within a pseudorapidity...
Biao Tu
(Central China Normal University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Baryon Rich QCD Matter
STAR has reported the measurement of charge asymmetry correlations with respect to the event plane in search for the Chiral Magnetic Effect [1]. The charge separation parameter $\Delta$ after model-independent subtraction of elliptic flow ($v_2$) background, was measured to be 1.3$\pm$1.4(stat.)$_{-1.0}^{+4.0}$ (syst.)$\times10^{-5}$ for $20-40\%$ Au+Au collisions at 200GeV, consistent with...
Sakiko Kudo
(University of Tsukuba (JP))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QGP in Small Systems
The high p$_T$ hadron suppression caused by the energy loss of partons traversing the hot and dense matter is found to be one of the evidences of Quark-Gluon-Plasma (QGP) formation in high-energy heavy-ion collisions.
Measurements in p+A and d+A collision systems have been considered as a control-experiment to study cold nuclear matter effects without QGP formation.
However, recent...
Heidi Schuldes
(Goethe-University Frankfurt)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
In Au+Au-collisions at 1.23 AGeV incident energy, strangeness is produced
below the free nucleon-nucleon threshold. In baryon dominated matter K$^+$ and K$^-$ mesons exhibit different properties,
since only K$^-$ can be resonantly absorbed by nucleons.
Although strangeness exchange reactions have been proposed to be the
dominant channel for K$^-$ production in this energy regime, the...
Hao Liu
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QCD at High Temperature
The charged vector $\rho$ mesons in the presence of external magnetic fields at finite temperature $T$ and chemical potential $\mu$ have been investigated in the framework of the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model. We compute the masses of charged $\rho$ mesons numerically as a function of the magnetic field for different values of $T$ and $\mu$. The self-energy of the $\rho$ meson contains the...
Cesar Luiz da Silva
(Los Alamos National Lab)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
Forward and backward rapidity measurements in heavy ion asymmetric
collisions offer the opportunity to study the nuclear modification of
particle yields versus path length, time inside the medium, particle
densities and different mixtures of cold nuclear matter and quark-gluon plasma effects in the same collision. The PHENIX Experiment collected data from a large sample of Cu+Au collisions...
Hirotsugu Fujii
(University of Tokyo)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
We compute electron and muon productions from the charm semileptonic
decays in proton-lead collisions at the LHC within the Color Glass
Condensate framework. At the LHC energies, open heavy flavor and
quarkonium productions are expected to have an access to the
small-$x$ region of hadronic wavefunctions, where the nonlinear
character of the dense gluon system becomes manifest....
Madhukar Mishra
(Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani, Pilani Campus)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
The charmonium wavefunction is expected to expand with the temperature of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) formed in the heavy-ion collision experiments. We model the effect of this expansion on the formation time of the charmonium bound states and eventually, the effect of this temperature dependent formation time on the $J/\psi$ suppression in the QGP medium. The effect of charm quark and...
(Niigata Univ.)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QCD at High Temperature
We discuss the QCD critical point at finite density through the study of many-flavor QCD, in which two light flavors and Nf massive flavors exist.
Performing simulations of QCD with 2 flavors of improved Wilson fermions, we calculate probability distribution functions in many-flavor QCD at finite temperature and density, where the reweighting
technique is used to add the dynamical effect of...
Xu-Guang Huang
(Fudan University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
New Theoretical Developments
An applied magnetic field can induce electric current and axial current in chiral-imbalanced medium. These are the famous chiral magnetic and chiral separation effect. We show that there is one additional anomalous current in chiral-imbalanced medium, namely, an axial current induced by an applied electric field. This can be called chiral electric separation effect (CESE). We will discuss its...
Di-Lun Yang
(RIKEN/University of Crete)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
New Theoretical Developments
The electromagnetic-field-induced transport related to the axial chemical potential may play an important role in many chiral systems such as the quark gluon plasma (QGP) created in relativistic heavy ion collisions. It has been found that the presence of both a vector and an axial chemical potential could induce an axial current parallel to the applied electric field known as the chiral...
Shi Pu
(USTC, China)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
New Theoretical Developments
We derive a relativistic chiral kinetic equation with manifest Lorentz covariance from Wigner functions. It contains vorticity terms and a four-dimensional Euclidean Berry monopole which gives an axial anomaly. This provides a unified interpretation of the chiral magnetic and vortical effects, chiral anomaly, Berry curvature, and the Berry monopole in the framework of Wigner functions.
Masaru Hongo
(The University of Tokyo)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
New Theoretical Developments
Hydrodynamics is a low-energy effective theory which describes a long-distance and long-time behavior of many-body systems. It has been recently pointed out that quantum anomalies affect macroscopic transport properties and generate novel anomaly-induced transports. One example is the chiral magnetic effect, which represents the existence of a dissipationless vector current along the magnetic...
Johannes Weyrich
(Technical University Darmstadt)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Baryon Rich QCD Matter
We describe the liquid-gas transition of nuclear matter together with chiral symmetry restoration in the high baryon-density phase considering a chiral baryon-meson model for nucleons and their parity partners in mirror assignment interacting with pions, sigma and omega mesons.
The model is known to provide a phenomenologically successful description of nuclear matter properties within the...
Yin Jiang
(Indiana University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
New Theoretical Developments
In this talk we report our recent finding of a new gapless collective excitation in a rotating fluid system with chiral fermions, named as the Chiral Vortical Wave (CVW). The CVW has its microscopic origin at the quantum anomaly and macroscopically arises from interplay between vector and axial charge fluctuations induced by chiral vortical effects. An intuitive picture for the underlying...
(CEA Saclay-CNRS)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
New developments have changed the picture of quarkonium suppression in the last years. On one hand, perturbative and lattice computations indicate that the potential describing the interaction of two heavy quarks in a plasma has an imaginary part that effectively takes into account the collisions of the heavy quarks with the plasma constituents. There are also experimental indications that...
Rajeev Bhalerao
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Initial State Physics and Approach to Equilibrium
Complete evolution of the strongly interacting matter formed in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions is studied within a coupled Boltzmann and relativistic viscous hydrodynamics approach [1]. For the initial non-equilibrium evolution phase, we employ A MultiPhase Transport model that explicitly includes event-by-event fluctuations in the number and positions of the participating nucleons as...
Tigran Kalaydzhyan
(Stony Brook University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QGP in Small Systems
We present an evidence of strong radial flow in high-multiplicity pp collisions. We analyze the CMS data on the inclusive spectra of the charged pions, kaons and protons in the LHC $\sqrt{s} =$ 7 TeV collisions. For $\langle N_{tracks}\rangle \ge 75$ we demonstrate the consistency of the hydrodynamic description with the (idealized) Gubser flow. Using a one parameter fit of the model to...
Koji Kawaguchi
(Sophia Univ)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QGP in Small Systems
Whether hydrodynamic flow is generated in small systems such as p+Pb
collisions at LHC and d+Au collisions at RHIC is hotly debated open problem. We analyze these systems by employing a fully 3-dimensional integrated dynamical model [1] in which an initial model with various kinds of fluctuations, hydrodynamic QGP evolution and hadronic transports are incorporated. For this purpose, we...
Irais Bautista
(Autonomous University of Puebla (MX))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QGP in Small Systems
We analyze high multiplicity proton-proton ($p-p$) collision events data in the framework of the String Percolation Model (SPM) that has been successful in describing
several phenomena of multiparticle production, including the signatures of recent discovery of strongly interacting partonic matter. Our study shows predicted signature of change of phase, and the predictions for the coming 13...
Manoel R. Moldes
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
We study the role of mass in color coherence effects of radiating antennas inside a QCD medium. Comparison between the massless and massive cases is made through their quenching weights. Special focus is put on the heavy-$q\bar q$ pair, since it can behave as a massive gluon.
Christian Bierlich
(Lund University (SE))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QGP in Small Systems
We present results from the DIPSY Monte Carlo, a new BFKL based generator for $pp$ minimum bias, $pA$ and $AA$ collisions. We emphasise the inclusion of colour reconnection effects. Instead of superimposing a medium, the color reconnection model in DIPSY builds up collective effects dynamically, based on local fluctuations in individual events. These models have previously provided...
John William Harris
(Yale University (US))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Future Experimental Facilities, Upgrades, and Instrumentation
A new generation of Time Projection Chamber (TPC) has been proposed for an ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment at CERN) upgrade for continuous readout at high luminosity. Such a continuously sensitive high-rate imaging detector is also highly desirable as a central tracking detector for a future electron-ion collider and a linear electron collider. This device would rely on the intrinsic...
Huan Chen
(China University of Geosciences (Wuhan))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Quark Matter in Astrophysics
Based on a Dyson-Schwinger quark model with various choices of the quark-gluon vertex and gluon propapgator, we study the equation of states of cold dense quark matter and the interior structure of compact stars. For the hybrid quark stars, we combined with a hadronic equation of state derived within the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock many-body theory. We found possible results of 2-solar-mass hybrid...
Frederique Grassi
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
A large experimental effort is dedicated to measuring the QGP proper-
ties in heavy ion collisions. To describe these collisions, relativistic viscous hydrodynamics is used. However various points are still under investigation such as terms to be incorporated in the equations of motion, distribution functions at freeze out, temperature dependence of the viscosity coefficients. As a...
Alexander Rothkopf
(Heidelberg University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QCD at High Temperature
We measured recently the complex heavy quark potential at high temperature in lattice simulations [1].
After reviewing shortly the method used, I will discuss the results obtained, explain how to understand them in terms of in-medium screening and show that this potential can be used to obtain a gauge invariant definition of the Debye screening mass [2].
This finite temperature potential...
Jorge Noronha
(University of Sao Paulo)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
Relativistic hydrodynamics plays an important role in the quantitative description of the space-time evolution of the strongly coupled QGP created in Ultrarelativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions. Thus, it is necessary to have under control the physical assumptions made in the hydrodynamical modelling. In this work we present a new exact solution to the relativistic Boltzmann equation. This solution...
Bikash Sinha
(Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata, India)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Quark Matter in Astrophysics
Witten$^1$ and others$^2$ have argued that “small” supercooling leading to “little inflation” was the reality at the primordial era of cosmic phase transition from quarks to hadrons. This will necessarily shift the direction of the phase transition from a “cross over” to a first order phase transition.
Strange quark nuggets (SQM) with baryon number of $\sim$ $10^{44}$ as relics of this phase...
Deke Sun
(Purdue University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QGP in Small Systems
With the assumption that QGP is produced, as well as that its evolution can be modeled by hydrodynamics, we calculate jet radiative energy loss in p+Pb interactions at LHC, using a frame-independent formulation of the (Djordjevic-)Gyulassy-Levai-Vitev approach. In A+A reactions we have shown that covariance matters because compared to the "vanilla" (D)GLV energy loss model it gives about 50%...
Sadataka Furui
(Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Teikyo University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
New Theoretical Developments
The BABAR experiment shows that the flavor-tagged Δt distribution of $B^0\to J/\Psi K^0_L$ agrees with the theoretical prediction, but that of $\bar B^0\to J/\Psi \bar K^0$ shows discrepancy at large |Δt| region[1].
The difference could appear from the presence of tree diagrams of $\bar B^0\to \bar K^0_L J/\Psi$ but absence corresponding tree diagram of $B^0\to K^0_L J/\Psi$, in the Cartan's...
Ziyue Wang
(Tsinghua University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Baryon Rich QCD Matter
We investigate chiral and isospin symmetries of QCD matter at finite temperature and density in the frame of functional renormalization group. The critical exponents and universality class are explored by analyzing the fixed points of scale transformation and RG flow around them. The dimension of the system near the phase transition is found to be temperature-dependent, resulting in continuous...
Joseph Kapusta
(University of Minnesota)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Baryon Rich QCD Matter
We match hadronic equations of state at low energy densities to a perturbatively computed equation of state of quarks and gluons at high energy densities. The hadronic equations of state include all known hadrons; repulsive interactions are taken into account via two versions of the excluded volume approximation. A switching function is employed to make the crossover transition from one...
Kazuya Nisihiyama
(Kyoto university)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Baryon Rich QCD Matter
We study the QCD phase diagram by the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model within the mean-field approach, taking into account both of the magnetic field and inhomogeneity of the chiral condensates.
For the analysis of the chiral inhomogeneous phase, the generalized chiral condensate $\Delta := -2G\left[\left<\overline\psi\psi\right>+i\left<\overline\psi i\gamma^5\tau^3\psi\right>\right]$ is...
Riccardo Russo
(Universita e INFN Torino (IT))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
The measurement of heavy-flavour production cross sections in pp collisions at the LHC has provided a reference for heavy-ion studies and a test for perturbative QCD calculations. Moreover the LHC has started the Run 2 operations this year, and the study of D-meson production in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$=13 TeV could provide a measurement of heavy-flavour production cross section at an...
Takahiro Doi
(Japan/Kyoto University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QCD at High Temperature
We discuss the relation between confinement and chiral symmetry breaking
using Dirac-mode expansion in finite-temperature lattice QCD.
The ratios of the real, imaginary and modulus of the Polyakov loop
fluctuations are sensitive probes for quark deconfinement even in the
presence of dynamical quarks [1].
We focus on the correlations of these Polyakov loop fluctuations...
Yuta Kikuchi
(Kyoto University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
We derive the second-order hydrodynamic equation systematically from the relativistic Boltzmann equation for multi-component and multi-conserved-charge systems by the renormalization-group method [1,2]. It is confirmed that the resultant microscopic expressions of the transport coefficients coincide with those derived in the Chapman-Enskog expansion method. Furthermore, we show that the...
Masahiro Hirano
(University of Tsukuba (JP))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Future Experimental Facilities, Upgrades, and Instrumentation
FoCal is a proposed upgrade project for the ALICE experiment at LHC to
study the initial state of the high-energy heavy-ion collisions. FoCal com-
prises two calorimeters: an electro-magnetic calorimeter (FoCal-E) to mea-
sure the direct photons is complemented by a hadron calorimeter (FoCal-
H) to improve isolation and jet measurements. FoCal-E consists of low-
granularity silicon-pad...
Jussi Auvinen
(Duke University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
Transport + hydrodynamics approach has proved to be successful in describing the particle spectra and elliptic flow in the heavy ion collisions at the collision energy range investigated in RHIC beam energy scan. However, it has been difficult to determine the uncertainties associated with the chosen values of input parameters, due to the massive amount of computational resources required for...
Shuguang Zou
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Future Experimental Facilities, Upgrades, and Instrumentation
We have developed a highly pixelated electrode array named Topmetal-II-. It contains a 72${\times}$72 pixel array of 83.2 µm pitch size. The key feature of TopMetal-II- is that it can directly collect charge via metal nodes of each pixel to form two-dimensional images of charge cloud distribution. Topmetal-II- sensor is designed with a low power consumption of 104 mW and low ENC value of 30...
Toru Nagashima
(Rikkyo University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Future Experimental Facilities, Upgrades, and Instrumentation
Particle angular correlation measurements in small colliding systems, such as p+Pb, d+Au and $^3$He+Au at RHIC and the LHC have recently attracted significant interest. In particular, high multiplicity events from such collisions exhibit azimuthal correlations between rapidity separated hadrons, so called ridge. To investigate the ridge phenomena in small colliding systems at RHIC, a new high...
Shinichi Hayashi
(University of Tokyo (JP))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
Electron-positron pairs (dielectrons) are excellent probes for studying the properties of the medium created in high energy heavy-ion collisions.
For dielectron invariant masses above 1 GeV/$c^{2}$, the semi-leptonic decays of open heavy flavor hadrons are the main contributions to the spectrum. The invariant mass and pair $p_{T}$ distributions are expected to be modified from the pp...
Yoshimasa Hidaka
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Electromagnetic Probes
We discuss the dilepton and photon production in the semi-quark gluon plasma (semi-QGP), at temperatures above but near the critical temperature for deconfinement. Working to leading order in the coupling constant of QCD, we find that there is a mild enhancement, ~ 20%, for dilepton production in the semi-QGP over that in the perturbative QGP. In contrast, we find that photon production is...
Michael Strickland
(Kent State University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Electromagnetic Probes
Dilepton production from the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) phase of ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions is computed using the leading-order (3+1)-dimensional anisotropic hydrodynamics. It is shown that high-energy dilepton spectrum is sensitive to the initial local-rest-frame momentum-space anisotropy of the QGP. Our findings suggest that it may be possible to constrain the early-time...
Dmitri Peresunko
(National Research Centre Kurchatov Institute (RU))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Electromagnetic Probes
Direct photons produced at early stages of a proton-proton or proton-nucleus collision provide good tool for tuning pQCD predictions,
checking PDF and fragmentation functions. Moreover, direct photon yield in $p$-A collisions can be used as a baseline for thermal direct photon measurements in Pb-Pb collisions.
In this poster, we present the status of analysis of direct photon yield in...
Ali Hanks
(Stony Brook University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
Measurements of direct photon tagged jets, in the form of photon-hadron correlations, are unique as an experimental tool for gaining access to the initial parton kinematics in a hard scattering. Once produced, these photons will not interact strongly with the medium produced in heavy-ion collisions, providing a calibrated measure of the pre-energy loss properties of the opposing parton and...
Guruprasad Kadam
(Physical Research Laboratory)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Baryon Rich QCD Matter
We estimate dissipative properties viz: shear and bulk viscosities of hadronic matter using relativistic Boltzmann equation in relaxation time approximation within ambit of excluded volume
hadron resonance gas (EHRG) model. We find that at zero baryon chemical potential the shear
viscosity to entropy ratio (η/s) decreases with temperature and reaches very close to Kovtun-Son-Starinets (KSS)...
Zhao Zhang
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Baryon Rich QCD Matter
The dual observables as order parameters for center symmetry are tested at finite isospin chemical potential $\mu_I$
in a Polyakov-loop enhanced chiral model of QCD. As a counterpart of the dressed Polyakov-loop, the first Fourier
moment of pion condensate is introduced for $\mu_I>{m_\pi}/{2}$ under the temporal twisted boundary
conditions for quarks. We confirm this dual condensate...
Yuya Tanizaki
(The University of Tokyo)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Relations to Other Strongly Interacting Systems
We investigate the transition from unitary to dissipative dynamics in the relativistic $O(N)$ model with a $\lambda (\varphi^2)^2$ interaction using the nonperturbative functional renormalization group in the real-time formalism. We quantify the dynamic properties of the model in $2 \leq d \leq 4$ dimensions in terms of the scale-dependent dynamic critical exponent $z$, which controls the...
Nestor Armesto Perez
(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Future Experimental Facilities, Upgrades, and Instrumentation
The LHeC [1] is a proposed upgrade of the LHC to study ep/eA collisions in the TeV regime, by adding a 60 GeV electron beam through an Energy Recovery Linac. This electron beam can be combined with the FCC hadron beams in the further future. A Conceptual Design Report [2,3,4] was released in 2012, and present studies focus on producing a technical design for the next European Strategy for...
Daniil Gelfand
(Vienna University of Technology)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Initial State Physics and Approach to Equilibrium
We explore how quarks are produced in QCD starting from initial conditions relevant for the early pre-equilibrium phases of heavy-ion collisions. The purpose of our investigation is to determine the overall scale of quark production and to get an insight into spectral properties of non-equilibrium quark distributions. Furthermore, we compare different initial scenarios concerning their...
Kenji Morita
(Kyoto University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
We discuss the effects of momentum cuts in the fluctuations of conserved charges in the following contexts:
1) Kinematic momentum cuts of pions in electric charge fluctuations.
2) Soft momentum scale in net-baryon number fluctuations at chiral crossover.
In 1),we show that the normalized kurtosis $\kappa\sigma^2$ is substantially reduced by the $p_T$ cut because it suppresses the effect...
(Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Quark Matter in Astrophysics
Density fluctuations during phase transitions in pulsar cores may have non-trivial effects on pulsar timings, and may also possibly account for glitches and anti-glitches. These density fluctuations invariably lead to non-zero off-diagonal components of the moment of inertia, leading to transient wobbling of star. Thus, accurate measurements of pulsar timing and intensity modulations (from...
Weiyao Ke
(Duke University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
Heavy quarks observables, such as the nuclear modification factor $R_{AA}$ and the elliptic flow coefficient $v_2$, are sensitive to the transport properties and space-time evolution of the quark-gluon-plasma. Generally this connection is made via transport calculations of the time-evolution of the collision. However, how the choice of the initial condition model for the QGP medium as well as...
Katarína Gajdošová
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
Properties of a hot and dense strongly interacting form of matter called the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) are being studied in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). Heavy quarks are created during early stages of heavy-ion collisions in hard processes before the QGP is formed. Their identities are not lost during the evolution of the QGP and...
Valerica Baban
(Constanta Maritime University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
In heavy ion collisions the matter highly compressed generated a strong anisotropic flow described by relativistic hydrodynamics. Over the years several methods have been developed to study the flow. In this work we are discussing methods for determining eliptic flow in Au-Au collisions between 2 and 45 A GeV. The correlations between v2 coefficient and the geometry of the initial state is...
Umme Jamil Begum
(Debraj Roy College, Golaghat, Assam, India)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
Heavy quarks are produced at the initial fusion of ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions. After their production, they propagate through the quark gluon plasma and lose energy by colliding with quarks and gluons and by radiating gluons. After their production, they may also get fragmented into heavy mesons by picking up light quarks/antiquarks and in turn may decay through leptonic channels....
Shusu Shi
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
The Beam Energy Scan (BES) program at the RHIC facility was initiated in
the year 2010 to study the Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) phase
diagram[1]. In the years 2010, 2012 and 2014 the STAR experiment
recorded Au + Au collisions at \sqrt{s_{NN}} = 7.7, 11.5, 14.5, 19.6,
27, 39, and 62.4 GeV within a pseudo rapidity range of |\eta|< 1.
Recently reported results from identified particle...
Ji Xu
(Central China Normal University / Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Baryon Rich QCD Matter
One of the main goals of the RHIC Beam Energy Scan (BES) program is to study the QCD phase structure, including the search for the critical point, over a wide range of the collision energy. Theoretical calculations predict that fluctuations of conserved quantities, such as baryon number (B), charge (C), and strangeness (S), are sensitive to the correlation length $[1]$ of the dynamical system....
Jin-Yi Pang
(National Taiwan University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QCD at High Temperature
We investigate how entanglement entropy behaves in general non-conformal
quantum field theories which describe kinds of physical systems. The
scalar field in $O(N)$ $\sigma-$model and non-Abelian $SU(N)$ gauge
field on lattice are concerned as two typical bosonic models in our
study. By virtue of divergency structure of entanglement entropy,
we distinguish different phases of $O(N)$...
Hidekazu Tsukiji
(Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Initial State Physics and Approach to Equilibrium
The problem of early thermalization is a theoretical challenge in relativistic heavy ion collisions. There are many proposals for pinning down the underlying mechanics for it. Immediately after a collision, which is a crucial stage of the problem, strong gluon field is dominant and quantum fluctuations on the top of the classical configurations (glasma) induce instabilities. It may trigger the...
Tyler Gorda
(University of Colorado, Boulder)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Baryon Rich QCD Matter
We calculate the equation of state at nonzero temperature and density from first principles in two-, three-, and four-color QCD with two fermion flavors in the fundamental and two-index, antisymmetric representation. By matching low-energy results (from a “hadron resonance gas”) to high-energy results from (resummed) perturbative QCD, we obtain results for the pressure and trace anomaly that...
Ben-Wei Zhang
(Central China Normal University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
The transverse momentum spectrum of $\eta$ meson in relativistic heavy-ion collisions is studied at the next-to-leading-order (NLO) within the perturbative QCD, where the jet quenching effect in the QGP is incorporated with the effective medium-modified $\eta$ fragmentation functions using the higher-twist approach. We show that the theoretical simulations could give nice descriptions of...
Haojie Xu
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
Thermal fluctuations are important baselines in search of the critical point for the RHIC beam energy scan program. In this work, we prove that the traditional Poisson distributions in the statistical model are translated into the negative-binomial-like distributions in the event-by-event measurements. With the modified multiplicity distributions, we suggest how to construct the basic...
Goran Simatovic
(University of Zagreb (HR))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
Particle interferometry in high-energy collisions is a powerful tool for investigating spatio-temporal characteristics of the created system. In femtoscopy, measuring homogeneity radii as a function of pair $k_T$ is of fundamental importance. From numerous investigations it is known that the accessible range in $k_T$ is highly limited in small collision systems due to a steady rise in...
Ivan Kisel
(Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Baryon Rich QCD Matter
The future CBM experiment at FAIR is designed to study properties of strongly interacting matter produced in heavy-ion collisions at high baryon densities. It will employ high intensity beams and large acceptance detectors. One important task is to extract the thermal parameters of matter at stages of kinetic and chemical freeze-out from the observed data.
The extraction of thermal...
Deepika Jena
(Panjab University (IN))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
In ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions, the nuclear matter undergoes a phase transition from hadronic matter to a state of quark and gluons. Phase transitions are often associated with enhanced fluctuations in various globally conserved quantities, such as electric charge, baryon number, strangeness, etc. Therefore, the study of the event-by-event fluctuations of these quantities can be a...
Mesut Arslandok
(Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
The study of event-by-event fluctuations of identified hadrons may reveal the degrees of freedom of the strongly interacting matter created in heavy-ion collisions and reflect the underlying dynamics of the system. The observable $\nu_{dyn}$ , which is given in terms of the moments of identified-particle multiplicity distributions, is used to quantify the magnitude of the dynamical...
Tapan Nayak
(Department of Atomic Energy (IN))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
Fluctuations of various observables in heavy-ion collisions at ultra-relativistic energies have been extensively studied as they provide important signals regarding the formation of Quark Gluon Plasma. Because of the large number of produced particles in each event, a detailed study of event-by-event multiplicity fluctuation has been proposed as one of the signatures of the phase transition....
Deepika Jena
(Panjab University (IN))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
Recent publications have postulated that charge fluctuations in heavy ion collisions can provide a possible signature for the existence of the deconfined Quark Gluon Plasma phase. The charge fluctuations are sensitive to the number of charges in the system, thus the fluctuations in the QGP, with fractionally charged partons, are significantly different from those of a hadron gas with...
Yogesh Kumar
(University of Delhi)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Electromagnetic Probes
We study the effect of thermal quark mass in the free energy evolution of a quark-gluon plasma using simple statistical model after incorporating the curvature term. In this study, the thermal quark mass is dependent on parametrization factor and temperature. Also a thermodynamic variable like entropy and specific heat show a nature of phase transition. The results are found to produce...
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Electromagnetic Probes
Relativistic heavy ions are a copious source of virtual photons, which allow to study the gamma-proton and gamma-gamma interactions in ultraperipheral collisions (UPC). The exclusive photoproduction of heavy vector mesons provide a clean probe of the gluon distribution at very small values of parton fractional momenta (Bjorken x) $x \approx 10^{-2}.10^{.4}$ at central rapidities ($|y| < 2.5$)...
Shigehiro Yasui
(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
Exotic hadrons are one of the most interesting topics recently studied
in the hadron physics as their structure are related to the
fundamental ingredients in QCD.
Moreover, the production of light nuclei and excited states became
realistic in heavy ion collisions. Hence, we will discuss the
production of exotic hadrons with strange, charm and bottom quarks in
heavy ion collisions, ...
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
We present a study of the effects of magnetic fields on various physical quantities in hadron
resonance gas model. We find significant non-trivial dependence of particle ratios on the magnetic
field. Depending on the charge and spin, some of the particle ratios are even getting inverted due
to the magnetic field. There is also significant changes in the fluctuations of net baryon...
Jacquelyn Noronha-Hostler
(Columbia University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
The interplay between shear and bulk viscosities on the flow harmonics, $v_n$’s, at RHIC is investigated
using the 2+1 hydrodynamical code v-USPhydro [1] that includes bulk and shear viscosity effects (on an event by event basis) both in the hydrodynamic evolution and also at freeze-out. While shear viscosity is known to attenuate the flow harmonics, the inclusion of bulk viscosity
Yu Maezawa
(Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Japan)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
Thermal fluctuations cause modifications of meson bound states as well as restoration of broken chiral and $U_A(1)$ symmetries. The former (latter) plays an important role in the analysis of sequential melting patterns of open-flavor mesons (the nature of phase transition in QCD) in hot and dense matter created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions.
We present recent results on lattice QCD...
Antonio Carlos Oliveira Da Silva
(Universidade de Sao Paulo (BR), Utrecht University (NL)),
Salvatore Aiola
(Yale University (US))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
The production of heavy quarks (charm and beauty) is a process calculable in perturbative QCD. Heavy-flavour measurements provide valuable tests of QCD based models. Furthermore, since they are produced in the early stages of ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions, heavy quarks are an ideal probe to study the properties of the Quark-Gluon Plasma. Finally, due to the high collision energy,...
Giulia Manca
(Laboratoire de l'Accelerateur Lineaire (FR)),
Zhenwei Yang
(Tsinghua University (CN))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QGP in Small Systems
Two-particle angular correlations are studied in proton-lead collisions at a nucleon-nucleon centre-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 5$ TeV, collected with the LHCb detector at the LHC. The analysis is based on data recorded in two opposing beam configurations, in which either the direction of the proton or that of the lead remnant is analysed. The correlations are measured as a function of...
Hiroki Yamamoto
(University of Tsukuba (JP))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QGP in Small Systems
The small collision systems have been considered too small to create hot and dense matter. However, this assumption has been challenged with the recent measurements of elliptic flow and long-range angular correlation in d+Au and p+Pb collisions at RHIC and LHC. In order to understand whether hot and dense matter can be created in small collision systems or not, we have done more detailed...
Shabir Ahmad
(University of Kashmir, Srinagar J&K India)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
Event by event fluctuations of particle multiplicities and their ratios are considered to be sensitive probes to the exotic phenomena in high energy heavy ion collisions like phase transtion or the occurence of critical point. These phenomena might take place at different time after the collision based on fulfilling the required conditions at a particular time. Fluctuations are therefore...
Shintaro Karasawa
(Kyoto university)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Baryon Rich QCD Matter
We discuss the effect of fluctuations for the inhomogeneous chiral phase in the thermodynamics of QCD.
Inhomogeneous chiral phase is characterized by the spatially modulated chiral condensate, $M(z) = -2G ( \langle \bar{q} q \rangle +i \langle \bar{q} i \gamma_{5} \tau_{3} q \rangle ) =m(z) e^{i \theta(z)}$.
There are two typical types of condensates.
One is called real kink crystal...
Michal Praszalowicz
(Jagiellonian University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
We argue that large fluctuations of the proton saturation
scale are necesseray to explain recent ATLAS and ALICE data
on pA collisions at the LHC. We first show that, in contrast
to the lower energy RHIC data, neither the wounded nucleon
model nor the Color Glass Condensate are able to describe
slopes of pseudorapidity distributions of charged particles.
Next, we argue that non-linear...
LaszloPal Csernai
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
Fluid dynamical processes became a dominant direction of research in high energy heavy ion reactions. The QuarkGluon plasma formed in these reactions has low viscosity [1], which leads to significant fluctuations and turbulent instabilities [2]. One has to study and separate these two effects [3], but this is not done yet in experiments. When such separation is performed, both fluctuations and...
Redmer Alexander Bertens
(Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Future Experimental Facilities, Upgrades, and Instrumentation
An important open question related to the low-x structure of hadrons is the postulated existence of gluon saturation. We propose the measurement of forward direct photons in proton-nucleus collisions at the LHC as a decisive probe of gluon saturation. Due to the harsh environment of such a measurement, existing detectors are not suitable. In particular an extremely high-granularity...
Elena Petreska
(CPHT, Ecole Polytechnique)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
We propose a factorization formula for the cross section for forward di-jet production in dilute-dense collisions. The new formula is applicable for an arbitrary value of the momentum imbalance of the two jets, $k_t$. This generalizes the transverse momentum dependent (TMD) factorization formula that has been derived before by Dominguez et al. Their formula is valid only for small values of...
Gergely Barnafoldi
(Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HU))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Quark Matter in Astrophysics
Functional renormalization group (FRG) is an exact method for taking into account the effect of quantum fluctuations in the effective action of the system. The FRG method applied to effective theories of nuclear matter yields equation of state witch incorporates quantum fluctuations of the fields. Using the local potential approximation the equation of state for Walecka-type models of nuclear...
maximilian attems
(University of Barcelona)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Initial State Physics and Approach to Equilibrium
We use gauge/string duality to model a heavy ion collision in a non-conformal
gauge theory. We focus on new physics (as compared to the conformal case)
such as the non-trivial equation of state and the presence of a non-zero bulk
viscosity. We study the effect of this non-conformality on the
hydrodynamization of the system.
The gravity model consists of solving numerically the collision...
Ning-Bo Chang
(Central China Normal University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
We study the evolution of full jets in quark-gluon plasma (QGP) via solving a set of coupled differential transport equations for the three-dimensional momentum distributions of quarks and gluons contained in the full jet shower. In our jet evolution equations, we include all partonic splitting processes in the dense nuclear medium. We also include the collisional energy loss and transverse...
Kyoichiro Ozawa
(University of Tokyo (JP))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Electromagnetic Probes
Mass spectra of vector mesons attract wide interest in high energy heavy ion physics and hadron physics in the point of view of restoration of chiral symmetry and hadron mass. The mass spectra of vector mesons are theoretically connected to qbar-q contents of a QCD medium. Even in nucleus matter, modifications of vector mesons are predicted[1].
The KEK-PS E325 experiment was performed to...
Stefania Vecchi
(INFN Ferrara)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QCD at High Temperature
After the successful participation of LHCb in the 2013 lead-proton
run, the experiment is planning to further expand its scope toward
heavy ion physics. Simulation studies show that up to semi-central
lead-lead collisions can be analyzed. Furthermore, the SMOG system for
the injection of small amounts of gas into the LHCb collision area,
which was developed for luminosity calibration by...
Taekwang Kim
(Osaka University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Electromagnetic Probes
We analyze the production rates of photons and dileptons from the deconfined medium using a quark propagator obtained from a first principle lattice QCD numerical simulation. We calculate the production rates non-perturbatively at two temperatures above $T_{\rm c}$. The photon-quark vertex is determined gauge-invariantly, so as to satisfy the Ward-Takahashi identity. The photon production rate...
Tapan Nayak
(Department of Atomic Energy (IN))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
Heavy-ion collisions at ultra-relativistic energies create matter at extreme conditions of energy density and temperature, similar to the ones that existed within a few microseconds after the Big Bang. The fireball produced in the collision goes through a rapid evolution from an early partonic phase of deconfined quark-gluon plasma (QGP) to a hadronic phase and ultimately freezing out after a...
Di-Lun Yang
(University of Crete)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
New Theoretical Developments
A semi-holographic approach combining the Boltzmann equation and the gauge/gravity duality is applied to study a gluon plasma which consists of hard and soft degrees of freedom, where the former is at the saturation scale of QCD and the latter is around the temperature of the quark gluon plasma in relativistic heavy ion collisions. The model aims at analyzing gluonic transport in the phase...
Lorenz von Smekal
(TU Darmstadt)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Electromagnetic Probes
We have recently developed a new method to obtain real-time quantities such as spectral functions or transport coefficients at finite temperature and density within a non-perturbative Functional Renormalization Group approach [1]. Our method is based on a thermodynamically consistent truncation of the flow equations for 2-point functions with analytically continued frequency components in the...
Naoto Tanaka
(University of Tsukuba (JP))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
The study of nucleus-nucleus collisions at ultra-relativistic energies aims to characterize the properties of hot and dense matter, the so called Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP).
Jet quenching has been observed at RHIC and the LHC, and it has been extensively studied at both colliders.
Recently a new aspect of jet physics has been revealed at RHIC and the LHC.
The jet energy deposition in...
Caio Alves Garcia Prado
(Universidade de Sao Paulo (BR))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
In this work we investigate how event-by-event hydrodynamic fluctuations affect the nuclear suppression factor and elliptic flow of heavy flavor mesons and non-photonic electrons. Local temperature and flow profiles are computed using a 2D+1 Lagrangian ideal hydrodynamic code [1] on an event-by-event basis. We use a strong coupling inspired energy loss parametrization [2] on top of the...
William Horowitz
(University of Cape Town)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
We show that our strong-coupling heavy flavor energy loss model based on a rigorous treatment of drag and diffusion from AdS/CFT describes all current non-photonic electron, D meson, and non-prompt J/psi suppression measurements at RHIC and LHC. Taken with the recent success of our strong-coupling light flavor jet energy loss model, we claim that AdS/CFT provides a self-consistent theoretical...
Abhisek Sen
(Iowa State University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
The dynamics of heavy quark and their suppression in A+A collisions offers a unique opportunity to study the properties of Quark-Gluaon Plasma produced at RHIC. They are produced early in the collision and experience the full evolution of the medium. Studying the related observables in p(d)+A and A+A collisions can allow for the quantification of cold nuclear matter effects and energy loss in...
Frank Geurts
(Rice University (US))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
At RHIC energies, heavy quark pairs are mostly produced through initial hard scatter- ings, leading to a cleaner interpretation and understanding of the measurements in heavy- ion collisions. Correlations between heavy flavor quark (c, b) pairs offer a unique insight into early interaction dynamics of the hot and dense QCD matter. In the meantime, a comprehensive investigation of heavy quark...
Long Ma
(Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
Heavy quarks are mostly produced through initial hard scatterings at RHIC energies and they carry clean information of sQGP medium dynamics. Heavy flavor triggered correlation offers an unique insight into early interaction dynamics. Investigations of heavy quark production and correlation mechanisms in proton-proton collisions are of great importance and interest as a fundamental perturbative...
Kurt Eduard Jung
(Purdue University (US))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
The energy loss of jets in heavy-ion collisions is expected to depend on the flavor of the fragmenting parton. Thus, measurements of jet quenching as a function of flavor place powerful constraints on the thermodynamical and transport properties of the hot and dense medium. Measurements of the nuclear modification factors of the heavy-flavor-tagged jets (from charm and bottom quarks) in both...
Kei Suzuki
(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
Quantum chromodynamics (QCD) in a strong magnetic field is one of the most exciting topics in hadron physics. In relativistic heavy-ion collision experiments performed in RHIC and LHC, it is predicted to be produced a strong magnetic field by non-central collision of charged nuclei. In particular, hadron properties under such external field can be drastically modified by perturbative and...
Minjung Kim
(Inha University (KR))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
New Theoretical Developments
In heavy-ion collisions, the medium experiences hard and soft scatterings as it expands and a temperature cools down. Therefore the temperature of the medium plays a key role for getting the dynamical information of the medium, such as the energy/momentum distributions of emitting hadrons.
Existing meson types at each stage can provide the temperature information of the medium since each...
Vincenzo Greco
(University of Catania),
francesco scardina
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
We review the basic concepts related with the study of the dynamics of the heavy
quarks in the quark-gluon plasma created in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions.
We challenge the assumption of brownian motion for charm quarks comparing the dynamical
evolution of charm and bottom quarks in a Fokker-Planck approach and in a Transport Boltzmann one [1]
as well as investigating the...
Himanshu Khanchandani
(Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
In gauge-gravity duality, the heavy quark potential at finite temperature is usually
calculated with the pure AdS background, which does not take care of the renormalization
group (RG) running in the gauge theory part. As a consequence, the potential obtained
does not yield any confining term in both confined as well as deconfined phase. Following the
developments in...
Michal Sumbera
(Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep. (CZ))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
We present a extensive phenomenological study of Drell-Yan and heavy quarkonia production at LHC and RHIC energies within the color dipole formalism. Using Color-Singlet model (CSM) we calculate several different observables including quarkonia pT spectra and rapidity/azimuth difference between J/psi or Y and leading hadron in p-p and p-A collisions. Moreover, the gauge boson (Z0, W±)...
Yingru Xu
(Duke University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
Heavy-flavor hadrons serve as valuable probes for the quark-gluon plasma (QGP): low transverse momentum ($p_T$) heavy quarks provide important information about thermal properties of the system, while high $p_T$ heavy quarks provide a reference to quantify the in-medium modification. We establish a comprehensive framework to describe the full heavy flavor evolution in heavy-ion collisions:...
Shingo Sakai
(Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare Frascati (IT))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
In heavy-ion collisions, charm and beauty (heavy flavour) quarks are produced in the initial hard partonic interactions. They successively interact with the hot and dense Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) formed in such collisions. Therefore, measurements of heavy-flavour production provide relevant information on the properties of the QGP.
In Pb--Pb collisions, a strong suppression of heavy-flavour...
Jason Bryslawskyj
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
The suppression of single hadrons still provides one of the strongest constraints on energy loss mechanisms in the Quark-Gluon Plasma. At RHIC, neutral pions have provided the best measurement of single particle suppression to date. Charged hadrons have independent sources of systematic uncertainty and can thus provide additional constraints. At PHENIX, the measurement of charged hadrons has...
Cristiane Jahnke
(Universidade de Sao Paulo (BR))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
Measurements of heavy-flavour (charm and beauty) production in high-energy heavy-ion collisions allows us to study the Quark-Gluon
Plasma (QGP). The QGP is a high energy-density state of strongly-interacting
matter in which partons are deconfined. Due to their large masses, heavy
quarks are produced in the early stages of the collision and experience the
whole evolution of the system. The...
Jorge Noronha
(University of Sao Paulo)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QCD at High Temperature
Lattice data for the QCD equation of state and the magnetic susceptibility computed near the crossover phase transition (at zero magnetic field) are used to determine the input parameters of a five dimensional Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton holographic model. Once the model parameters are fixed at zero magnetic field, one can use this holographic construction to study the effects of a magnetic field...
Roy Lacey
(Stony Brook University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
In high energy heavy ion collisions of RHIC and LHC, a strongly interacting quark gluon plasma (sQGP) is created. Due to the finite number of nucleons, the initial distribution fluctuates on an event-by-event basis. This medium undergoes a hydrodynamic evolution, before it freezes out to form a hadronic matter. In the last years it has been revealed that if measuring relative to higher order...
Gokce Basar
(University of Maryland, College Park)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
New Theoretical Developments
Hydrodynamic gradient expansions are in general divergent series. As a typical property of nonlinear systems, the late terms of the series grow factorially and in order to have a well defined answer, the usual hydrodynamic gradient expansion is required to be supplemented by an infinite tower of exponentially damped terms which are non-hyrodynamic modes. In this work we analyze in a concrete...
Paolo Giuseppe Alba
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
Fluctuations of conserved charges have proven to be a good tool to investigate the QCD phase diagram in many aspects, like the conditions for the deconfinement transition from hadrons to quarks and the determination of the chemical freeze-out parameters.
We use a Hadron Resonance Gas (HRG) model to study the hadronic phase of an Heavy-Ion collision, and compare our results with recent lattice...
David Zaslavsky
(Central China Normal University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Initial State Physics and Approach to Equilibrium
It is fairly well established by now that the single inclusive $pA\to h+X$ cross section, when calculated in the saturation model up to next-to-leading order, becomes negative at high $p_\perp$. We improve this calculation by incorporating the exact kinematical constraint in the dipole splitting functions, obtaining two additional terms which help offset the negativity. In doing so, we are...
Zhongbo Kang
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
Heavy flavor jets at the LHC have emerged as a new tool to test the theory of heavy flavor production and parton shower formation initiated by prompt b-quarks. They provide new insights into the mechanism of heavy flavor propagation and energy loss in dense QCD matter. B-jets are also an important physics thrust of the RHIC heavy ion program. In this talk we present recent theoretical advances...
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
The ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider measures charged hadron spectra obtained in 2010 and 2011 lead-lead LHC data taking periods with total integrated statistics of 0.15/nb. The results are compared to the pp spectra of charged hadrons at the same centre-of-mass energy, accumulated by ATLAS in 2013 with the integrated luminosity of 4/pb. This allows for a detailed comparison of...
Malgorzata Anna Janik
(Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
Conservation laws strongly influence particle production. Effects connected to this mechanism were studied in details using correlation techniques in $e^+e^-$ collisions. At the time models were tuned to correctly reproduce measured data [1]. Similar studies for hadron-hadron collisions have never been performed, until recent ALICE measurement [2]. ALICE reported on studies of untriggered...
Kouji Kashiwa
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Baryon Rich QCD Matter
We investigate inhomogeneous chiral condensates such as the dual chiral density wave in QCD under an external magnetic field at finite real and imaginary chemical potentials. In a model-independent manner, we find a non-analyticity at zero chemical potential induced by the inhomogeneous chiral condensates and then the analytic continuation is no longer possible at the singular point. We...
Tong-Gyu Lee
(Kyoto University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Baryon Rich QCD Matter
In recent theoretical studies of QCD at finite temperature and density, there is a growing consensus that spatially inhomogeneous chiral condensed phases appear in the region where a first-order chiral phase transition would occur. We present a study on the stability of a Fulde-Ferrell type inhomogeneous chiral condensed phase, the so-called dual chiral density wave (DCDW) phase, of dense...
Tolga Altinoluk
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
The ridge observed in high multiplicity pp and in pPb collisions at the LHC is one of the most striking phenomena in high energy hadronic collisions. One very successful explanation has been given within the Color Glass Condensate, in terms of the so-called Glasma graphs. In this talk, we point out that the origin of the correlations in the Glasma graphs is actually rooted on a basic physical...
Giorgio Torrieri
(IFGW Unicamp)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Initial State Physics and Approach to Equilibrium
We argue that heavy ion data, taken as a whole, presents scaling patterns ( the scaling of v2 between large and small systems, the scaling of v2 with multiplicity across energies, the near energy-independence of v2(pT), the presence of photon v2) which look too simple to be described by a non-linear multi-parameter theory such as hydrodynamics.
In particular, we remark that such scaling...
Salvatore Plumari
(University of Catania (Italy))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
We discuss the generation of anisotropic flows $v_n$ for a fluid at fixed $\eta/s(T)$ by means of an
event-by-event transport approach. Such an approach, as shown in [1], recovers the universal features
of the ideal hydrodynamics showing an agreement with the recent analitical solutions.
We discuss the effect of the $\eta/s$ and its temperature dependence on the
build up of the...
Rasmus Larsen
(Stony Brook University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QGP in Small Systems
Instanton-dyons, also known as instanton-monopoles or instanton-quarks, are topological constituents of the instantons at nonzero temperature and holonomy. Numerical simulations of the ensemble of interacting dyons has been performed for SU(2) pure gauge theory. The focus is the back reaction on the holonomy and the issue of confinement. The free energy has been calculated as a function of the...
Dharmesh Rathaud
(Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat, India)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
The molecular dimesonic states (meson-antimeson) are being studied
in potential model framework in heavy flavor sector. The confined
one gluon exchange interaction potential (COGEP), one pion exchange
interaction potential(OPEP) is being used between meson-antimeson
pairs to calculate their masses and binding energy. We searches various
exotic states like X(3872), X(3940), Y(4008),...
Martin Spousta
(Charles University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
Recent measurements of jet and charged particle suppression and single jet fragmentation in heavy ion collisions at the LHC provide important experimental information on the quenching of high-energy jets in the quark-gluon plasma. Important features such as the variation of jet $R_{AA}$ with $p_T$, the pattern of modification of the jet fragmentation functions and the evolution of the charged...
Xiangrong Zhu
(Peking University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QGP in Small Systems
Flow measurements in p+Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$=5.02 TeV have indicated the development of collective flow in the small systems
created at the LHC. Using the ultrarelativistic quantum molecular dynamics (UrQMD) model, we investigate the azimuthal
correlations in p+Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$=5.02 TeV with two- and four-particle cumulants. Our calculations indicate that pure...
Nicolae George Tuturas
(Atomic and Nuclear Physics Chair, Department of Structure of Matter, Earth and Atmosphere Physics, Astrophysics, Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, ROMANIA)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
The CBM (Compressed Baryonic Matter) Experiment is one of the major experiments at the future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) from GSI Darmstadt (Germany). In this experiment will be studied nucleus-nucleus collisions at energies lower than those at RHIC-BNL (USA) and LHC CERN (Switzerland) colliders, at lower temperatures, but at baryonic densities estimated at the highest...
Esther Bartsch
(Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Future Experimental Facilities, Upgrades, and Instrumentation
For the upgrade of the ALICE Time Projection Chamber (TPC) at the
CERN LHC, the present multiwire proportional readout chambers will
be replaced by stacks of four Gas Electron Multipliers (GEMs).
GEMs are able to cope with the high Pb-Pb interaction rates of 50 kHz
anticipated in LHC Run3 and can be operated in continuous mode.
The main goal of optimization is the minimization
Yukinao Akamatsu
(Stony Brook University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
Interaction of heavy quarks with particles in the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) results in the heavy quark energy loss. In the nonrelativistic regime, the effective theory for this process is the Langevin equation, a classic example in the nonequilibrium physics. In the heavy-ion collisions, several studies have applied the Langevin dynamics to phenomenology and tried to interpret the experimental...
Giorgio Torrieri
(IFGW Unicamp)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
New Theoretical Developments
We discuss the zero-viscosity limit of fluid dynamics in the presence of microscopic thermal fluctuations. The interplay between these fluctuations and the generally non-linear evolution of fluid flow makes the existence of a well-defined hydrostatic limit ambiguous.
We investigate these issues taking microscopic thermal perturbations into account non-perturbatively via lattice field theory...
Johann Rafelski
(University of Arizona (US))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
New Theoretical Developments
The deconfined quark-gluon plasma has color and chiral symmetries. At hadron level pions express the breaking of chiral symmetry, color gauge symmetry is invisible -- SU(3)_c is broken at boundary between deconfined and confined domains. Goldstone Bosons associated with a weak symmetry breaking are of extreme low mass and therefore today are invisible to lattice-QCD_T. It turns out that...
Barbara Trzeciak
(Czech Technical University in Prague)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Despite extensive studies, the J/$\psi$ production mechanism in hadron collisions is not yet exactly known.
For many years, mostly J/$\psi$ differential cross-section measurements have been used to test different J/$\psi$ production models. While many models can reasonably well describe the experimental data on the J/$\psi$ cross-section in $p+p$ collisions, they have different predictions...
Cynthia Hadjidakis
(Universite de Paris-Sud 11 (FR))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
In heavy-ion collisions at the LHC, the ALICE experiment studies nuclear matter at very high energy densities where the formation of a Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) is expected. Quarkonium production is an important probe to characterize the properties of the QGP.
High precision data in pp and p-Pb collisions serve, respectively, to provide the baseline for the Pb-Pb measurement and to...
Daisuke Watanabe
(University of Tsukuba (JP))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
Jet measurements play a critical role for probing the hot and high energy density matter created in heavy-ion collisions through parton energy loss, and to observe possible modifications of the hot and dense matter itself by the deposited energy.
According to the quenching model, hadron-jet correlation measurements allow us to maximize the medium path length of the parton which produces the...
Martin Rybar
(Univ. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (US))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
Proton-nucleus collisions have been studied to provide baseline measurements for hard processes in heavy ion collisions. The rates of such processes can be modified compared to the expectation from binary scaled pp reference through nuclear modifications of the parton distribution functions. The measurements of jets in minimum bias p+Pb collisions at sqrt(sNN)=5.02 TeV show small deviations...
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
A broad program of measurements using heavy ion collisions is underway in ATLAS, with the aim of studying the properties of QCD matter at high temperatures and densities and its interaction with hard probes. ATLAS has measured the distributions of charged particle transverse momentum and longitudinal momentum fraction in Pb+Pb collisions at sqrt(sNN)=2.76 TeV and in pp collisions at the same...
Ranbir Singh
(National Institute of Science Education and Research (IN))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
Recent measurements in high-multiplicity proton-proton (pp) and proton-lead (p-Pb) events show some characteristics of heavy ion (Pb-Pb) collisions. Further understanding of such observations can be provided by the measurement of transverse momentum ($p_{\rm T}$) spectra of the
resonances like $K^{*0}$ and $\phi$.
The unique capability of the ALICE detector allows one to directly identify...
Kazuhisa Okamoto
(Nagoya University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
Relativistic hydrodynamic simulations play a key role in understanding the property of the QGP and the QCD phase transition from analyses of high-energy heavy ion collisions. Recently, significant developments are achieved in construction of realistic hydrodynamic models with viscosity effects and event-by-event fluctuations. As a result, we can discuss the bulk feature of the QGP such as...
Leonardo Tinti
(Jan Kochanowski University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
In ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions nuclear matter is heated to a temperature exceeding that necessary to create a quark-gluon plasma (QGP). Traditionally, second order viscous hydrodynamics has been used to reproduce the soft collective flow of the QGP and hadronic spectra; however, due to rapid longitudinal expansion in the early stages of evolution, the system may possess substantial...
Alexander Nikolaev
(Far Eastern Federal University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Baryon Rich QCD Matter
At the present time study of the $QCD$ phase diagram in the $(T, \mu)$ plane from LQCD calculations is very difficult due to the sign problem. On the other hand, $QC_2D$ has no sign problem, thus providing an opportunity to investigate properties of $QGP$ from the first principles. In this talk we present the results of lattice simulation of $QC_2D$ with two flavors of staggered fermions and...
Andrey Kotov
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QCD at High Temperature
The phase diagram of two-color QCD with non-zero chiral chemical potential
is studied by means of lattice simulation. We focus on the influence of a chiral chemical
potential on the confinement/deconfinement phase transition and the breaking/restoration
of chiral symmetry. The simulation is carried out with dynamical staggered fermions
without rooting. The dependences of the Polyakov loop,...
Yuya Tanizaki
(The University of Tokyo)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
New Theoretical Developments
Lefschetz-thimble method is a recently developing tool to evaluate the path integral with the sign problem. In the case of finite-density QCD and its effective models, the fermion sign problem causes some illness even within the mean-field approximation. We showed that the sign problem appearing in the mean-field approximation can be completely solved by applying this technique. We will...
Stoecker Horst
(GSI Helmholzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung GmbH)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Initial State Physics and Approach to Equilibrium
pp, pA and AA collisions at RHIC, LHC, FCC and in cosmic rays show according to QCD transport theory (Blaizot et al, Biro et al, Alam et al, Shuryak et al, Xu et al, Senzel et al) fast (over)saturation and chemical equilibration of gluons, t_g << 1fm/c. In stark contrast, soft light quarks are according to these calculations created much more slowly (saturation times t_q >> 3 fm/c).
Takashi Sako
(Nagoya University (JP))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Quark Matter in Astrophysics
Ultrarelativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions take place not only in the particle accelerators but also in the earth’s atmosphere, namely cosmic rays interacting with the atmospheric molecules. Majority of cosmic-ray nuclei is known to vary from proton to iron, and their target in the atmosphere is light nuclei such as nitrogen and oxygen. To study the high-energy cosmic rays with low flux,...
Toshitaka Tatsumi
(Kyoto U.)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Baryon Rich QCD Matter
The possible existence of the inhomogeneous chiral phase in the QCD phase diagram has recently received enhanced attention.
We elucidate some peculiar features of the inhomogeneous chiral phase in the magnetic field. Taking the dual chiral density wave (DCDW) [1], we have found that the energy spectrum of the Dirac operator exhibits the spectral asymmetry in the lowest Landau level, which is...
Razieh Morad
(University of Cape Town (ZA))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
We present the first, and so far only, fully strongly coupled prediction for jet suppression at LHC and show that our result is in qualitative agreement with preliminary CMS and published ATLAS data. Along with the famous AdS/CFT results for the bulk properties of quark-gluon plasma, for example the $1/4pi$ viscosity to entropy density ratio, and the recent next-to-leading order...
Yayun He
(Central China Normal University (CN))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
A Linear Boltzmann Transport model within perturbative QCD is developed for the study of parton propagation inside the quark-gluon plasma. Our previous work has shown that thermal recoil partons have significant influences on jet shape, fragmentation functions and angular distribution of reconstructed jets [Nucl. Phys. A931 (2014) 460-464; Nucl. Phys. A932 (2014) 99-104; Phys. Rev. C91 (2015)...
Madan Aggarwal
(Physics Department,Panjab University,Chandigarh,India)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
In the recent years, there have been lot of interests in
measuring and understanding the azimuthal correlations, amongst
particles produced in heavy ion collisions,separately for same-sign
pairs and for opposite-sign pairs and to see their differences.
This is because the Chiral Magnetic Effect (CME) states that
Parity-odd domains can interact with the very large magnetic...
Konrad Tywoniuk
(Universitat de Barcelona)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QCD at High Temperature
Experimental evidence indicates that the quark-gluon plasma created in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC and LHC behaves like a strongly coupled liquid. These features are intimately related to the infrared (IR) behavior of QCD at finite temperature and present a challenge for conventional perturbative approaches. A way to tackle this obstacle is to improve the description of soft non-Abelian gauge...
Burkhard Kampfer
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
The ALICE/LHC and BRAHMS/RHIC data allow for an access to hadronic observables over a large range of rapidity. We employ a 1+1 hydrodynamical model to relate freeze-out data and the early hot stage. We study
(i) the impact of longitudinal pressure gradients and deviations off the Bjorken symmetry, (ii) bulk viscosity (derived in a holographic model [1])
effects, and (iii) electromagnetic...
Raphael Tieulent
(Universite Claude Bernard-Lyon I (FR))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Initial State Physics and Approach to Equilibrium
Low mass vector mesons ($\rho, \omega$ and $\phi$ ) provide important information on the hot and dense state of strongly interacting matter produced in heavy ion collisions. Among them, strangeness enhancement, a phenomenon associated with soft particles in the bulk matter, can be accessed through the measurement of the ratio $\phi$ /($\rho+\omega$). Low mass vector meson production in p+p...
Xu-Guang Huang
(Fudan University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
Heavy-ion collisions can generate very strong magnetic fields and also electric fields. We study the general properties of these fields, including the field strength, spatial distribution, collision-energy dependent, time evolution. We will also discuss how the event-by-event fluctuation affects the correlation between the azimuthal orientation of the fields and the participant matter...
Xingyu Guo
(Tsinghua University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
It is important to understand the strong external magnetic field generated at the very beginning
of high energy nuclear collisions. We study the effect of the magnetic field on the anisotropic
charmonium formation in Pb+Pb collisions at the LHC energy. The time dependent Schrodinger
equation is employed to describe the motion of $c\bar{c}$ pairs. We compare our model prediction of...
Virendrasinh Kher
(Polytechnic, The M S University of Baroda, Vadodara, Gujarat, INDIA)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Masses and decay constants of the $B$ meson have been studied in a framework employing phenomenological quark-antiquark potential(coulomb + linear) model with kinematic relativistic corrections to the kinetic energy term. Variational method using gaussian wave functions both in position and momentum space have been used to obtain low lying masses of the $B$ meson by including spin-orbit,...
Yun Guo
(Guangxi Normal University, China)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QCD at High Temperature
Matrix models for the deconfining phase transition in SU(N) gauge theories have been developed in recent years. With a few parameters, these models are able to reproduce the lattice results of the thermodynamic quantities in the semi-quark gluon plasma(QGP) region. They are also used to compute the behavior of the 't Hooft loop and study the exceptional group G(2) . In this talk, I review the...
(Waseda University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Quark Matter in Astrophysics
To understand the origin of high-energy cosmic rays, many experiments were carried at ground level, thereby observing air showers. Many measurements confirm a steepening and a flattening of the all-particle spectrum at $10^{15.5}$ and $10^{18.5}$ eV, that are called 'knee' and 'ankle', respectively. Both are considered to be the indices of change in propagation or origin of cosmic rays....
Liang He
(Purdue University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
The observed azimuthal anisotropies of light flavor hadrons suggest large partonic collectivity in the hot and dense medium created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions.
Since heavy quark interactions with the medium may be different from light quark interactions, the measurements of heavy quark elliptic anisotropy is complementary to those of light quarks
and can provide new insight in...
maya shimomura
(Nara Women's University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
The azimuthal anisotropy on the particle emission is expected as a method
to approach the characteristics of the deconfined quarks and gluons state (QGP)
generation in the high-energy heavy-ions collisions. The azimuthal anisotropy
is sensitive to the early stage and, is the observable that is affected by QGP
properties. The behavior of anisotropy is consistent with the hydro-dynamical...
Hiroshi Nakagomi
(Tsukuba University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
Anisotropic flow is one of the important probes to investigate the characteristics of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP).
Flow has as its origin, the initial collision geometry, and hence is sensitive to the transport properties of QGP.
So far, flow has been studied in symmetric collisions systems such as Au+Au, Cu+Cu.
In 2012 the first asymmetric collisions of heavy nuclei at collider...
Sonia Rajput
(University of Jammu (IN))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
A Large Ion Collider Experiment (ALICE) is a general purpose heavy-ion experiment with the main goal of exploring the characteristics of the medium formed in high-energy nuclear collisions, composed of deconfined and strongly-interacting quarks and gluons (Quark-Gluon Plasma, QGP). Heavy quarks (charm and beauty) are produced in the initial hard scatterings and interact with the medium...
Qiye Shou
(Central China Normal University (CN))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
The measurement of azimuthal anisotropy in bulk particle production plays a key role in understanding the property of quark gluon plasma. The second order Fourier component of the particle azimuthal distribution is referred as elliptic flow (v2), whose transverse momentum dependence is suggested to be a sensitive probe for different physics processes, like hadron production mechanism and...
Haitao Zhang
(Central China Normal University CCNU (CN))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
The measurements of neutral meson spectra in $pp$ collisions at LHC energies present important data for perturbative QCD calculations such as gluon fragmentation function, and provide reference to study scaling properties of hadron production at LHC energies, such as the nuclear modification factor $R_{\rm AA}$. The existing ALICE data of the $\pi^{0}$ production in central Pb-Pb collisions at...
Theo Alexander Broker
(Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Electromagnetic Probes
Low-mass dielectrons are an important probe for the hot and dense medium which is created in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions. Since leptons do not interact strongly, they carry information from all collision stages with negligible final state interaction. While pp collisions provide a reference measurement for a medium-free environment, the impact of cold nuclear matter effects on the...
Tsubasa Okubo
(Hiroshima University (JP))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
Strong suppression of high $p_{\rm T}$ particles has been observed in heavy-ion collisions at LHC energies,
which can be interpreted by various processes involving transport properties of the QCD medium and the initial
state effect. Proton-nucleus ($p$-$A$) collisions are intermediate between proton-proton ($pp$) and nucleus-nucleus
($A$-$A$) collisions in terms of system size and number...
Daiki Sekihata
(Hiroshima University (JP))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
A state of deconfined quarks and gluons, called quark-gluon plasma (QGP), is created in high-energy heavy-ion collisions.
The ALICE experiment is mainly devoted to the study of heavy-ion collisions produced at the LHC to investigate such the new state of matter.
Neutral mesons such as $\pi^{0}$ and $\eta$ that decay into two photons are suitable to study parton energy loss in the QGP, since...
Renu Bala
(University of Jammu (IN))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
The ALICE detector was designed for the study of the high energy-density QCD matter produced in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. Heavy quarks (charm and beauty) are important probes of this matter, as they are produced in initial hard scattering processes and they experience all the stages of the medium evolution. Therefore measurements of heavy-flavour hadron production provide important...
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
A new control measurement of the relationship between hard scattering kinematics and the soft underlying event at negative pseudorapidity in 4.0/pb of pp collisions at 2.76 TeV is presented with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. These results are needed interpret the strong modifications in the rates of jet and dijet production in centrality-selected p+Pb collisions observed by ATLAS and CMS. The...
Hidemitsu Asano
(Kyoto University/RIKEN)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
The production of heavy quarks (charm and bottom) is a good tool for investigating the hot and dense partonic medium created in RHIC. Due to their large masses, the production process of heavy quarks is essentially restricted to primordial nucleon-nucleon collisions. Thus, heavy quarks are clean probes to study the hot and dense matter because they carry information about the entire...
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
The measurement of centrality and pseudorapidity dependence of the pT-integrated flow harmonics, v2 up to v5, in Pb+Pb collisions at sqrt(sNN)=2.76 TeV is presented. The flow harmonics are measured with the standard event plane method and compared to the scalar
product method. The measurement is focused on the pT-integrated observables dominated by particles with low transverse momenta (pT< 2...
Jianhui Zhu
(Central China Normal University CCNU (CN))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Electromagnetic Probes
The high collision energies available at the LHC allow for an abundant production of hard probes, such as quarkonia, high-$p_{\rm T}$ jets and vector bosons (W, Z). The latter are produced in initial hard parton scattering processes and they decay before the formation of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP), which is a deconfined phase of QCD matter produced in high-energy heavy-ion collisions....
Annelies Marianne Veen
(Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
The measurement of open heavy-flavour production is a powerful tool to test next-to-leading-order perturbative QCD calculations in hadronic collisions in the TeV energy regime of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Moreover, the D$^{\star +}$-meson $p_{\rm T}$-differential production cross section in pp collisions provides the reference for the study of nuclear matter effects on ${\rm D}^{\star...
Kunsu Oh
(Pusan National University (KR))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
Heavy flavor quarks are suggested as excellent probes to study the strongly interacting Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) created in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. Measurements of Non-Photonic Electron (NPE) production from open heavy flavor hadron decays have revealed strong suppression at large transverse momentum in Au+Au collisions relative to p+p collisions at the Relativistic Heavy Ion...
Xiaozhi Bai
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
Heavy flavor quarks have been suggested as excellent probes to study the properties of the hot and dense nuclear matter created in high-energy heavy- ion collisions. In this regard, high precision measurements of heavy flavor production in p+p collisions are also important as they provide a reference to study the medium effects in heavy-ion collisions. In this poster, we will present the...
Shenghui Zhang
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
Heavy quarks are believed to be produced at early stages of high-energy heavy-ion collisions. Measurements of heavy quarks can improve our understanding of parton interactions with the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) and its properties. Heavy quark production in p+p collisions is a baseline to investigation of the QGP in heavy-ion collisions and is expected to be well described by perturbative...
Myunggeun Song
(Yonsei University (KR))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
One of the important results in Heavy Ion collisions is anisotropic distribution of particle production. This collective phenomena is know as anisotropic flow, and successfully parameterized by a Fourier harmonics. The correlation between different flow harmonics may provide a new window into both the early stage dynamics and transport properties of QGP Several flow observables have been...
Igor Lokhtin
(Skobelsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Lpmonosov Moscow State University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
The LHC data on various high transverse momentum hadron and jet observables (nuclear modification factors for inclusive hadrons and jets, jet fragmentation function and jet shapes, D-meson and b-jet spectra) in PbPb collisions at center-of-mass energy 2.76 TeV per nucleon pair are analyzed and interpreted within PYQUEN jet quenching model. Selfconsistent jet quenching pattern is obtained with...
Sourav Sarkar
(Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
We evaluate transport coefficients in the kinetic approach explicitly including medium effects in the collision term. For the case of a pion gas the temperature dependence of shear and bulk viscosities as well as thermal conductivity evaluated in the Chapman-Enskog approach show significant medium dependence which enter via the pion-pion scattering cross-section. The in-medium rho and sigma...
(Department Of Physics, Sardar Patel University), Ms
Smruti Patel
(Department Of Physics, Sardar Patel University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
We have studied the stability of heavy quarkonia states in a QGP by incorporating color screening effects, vacuum screening effects and the color screening radii. We have particularly looked into the ground state, orbitally excited state and radially excited states of charmonia and bottomonia. The dependence of energy eigenvalues on screening parameter $\mu$ and the strength of the...
Wei-Tian Deng
(Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
The jet produced in QCD medium will suffer multiple scatterings and induced parton splitting process. This process lead to not only energy loss of leading partons but also convert its flavor to others due to induced gluon and quark pair production. As a consequence, beside the suppression of leading hadron spectra, the flavor compositions of a jet should be modified. Through a numerical study...
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
The energy loss of jets in heavy-ion collisions is expected to depend on the flavor of the fragmenting parton. Thus, measurements of jet quenching as a function of flavor place powerful constraints on the thermodynamical and transport properties of the hot and dense medium. Measurements of the nuclear modification factors of the heavy-flavor-tagged jets (both from charm and bottom quarks) in...
Carlos Merino
(University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
The experimental data on p, Lambda, Xi-, Omega- baryons and the corresponding
antibaryons spectra obtained by different experimental collaborations
are compared to results of the calculations performed into the frame of the Quark-Gluon String Model. The contributions of String Junction diffusion, and the inelastic screening corrections are accounted for. The predictions for pp and pA...
Marco Ruggieri,
Vincenzo Greco
(University of Catania)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Initial State Physics and Approach to Equilibrium
In this study we
model early times dynamics of relativistic heavy ion collisions by an initial color electric field
which then decays to a plasma by the Schwinger mechanism,
coupling the dynamical evolution of the initial color field
to the dynamics of the many particles system produced by the decay.
The latter
is described by relativistic kinetic theory in which we fix the ratio...
Daiki Suenaga
(Nagoya University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
In this talk, we propose that heavy-light mesons can be good probes to investigate the nuclear matter. It is said that inhomogeneous chiral condensation phases in which neutral pion condense can exist in high density and low temperature region near the chiral restoration point. Then, we put heavy-light mesons into such phases and investigate what happens. At first, we put heavy-light mesons on...
Ludwik Turko
(University Wroclaw, Poland)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Baryon Rich QCD Matter
We construct a combined effective model reproducing the equation of state of strongly interacting matter as obtained in recent lattice QCD simulations. The model reproduces basic physical characteristics of
the hadronic resonance gas at low temperatures and embodies the crucial effect of hadron dissociation. The quark and gluon degrees of freedom are described within an effective mean-field...
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QGP in Small Systems
Measurements of the ridge correlations and associated first five azimuthal harmonics (v1-v5) in 5.02 TeV p+Pb collisions using the two-particle correlations (2PC) method are presented. The vn results are shown as a function of pT, η and event activity. The non-zero double-ridge structures and vn are found to exist up to pT of ~10 GeV. In addition, the status of high statistics measurements of...
Hushnud Jahan
(Aligarh Muslim University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
Nuclear collisions with beam energies between 5 and 40 A GeV are predicted to produce net-baryon densities which are ≈ 5-6 times higher than normal nuclear matter density. At such high densities, it is expected that baryons start to melt into their constituents, the quarks and gluons, forming a mixed of even deconfined phase. Such collisions will be explored at the upcoming Facility for the...
Zhoudunming Tu
(Rice University (US))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QGP in Small Systems
Identified strange and multi-strange particle production has long been considered as an important probe of thermalization and chemical equilibration of the strongly interacting system created in relativistic heavy ion collision. Recently, observations of long-range two-particle correlations in high-multiplicity pp and pPb collisions opened new opportunities for exploring QCD dynamics in small...
Emilien Chapon
(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Electromagnetic Probes
We consider the production of inclusive W bosons in variety of high-energy hadronic collisions: p-p, p-pbar, p-Pb, and Pb-Pb. In particular, we focus on the resulting distributions of charged leptons from W decays, which can be measured with relatively low backgrounds. By inspecting the corresponding leading-order expressions within the collinearly factorized QCD we find that the...
Satoshi Yano
(Hiroshima University (JP))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
The ALICE experiment at LHC is designed to study very wide $p_{\rm T}$ range neutral mesons in all collision systems and energies provided by LHC, what is useful to test QCD theory predictions.
ALICE covers the measurement of neutral pions with the photon conversion method (low and intermediate $p_{\rm T}$) making use of the ALICE-ITS and TPC,
and the electromagnetic calorimeters PHOS and...
Scott Moreland
(Duke University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Initial State Physics and Approach to Equilibrium
Hybrid models based on hydrodynamics and Boltzmann transport provide a powerful tool to extract properties of the strongly coupled quark-gluon plasma produced in the first fm/c of ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions. The largest source of uncertainty in these model-to-data extractions is the choice of theoretical initial conditions used to model the distribution of entropy (energy) at the...
Andriniaina Narindra Rasoanaivo
(University of Cape Town)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
We want to compute the momentum distribution of a multiple Bremsstrahlung gluon emission from QCD processes in order improve the Poisson approximation. We present a new technique using the MHV method with the BCFW, Britto Cachazo Feng and Witten, recursion to deal with multiple gluons amplitudes. Instead of summing over 15 diagrams using Feynmann technique, we use the recursion to compute the...
Hanna Grönqvist
(Institut de physique théorique, CEA Saclay)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
The observation of a non-zero $v_n\{4\}$ in systems where anisotropic
flow is solely due to fluctuations ($v_2\{4\}$ in p+Pb collisions,
$v_3\{4\}$ in Pb+Pb collisions) implies that initial eccentricity
($\varepsilon_n$) fluctuations are not Gaussian.
This is confirmed by simulations using various initial-state models.
It has been argued that non-Gaussianities may not reflect...
Hiroshi Horii
(University of Tokyo)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
We study a description of non-Gaussian fluctuations in stochastic diffusion equation
which is defined by introducing a noise term into diffusion equation.
Usually, the noise term in stochastic diffusion equation is assumed to be a Gaussian white noise.
With this assumption, the fluctuation of the particle number in equilibrium becomes of Gaussian.
On the other hand, experimental results on...
Miki Sakaida
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
It is suggested that fluctuations of conserved charges in a given rapidity window contain information on the properties of the QGP created in heavy ion collisions. This is because these fluctuations can relax to the thermal hadronic value only due to charge diffusion in the hadronic stage and cannot change from thermal QGP value immediately.
We discuss the non-Markov effects on the time...
Min He
(Nanjing University of Science & Technology)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
We evaluate open heavy-flavor (HF) transport in relativistic heavy-ion
collisions utilizing a strong-coupling treatment for both macro- and
micro-dynamics of the problem [1]. The former is realized through a
hydrodynamic evolution quantitatively constrained by bulk-hadron spectra
and elliptic flow. The HF transport is based on non-perturbative $T$-matrix
calculations of heavy-light...
Takashi Hachiya
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
The bottom quark is a powerful probe to study the characteristics of
hot dense medium created in high energy heavy ion collisions.
A strong suppression of hadrons containing heavy quarks was observed
through the measurement of single electrons semi-leptonic decays.
To further understand phenomenon of heavy quark suppression,
the bottom and charm production needs to be measured...
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Because of their large masses and long lifetimes, heavy quarks are dominantly produced from initial hard parton scattering processes and can experience the whole evolution of the Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) created in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. Therefore heavy quarks have been suggested as excellent probes to study the properties of the QGP. Measurements of non-prompt J/ψ produced from B...
Michal Krelina
(Czech Technical University in Prague, FNSPE, Prague)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Electromagnetic Probes
Using the color dipole formalism we study production of direct photons
and Drell-Yan pairs in proton-nucleus interactions in the kinematic region
corresponding to LHC experiments. Real photons and lepton pairs produced
in a hard scattering are not accompanied with any final state interaction,
either energy loss or absorption. Consequently, such observables as transverse momentum pT and...
Yen-Jie Lee
(Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
The measurement of D meson production is a powerful tool to investigate the c-quark in-medium energy loss. In this poster, we will present the measurement of the nuclear modification factor of $D^0$ mesons as a function of transverse momentum and centrality. The reconstruction of D meson and the combinatorial background rejection are detailed. The prospects of heavy flavor meson analysis with...
Biswarup Paul
(Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (IN))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
The inclusive J/$\psi$ differential production cross-sections and nuclear modification factor as a function of $p_{\rm T}$ in Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}$ = 2.76 TeV have been calculated at forward rapidity (2.5 $<$ $y$ $<$ 4) and compared with the results reported by the ALICE Collaborations [arXiv:1506.08804v1]. The calculations have been carried out by estimating the pp...
Zachary Rowan
(CUNY Baruch)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
The characterization of energy in the quark gluon plasma is facilitated by measurements of modifications to the observed jet fragmentation. A favorable channel of study relies on direct photons created in the initial parton interactions of heavy ion collisions. Such a photon traverses the created medium unscathed and grants us a proxy for the transverse momentum of an away side jet. PHENIX...
Guang-You Qin
(Central China Normal University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
The collective anisotropic flows observed in high-multiplicity proton-lead collisions at the LHC and the agreement with hydrodynamic calculations strongly support that a hot and dense QGP may be formed in such small collisions systems. However, the current experimental measurement showed no indication of nuclear modification on the production of large transverse momentum hadrons and jets in...
Simone Schuchmann
(Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
Relativistic heavy-ion collisions produce a
hot and dense state of strongly interacting
matter, the quark-gluon plasma. The
presence of the quark-gluon plasma has
been observed to affect the yields of final state
particles. High-$p_{\rm T}$ partons may lose
energy while traversing the medium,
resulting in the suppression of hadrons at
high $p_{\rm T}$ with respect to the...
Kie Sang Jeong
(Yonsei University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Baryon Rich QCD Matter
Nuclear symmetry energy is an important ingredient in understanding asymmetric nuclear configuration starting from rare isotopes at nuclear matter density to the core of neutron star at extremely high density.
The symmetry energy in continuous matter can be defined as
\bar{E}(\rho_N,I)=E_0(\rho_N)+E_{\textrm{sym}}(\rho_N)I^2 +
where $\rho_N$...
Khaled Teilab
(Goethe-University Frankfurt)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Electromagnetic Probes
In the intermediate- and low-energy regime, hadrons (instead of quarks and gluons) are the relevant degrees of freedom. Their masses and interactions can be well described by effective approaches to QCD. The extended linear sigma model is an effective model based on chiral and dilatation symmetries (together with their explicit as well as spontaneous breaking). It includes (axial-) vector...
On the effect of the Bose-Einstein condensed dark matter for the magnetic field in neutron stars
Motoi Tachibana
(Saga Univ.)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Quark Matter in Astrophysics
Nature of dark matter (DM) is not known in both particle physics and astrophysics perspectives. Recently, there are lots of arguments to give some constraints on the physical quantities of DM by using neutron stars (NSs) when it is assumed to be weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP). If DM is the WIMP, there exists a finite DM-nucleon cross section, which may result in DM capture in NSs....
Martin Purschke
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Future Experimental Facilities, Upgrades, and Instrumentation
The PHENIX collaboration has proposed a major upgrade of the exisiting
experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider for the 2020-2022
time frame. The new experiment, code-named "sPHENIX", is built
around the former BaBar magnet, and consists of tracking systems and 3
calorimeters: an electromagnetic calorimeter based on scintillating
fibers embedded in a tungsten-expoxy matrix, and...
Shoichiro Tsutsui
(Kyoto University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Initial State Physics and Approach to Equilibrium
We investigate parametric instabilities of classical gluon fields in nonexpanding and expanding geometries.
Plasma instabilities play an important role in thermalization.
Since the glasma initial condition consists of longitudinally polarized color-flux tubes,
possible instabilities should reflect this background.
Recently, classical gluon fields in a nonexpanding geometry are found to...
Mathis Habich
(University of Colorado Boulder)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
We study the temperature profile, pion spectra, and HBT radii in central, symmetric, and boost-invariant nuclear collisions, using a super hybrid model for heavy-ion collisions (SONIC), combining pre-equilibrium flow with viscous hydrodynamics and late-stage hadronic rescatterings. In particular, we simulate $\mbox{Pb+Pb}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=2.76$ TeV, $\mbox{Au+Au}$, $\mbox{Cu+Cu}$,...
Mohd Danish Azmi
(Aligarh Muslim University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
New Theoretical Developments
The identified and charged particle spectra have been measured in p - p and p - Pb collisions at LHC energies. A thermodynamically consistent form of the Tsallis distribution at y = 0 has been used for fitting the transverse momentum spectra $d^{2}N/dp_Tdy$ and to evaluate the particle yields. The Tsallis distribution described the $p_T$ spectra very well. The values of $dN/dy|_{y=0}$...
Wladyslaw Henryk Trzaska
(University of Jyvaskyla (FI))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Future Experimental Facilities, Upgrades, and Instrumentation
Fast Interaction Trigger (FIT) will be the main forward trigger, luminometer and time zero detector for the ALICE experiment during LHC Run 3 and 4(from ~2020 onwards). It will also determine multiplicity, centrality, and reaction plane of heavy ion collisions. FIT will consist of two arrays of Cherenkov radiators coupled to MCP-PMT sensors and of a segmented scintillator ring increasing the...
Seyoung Han
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Future Experimental Facilities, Upgrades, and Instrumentation
The performance of the new high multiplicity trigger for the FVTX detector is evaluated. The consistency between online and offline tracking is one of the key performances of the high multiplicity trigger. The consistency is evaluated for proton-proton, proton-Au, and proton-Al cases observed in Run15.
Yuri Kharlov
(Institute for High Energy Physics (RU))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Future Experimental Facilities, Upgrades, and Instrumentation
One of the photon detectors in the ALICE experiment is the fine-granularity high-resolution photon
spectrometer (PHOS) composed of lead tungstate crystals. Major upgrade of the PHOS has been
completed by the LHC Run2, which covers high-rate readout, advanced trigger system and charged
particle veto detector. Performance of the PHOS in first pp data of Run2 will be presented.
Satoshi Yano
(Hiroshima University (JP))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Future Experimental Facilities, Upgrades, and Instrumentation
The ALICE experiment at LHC is designed to study the quark-gluon
plasma (QGP) created in ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions. The Muon
Forward Tracker (MFT) project is a part of the ALICE program of detector
upgrade for Runs 3 and 4, starting from 2020. The MFT is designed as a
silicon pixel detector covering the -3.6 < η < -2.5 region in the Muon
Spectrometer acceptance to be...
Hans Martin Ljunggren
(Lund University (SE))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Future Experimental Facilities, Upgrades, and Instrumentation
The ALICE collaboration plans major upgrades to its detectors for Run 3
and 4 of the LHC, in 2020 and beyond. For the TPC, the upgrade is aimed at increasing the rate
capability to record an expected collision rate of 50 kHz Pb-Pb
collisions, which requires continuous readout.
The current TPC will therefore be reinstrumented with new Gas Electron
Multipliers (GEM) readout chambers that...
Adam Tomasz Matyja
(Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
The ALICE experiment is dedicated to studies of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) state, which is created in heavy ion collisions. Both photons and jets are excellent probes of QGP. Photons are produced during the different stages of the expansion of the initial hot matter fireball. They do not interact strongly with the medium and passing through it, they carry information on the properties of the...
J. Matthew Durham
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Recent measurements from RHIC and the LHC have shown that the excited charmonium state $\psi(2s)$ is preferentially suppressed over the more tightly bound $J/\psi$ in ultrarelativistic $p (d)$ + A collisions. The exact mechanism behind this difference in suppression is not immediately clear. Since all primordial charm quark production is subject to similar initial state effects inside the...
Kazuhiko Kamikado
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Baryon Rich QCD Matter
We investigate low-energy fluctuations in the real kink crystal phase of dense quark matter within the Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model. The modulated chiral condensate breaks both the translational symmetry and chiral symmetry spontaneously, which leads to the appearance of phonons and pions that are dominant degrees of freedom in the infrared. Using the Ginzburg-Landau expansion near the Lifshitz...
Olena Linnyk
(University of Giessen)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Electromagnetic Probes
We address the properties of the hot QCD matter created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions by examining the spectra, elliptic flow $v_2$ and triangular flow $v_3$ of the emitted real and virtual photons. Comparing our calculations within the PHSD transport approach to the multitude of data by the ALICE Collaboration at the LHC as well as by the STAR and PHENIX Collaborations at RHIC allows...
Akihiko Monnai
(RIKEN BNL Research Center)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Electromagnetic Probes
Elliptic flow $v_2$ of direct photons are found to be larger than those from most hydrodynamic estimations at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which is recognized as the "photon $v_2$ puzzle". The recent discovery of large triangular flow $v_3$ hints that this is at least partially due to the medium properties. Theoretical explanation of the...
Sarah Campbell
(Columbia University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Electromagnetic Probes
Heavy ion collisions produce direct photons at low transverse momentum, $p_{T}$ from 1-3 GeV/c, in excess of the $p$+$p$ spectra scaled by the nuclear overlap factor, $T_{AA}$. These low $p_{T}$ photons have a large azimuthal anisotropy, $v_{2}$, suggesting late-stage production. Theoretical models, including hydrodynamic models, struggle to quantitatively reproduce the large low $p_{T}$...
Sanjin Benic
(Tokyo University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Electromagnetic Probes
I will talk about our calculation of the photon spectrum in the pA collision using the Color Glass Condensate framework. We used a systematic expansion in terms of the proton source $\rho_p$ and succeeded in obtaining a full analytical formula for the photon
emission from virtual quarks that scatter multiply with dense
gluonic fields:
Michael Strickland
(Kent State University), Dr
Radoslaw Ryblewski
(The H. Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Electromagnetic Probes
We calculate the medium photon production due to Compton and annihilation processes by taking into account the (3+1)-dimensional anisotropic hydrodynamics of the quark gluon plasma (QGP) expected to be formed in relativistic heavy ion collisions. The anisotropic hydrodynamics equations describe the full spatiotemporal evolution of the transverse temperature, spheroidal momentum-space...
Joakim Nystrand
(University of Bergen (NO))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
The cross section for photoproducion of vector meson in ultra-peripheral collisions, i.e. collisions without nuclear overlap (b > 2R), is huge at high collision energies. This process can, however, occur also in peripheral and semi-central nucleus-nucleus collisions, where there are large spectator fragments, which can act as photon sources and targets.
As this presentation will show, one...
Lukasz Kamil Graczykowski
(Warsaw University of Technology (PL))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
Femtoscopic correlations carry key information about the size and dynamics of the medium formed by heavy-ion collisions. They provide critical constraints to hydrodynamic predictions of radial flow, and have recently been measured in pp and p-A collisions where the hydrodynamic description is being explored. In particular, models based on hydrodynamics and gluon saturation models provide...
Enrico Speranza
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, and Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Electromagnetic Probes
A study of the polarization of the virtual photon in the process $\pi N \to Ne^+ e^-$ is presented [E. Speranza, M. Zetenyi, and B. Friman (to be published)]. An effective relativistic Lagrangian model containing baryon resonances up to spin-5/2 is employed to compute the spin-anisotropy coefficient for isolated intermediate baryon resonances. It is shown that a given spin state of the...
Sudipa Upadhaya
(Bose Institute)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
New Theoretical Developments
QCD-inspired non-perturbative models provide an effective approach
to study strongly interacting matter at high temperature and/or
high density. The simultaneous onset of confinement and chiral
symmetry-breaking phenomena in lattice QCD (LQCD) simulations
inspired their coupling in effective models.
The Polyakov-Nambu-Jona-Lasinio or the PNJL model is one such...
Isobel Kolbe
(University of Cape Town)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QGP in Small Systems
We show the way in which energy is dissipated in the QGP created in high-multiplicity pp and pA collisions by calculating, in pQCD, the short path length corrections to the now well-known DGLV energy loss formulae for massive quarks. Previously neglected terms, exponentially suppressed for large paths, are derived and included in the radiative energy loss formula for the first time; thus our...
Michael McCumber
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Future Experimental Facilities, Upgrades, and Instrumentation
The PHENIX collaboration is pursuing a series of aggressive upgrades aimed at excellent jet reconstruction capabilities to make use of the enhanced luminosity at RHIC, complement measurements being made at the LHC, and shed new light on the microscopic structure of the quark-gluon plasma. With a new detector, sPHENIX, offering large coverage electromagnetic and hadronic calorimetry and...
Marko Djordjevic
(University of Belgrade)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
High momentum hadron suppression is considered to be an excellent probe of jet-medium interactions in QCD matter created in ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions. The dynamical energy loss formalism is shown to be able to accurately explain suppression measurements at 200 GeV Au+Au collisions at RHIC and 2.76 TeV Pb+Pb collisions at the LHC [1,2]. With the upcoming LHC measurements at...
Aleksas Mazeliauskas
(Stony Brook University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
We perform a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of $v_3(p_T)$ in
event-by-event hydrodynamic simulations of Pb+Pb collisions at the LHC. We
show that factorization matrix $r_3(p_{T1},p_{T2})$ can be economically
presented in terms of two dominant principal components of the two
particle correlation function. We find that the subleading flow is
predominantly a response to the radial...
Bedangadas Mohanty
(National Institute of Science Education and Research (IN))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Initial State Physics and Approach to Equilibrium
The primary goal in heavy ion collision (HIC) experiments is to characterise
the properties of the hot and dense strongly interacting matter produced after
the collision. A precise comparison between theoretical predictions and experimental
data helps to select one theoretical model over another. However, one of the
significant challenges in such endeavors is the ignorance of the...
Jihye Song
(Pusan National University (KR))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
The measurement of resonance properties in p-Pb collisions allows for the study of nuclear effects in the absence of hot and dense nuclear matter. The production of the $\Xi(1530)^0$ baryonic resonance (and its antiparticle) has been studied with the ALICE detector in p-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=$ 5.02 TeV at the CERN LHC.
The transverse momentum ($p_{\rm T}$) spectrum of the...
Yonghong Zhang
(Central China Normal University CCNU (CN))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
It has been found that the baryon to meson ratio at intermediate transverse momentum ($p_{\rm T}\sim 3~{\rm GeV/}c$) is up to a factor three larger in the systems such as Pb--Pb but also p--Pb collisions than that in proton--proton collisions. This effect has been discussed in terms of collective flow, which could be present in small systems like pp collisions, and/or parton recombination. To...
Sungtae Cho
(Kangwon National University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
We investigate the production of charmonia by focusing on their production by recombination in heavy ion collisions. Starting from the discussion on Wigner functions for charmonium states we consider the dependence of charmonia production on their wave functions. We show that wave function distributions of charmonium states in momentum space play significant roles in understanding the...
Md. Rihan Haque
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Baryon Rich QCD Matter
A strongly interacting medium, namely Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP), is formed in high-energy heavy-ion collisions at RHIC. Light nuclei (anti-nuclei) can be produced in such heavy-ion collisions by the recombination of produced nucleons (anti-nucleons) or stopped nucleons. This formation process is called final-state coalescence. The production of light nuclei is dependent on the baryon density...
Zuman Zhang
(Central China Normal University CCNU (CN), Univ. Blaise Pascal Clermont-Fe. II (FR))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
The LHC heavy-ion physics program aims at investigating the properties of QCD matter at extremely large temperature and energy density, where the formation of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) is expected. In high-energy heavy-ion collisions, heavy quarks (charm and beauty) are regarded as efficient probes of the properties of the QGP as they are created on a very short time scale in initial hard...
Alice Zimmermann
(Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
Studies of jet production can provide information about the properties of the hot and dense strongly interacting matter created in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions.
Specifically, measurements of strange hadrons in jets may clarify the role of fragmentation processes in the anomalous baryon to meson ratio at intermediate particle $p_\mathrm{T}$, that firstly was observed in A-A...
Antonio Uras
(Universite Claude Bernard-Lyon I (FR))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Future Experimental Facilities, Upgrades, and Instrumentation
The ALICE experiment is dedicated to an in-depth characterisation of the Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) formed at the LHC in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Prominent results from the LHC Run1 involved the measurement of single and dimuons in the ALICE Muon Spectrometer (MS) at -4 < η < -2.5 to look for low mass vector mesons, rare probes from the charmonium and bottomonium families, and...
Deepa Thomas
(University of Texas (US))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
Heavy quarks (charm and beauty) have masses significantly above $\Lambda_{\textrm{QCD}}$ and, hence, their production cross sections and phase-space distributions in proton-proton (pp) collisions can be well described by perturbative QCD calculations. Therefore, measurements of jets containing heavy-flavour hadrons can shed light on underlying QCD dynamics. Measurements of inclusive...
Xiaochun He
(Georgia State University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Future Experimental Facilities, Upgrades, and Instrumentation
A major new experiment has been proposed for systematically studying the
properties of Quark-Gluon Plasma with jet probes and upsilon production at RHIC. One of the major detector systems of the experiment is an accordion-like hadronic calorimeter (HCal) which consists two segments sandwiching a superconducting solenoid magnet. This poster will present the results from the first HCal...
Kazuya Mameda
(The University of Tokyo)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
New Theoretical Developments
We investigate the dependence of the QCD vacuum structure on the $\theta$-angle and quark mass, using the Di-Vecchia$-$Veneziano model. Although the Di-Vecchia$-$Veneziano model is a chiral effective model, it contains the topological properties of the pure Yang$-$Mills theory. It is shown that within this model, the ground state energies for all $\theta$ are continuous functions of quark...
Paul Springer
(Technische Universität München)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QCD at High Temperature
Studies of the QCD phase diagram at finite temperature and quark chemical potential are currently one of the most discussed topics in theoretical physics and are of great importance to better our understanding of heavy-ion collision experiments. However, there is considerable uncertainty about the detailed structure of the QCD phase diagram at high baryon densities. Models provide some insight...
Shigehiro Yasui
(Tokyo Institute of Technology)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Baryon Rich QCD Matter
The Kondo effect has been known as a phenomenon in electron systems with heavy mass impurities having finite spins. This phenomena is caused by imperfect cancelation of the infrared divergences of particle and hole excitations and is realized by a combination of the following ingredients; (0) heavy mass of impurity, (i) existence of Fermi surface, (ii) quantum loop effects, (iii) non-Abelian...
Chiho Nonaka
(Nagoya University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
Recently the results of HBT measurements of charged pions with respect to the second and third order event plane are presented by PHENIX [1]. They extract $\epsilon_2$ and $\epsilon_3$ from the HBT measurements which contain information about not only the source shape at freezeout but also the space-time evolution of QGP matter. They show the relation between initial $\epsilon_{2, 3}$ which...
Dmytro Oliinychenko
(Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, D-60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany; Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kiev 03680, Ukraine)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
Event-by-event hybrid models construct the initial conditions for the hydrodynamic evolution from non-equilibrium approaches by matching the corresponding energy-momentum tensor. After splitting the obtained energy-momentum tensor and four-current into
ideal-hydrodynamics part and viscous correction, it often appears that the "correction" is large. However, all the existing models neglect...
Eduardo Grossi
(University of Florence & INFN Florence)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
New Theoretical Developments
We show that the stress-energy tensor has additional terms with respect to the ideal form in states of global thermodynamic equilibrium in flat spacetime with non-vanishing acceleration and vorticity. These corrections are of quantum origin and their leading terms are of second order in the gradients of the thermodynamic fields. The relevant coefficients can be expressed in terms of...
Vincenzo Greco
(University of Catania),
francesco scardina
(University of Catania, INFN - LNS)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
In a coalescence plus independent fragmentation approach we calculate the $p_T$ spectra of the main hadrons $\pi,K, p, \bar p, \Lambda, \phi$ in a wide range of transverse momentum from low
$p_T$ up to about 10 GeV.
We show that the approach correctly predicts the evolution of the $p_T$ spectra from RHIC to LHC energy and in particular the baryon-to-meson ratios $p/\pi, \bar p/\pi,...
Hidetoshi Taya
(University of Tokyo)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Initial State Physics and Approach to Equilibrium
Just after a collision of ultra-relativistic heavy ions, there appear strong color electromagnetic flux tubes. It is commonly believed that the electromagnetic flux tubes decay into a huge number of particles to form the quark-gluon plasma, however, its physical mechanics is not well understood.
We discuss the quark production from an expanding electromagnetic flux tube based on the...
Naoto Tanji
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, KEK)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Initial State Physics and Approach to Equilibrium
In this work we study the production of quarks and antiquarks in the early stages of heavy ion collisions, in the Color Glass Condensate framework. To this effect, we express the single inclusive quark spectrum in terms of a basis of mode functions of the Dirac equation in the presence of a classical color background field. In order to fully exploit the longitudinal boost invariance of this...
shougaijam somorendro singh
(University of delhi)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QCD at High Temperature
We calculate quark susceptibility and thermodynamic parameters
with one loop correction
in mean field potential. The calculation shows
the susceptibility up to the range of
temperatures~$T=0.6~$GeV. The susceptibility lies in the range of
lattice results.
Moreover the thermodynamic properties like entropy and specific heat
also shows
similar outputs with the recent calculations...
Partha Bagchi
(Institute Of Physics)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Rapid thermalization in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions leads
to fast changing potential between a heavy quark and antiquark from zero
temperature potential to the finite temperature one. Time dependent
perturbation theory can then be used to calculate the survival probability
of the initial quarkonium state. In view of very short time scales
of thermalization at RHIC and LHC...
Alexander Rothkopf
(Heidelberg University), Dr
Yukinao Akamatsu
(Stony Brook University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Elucidating the sequential suppression patterns of Bottomonium discovered in dilepton yields during run1 at the LHC urges theory to develop non-perturbative real-time descriptions of in-medium quark bound states out of equilibrium. The recent treatment of Bottomonium as open-quantum system [1,2] promises a viable path towards this goal.
Here we present results from a first simulation of...
Kazuhiro Watanabe
(Central China Normal University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
We study initial soft gluon radiation effect on quarkonium production at low transverse momentum in the color glass condensate (CGC) framework.
In high energy pp (pA) collisions, the quarkonium production at forward rapidity can be described
by adopting usual collinear pdf for dilute proton and the dipole gluon distribution function for dense proton (nucleus) [1].
The small-$x$ quantum...
Andrey Sadofyev
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
I will describe the results of an exploration currently in progress of how
to use holographic calculations of an ensemble of energetic light quarks
to describe the energy loss and broadening in angle of jets in heavy ion collisions. We construct an ensemble of energetic light quarks in ${\cal N}=4$ SYM theory, with a distribution of the "jet" angular
extent for a given "jet" energy based...
Denes Molnar
(Purdue University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Initial State Physics and Approach to Equilibrium
The mechanism of rapid thermalization in heavy-ion reaction is still an open problem. While 2->2 perturbative QCD rates do not thermalize sufficiently fast (e.g., Molnar & Gyulassy anno 2000), it has been claimed a decade ago by Xu & Greiner using their BAMPS code that perturbative 3<->2 rates shorten thermalization time-scales in A+A at RHIC and LHC energies to 1 fm/c or smaller. Later it has...
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
A theoretical analysis of radiative decay of heavy hadron molecules has been carried out in charm and strange sector within the Lagrangian formalism. We have studied the dependance of radiative decay width on the mass of the constituting mesons and on the binding energies. Besides this, we have also included finite size effects in terms of size parameter $\Lambda_H$ which gives appropriate...
Sean Gavin
(Wayne State University, USA)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
Experiments demonstrate the profound effect of initial state fluctuations in nuclear collisions, but theory demands that further fluctuations arise and are dissipated throughout the subsequent hydrodynamic evolution. Our earlier work shows that viscous dissipation broadens the rapidity dependence of two-particle transverse momentum correlations [1]; this work stimulated an experimental...
Masakiyo Kitazawa
(Osaka University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
We study the rapidity window dependences of higher order cumulants of
conserved charges observed in relativistic heavy ion collisions. The time
evolution and the rapidity window dependence of the non-Gaussian fluctuations are
described by a simple model composed of Brownian particles.
We discuss that the rapidity window dependences of the non-Gaussian
cumulants have characteristic...
(Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
New Theoretical Developments
Reaction-diffusion equations with suitable boundary conditions have special propagating solutions which very closely resemble the moving interfaces in a first order transition. We show that the dynamics of chiral order parameter for chiral symmetry breaking transition in heavy-ion collisions, with dissipative dynamics, is governed by one such equation, specifically, the Newell-Whitehead...
Pablo Morales
(The University of Tokyo)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
New Theoretical Developments
How do flavor degrees of freedom emerge in the quark-gluon plasma formed at heavy ion collisions is a challenging open question for both experiment and theory. In this work as a mean to approach this problem we study fermion production under a background electromagnetic field at real time. Using a simple enough time profile for such external electromagnetic field, allows us to define a proper...
Satyajit Jena
(University of Houston (US))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
Non-statistical event-by-event fluctuations in relativistic heavy-ion collisions have been proposed as a probe of phase instabilities near the QCD phase transition. In a thermodynamical picture of the strongly interacting system formed in heavy-ion collisions, the fluctuations of the mean multiplicity, particle ratios, mean transverse momentum, and net-particle higher moments are related to...
HyungJoo Kim
(Yonsei University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QCD at High Temperature
Understanding the temperature dependence of the gluon condensate in the purge gauge theory offers a useful picture on the nature of the QCD phase transition. In a recent work[1], we identified the independent dim 6 twist 4 gluon operators$(O_1=D_\beta G^a_{\mu\nu}D_\alpha G^a_{\mu\nu},O_2=D_\mu G^a_{\alpha\mu}D_\nu G^a_{\beta\nu},O_3=D_\beta G^a_{\alpha\mu}D_\nu G^a_{\mu\nu})$ and calculated...
Yogesh Kumar
(University of Delhi, Sri Aurobindo College)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Electromagnetic Probes
We use the phenomenological model to study the electromagnetic emission from quark gluon plasma with the effect of chemical potential. The chemical potential plays an important role in the enhancement of electromagnetic yield in heavy ion collision. We find that various processes significantly enhance the production rate. The results are compared with other works.
Roy Lacey
(Stony Brook University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QGP in Small Systems
A crucial open question is whether a fundamental change occurs in the reaction dynamics and the particle production mechanism, when the collision system-size is reduced from the values produced in central and mid-central A+A collisions, to those obtained in p+p, p+A d+A, and peripheral A+A collisions. This question can be addressed via detailed complementary validation tests for similarities...
Vytautas Vislavicius
(Lund University (SE))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
The measurement of transverse momentum ($p_{T}$) spectra for light flavor hadrons ($\pi$, K, p) as a function of event multiplicity in $\sqrt{s}$=7 TeV pp collisions is presented. Based on these results, the integrated yields, mean $p_{T}$ and ratios of baryon to meson spectra are extracted. Common patterns in the evolution of the spectral shapes in pp, p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions are observed...
Roli Esha
(University of California - Los Angeles)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Baryon Rich QCD Matter
Phase transitions and/or critical phenomena are known to lead to local density fluctuations in the nuclear matter created in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. In the quark coalescence picture of particle production, the baryon formation probability can be influenced by these local parton density fluctuations that lead to clustering and voids in the distribution of hadrons in the phase space....
Yorito Yamaguchi
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Electromagnetic Probes
A hypothetical *U*(1) gauge field has been introduced to explain several
experimental results that the Standard Model (SM) can not describe,
such as the high energy positron excess in cosmic rays, the muon g-2 anomaly
and so on. The hypothetical *U*(1) field is considered to very weakly couple
with SM, and its gauge boson called as a 'dark photon' mixes in ordinary
photons as a...
Qiao Xu
(Vanderbilt University (US))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QGP in Small Systems
Long range angular correlations have been found in $d+Au$ and $^{3}He+Au$ collisions at RHIC energies, and in $p+p$ and $p+A$ collisions at LHC energies. To have a better understanding of whether quark-gluon plasma could be formed and collective behavior could arise in small systems motivates this study to see if such correlations also exist
in $p+p$ collisions at RHIC energies. With the...
Yuji Hirono
(Stony Brook University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
New Theoretical Developments
For systems with charged chiral fermions, the imbalance of chirality in the presence of magnetic field generates an electric current - this is the Chiral Magnetic Effect (CME). We study the dynamical real-time evolution of electromagnetic fields coupled by the anomaly to the chiral charge density and the CME current by solving the Maxwell-Chern-Simons equations. We show that the CME induces...
Takeshi Kodama
(Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
In this work we perform a systematic study of the dependence on the equation of state of the collective flow coefficients and of the Hanbury-Brown and Twiss femtoscopic parameters, by using the SPheRIO hydrodynamic code to describe the evolution of heavy-ion collisions. The calculations are carried out both in the center-of-mass frame and in the longitudinal co-moving system, for heavy ion...
Jacquelyn Noronha-Hostler
(Columbia University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
Event by event hydrodynamic simulations of AA and pA collisions involve initial energy densities with large spatial gradients. This is associated with the presence of large Knudsen numbers ($K_n \sim 1$) at early times, which may lead one to question the validity of the hydrodynamic approach in these rapidly evolving, largely inhomogeneous systems. A new procedure to smooth out the initial...
Gaku Mitsuka
(RIKEN BNL Research Center)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Future Experimental Facilities, Upgrades, and Instrumentation
The sPHENIX detector is a major upgrade to the PHENIX detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at Brookhaven National Laboratory and is designed for exploring a vast range of physics areas including heavy quarkonia suppression via the three $\Upsilon$ states and tagging of charm and beauty jets.
Among the sPHENIX detector, additional precision tracking inside the 1.5 tesla BaBar...
Yasser Corrales Morales
(Universita e INFN Torino (IT))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
Heavy quarks (charm and beauty) are predominantly produced via initial hard parton scatterings in the early stages of hadronic collisions. Thus, they are ideal probes
of the QCD matter since they lose energy by means of elastic scatterings and radiative
processes while propagating through the strongly-interacting medium created in
high-energy heavy-ion collisions. According to...
Kazuya Nagashima
(Hiroshima University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
Heavy quarks (charm and bottom) are important probes of the energy loss mechanism in the quark gluon plasma formed in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. Heavy quarks are produced only by hard scattering in the initial stage of a heavy-ion collision, since the charm and bottom masses are larger than the energy scale of QCD ($m_{c,b}$ >> $\Lambda_{QCD}$). The energy loss of heavy quarks would be...
Viktor Begun
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
New Theoretical Developments
The LHC data on hadron production, transverse-momentum spectra, and particle correlations in Pb+Pb collisions demonstrate a peculiar behavior [1,2], which can be interpreted as a coherent emission of pions with low momenta [2-5]. It can be a consequence of the prior gluon condensation [6,7], or the overcooling of the quark-qluon plasma deeply into the hadronic phase [8]. In both cases a...
Takeru Yokota
(Kyoto University, Japan)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Baryon Rich QCD Matter
One of the unique points of QCD phase diagram is the existence of QCD critical point (CP), which is the end point of the phase boundary of the first-order chiral transition at low temperature. It is noteworthy that the phase transition turns to a second order at the CP, where fluctuations of some physical quantities should be divergent in the system with infinite degrees of freedom. People are...
Kenji Morita
(Kyoto University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
The speed of sound $c_s^2 = (\partial P /\partial \varepsilon)_{\text{adiabatic}}$ plays an important role in the hydrodynamic evolution of the hot and dense matter.
We calculate the behavior of $c_s^2$ in a chiral quark-meson model at finite temperature and baryon density and discuss possible consequences of the chiral phase transition which belongs to 3d $O(4)$ universality class. By...
John Haggerty
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Future Experimental Facilities, Upgrades, and Instrumentation
sPHENIX is a proposal for a second generation experiment at RHIC
capable of measuring jets, jet correlations and upsilons to determine
the temperature dependence of transport coefficients of the
quark-gluon plasma using electromagnetic and hadronic calorimetry and
precision tracking. The experiment enables a program of systematic
measurements near the transition temperature at RHIC with...
Ryo Yoshiike
(Kyoto university)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Quark Matter in Astrophysics
Recently, a possible appearance of the inhomogeneous chiral phase has been extensionly studied by the use of the effective models of QCD like the NJL models. Here, we study the magnetic properties of the inhomogeneous chiral phase, taking the contribution of “dual chiral density wave (DCDW)” [1], where both scalar and pseudoscalar condensates are spatially modulated. We study the response of...
Kazuya Tarunaga
(Hiroshima University (JP))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Future Experimental Facilities, Upgrades, and Instrumentation
The ALICE experiment at the LHC aims to unravel a new state of matter called the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) produced in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. The PHOS detector in ALICE is an electromagnetic calorimeter composed of 12,544 lead-tungstate (PWO) crystals attached with avalanche photodiodes (APD). The PHOS realizes a fine granularity as well as a high energy-resolution of $\sigma/E$ =...
Kathryn Meehan
(UC Davis)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Baryon Rich QCD Matter
The RHIC Beam Energy Scan (BES) program was proposed to look for the turn-off of signatures of the quark gluon plasma (QGP), search for a possible QCD critical point, and study the nature of the phase transition between hadronic and partonic matter. The results from the NA49 experiment at CERN have been used to claim that the onset of deconfinement occurs at a collision energy around a...
Ryuichi Kurita
(Univ. of Tokyo)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
New Theoretical Developments
The QGP created at RHIC and LHC behaves like a perfect fluid, which suggests it reaches thermal equilibrium state. Stability of thermal equilibrium state is a consequence of an interplay between thermal fluctuation and dissipation. On the other hand, only dissipation has been taken into account in event-by-event hydrodynamic simulations for the past years. In addition to dissipation, thermal...
Michael Tannenbaum
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
Total charged multiplicity distributions, $P(N=N^+ + N^-)$, in p+p collisions and A+A collisions cut on centrality are well fit by Negative Binomial Distributions (NBD). Recently it was found that the individual $P(N^{+})$ and $P(N^-)$ distributions in PHENIX are also well fit by NBD. A theorem from Quantitative Finance states that for integer valued Levy processes such as the difference...
Arbin Timilsina
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
Jet reconstruction in heavy ion collisions is a vital tool to explore medium effects, including energy loss and modification of parton fragmentation functions. In 2012, the PHENIX experiment collected a large sample of minimum bias Cu+Au collision data at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 200 GeV. Asymmetric heavy ion collisions offer unique geometrical configurations and studying reconstructed jets in such...
Michael Lomnitz
(Kent State University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Future Experimental Facilities, Upgrades, and Instrumentation
The first phase of Beam Energy Scan (BES) program of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) was an exploration of the QCD phase diagram. The second phase is an exploration for criticality and phase transition signals. For the Solenoidal Tracker at RHIC (STAR) a quantitative understanding of these signals requires an increase in statistics in 7.7, 11.5, 14.5 and 19.6 GeV AuAu collisions as...
- HADES Collaboration
(speaker to be announced),
Joachim Stroth
(Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Baryon Rich QCD Matter
Particle production in collisions of heavy ions at energies in the few $A$GeV energy regime is still a matter of theoretical controversy. Is the assumption of statistical emission from a thermalized system sufficient, or is there evidence for sequential freeze-out? Is there a consistent picture of chemical and thermal freeze-out? Or can particle production at these energies be only understood...
Catalin Ristea
(University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
One of the major goals of high-energy heavy-ion research is to explore the properties of strongly interacting matter, as it may undergo a phase transition into a system of deconfined quarks and gluons (quark-gluon plasma, QGP). Strange particle production has been one of the most important observable in the search for the QGP. In this work, the pion and kaon enhancement factors from Au+Au...
Domenico Colella
(Slovak Academy of Sciences (SK))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
The study of strangeness production in both pp and Pb—Pb collisions is of particular interest since the strange quark is the lightest and most abundantly produced among the higher generation quarks.
Measuring the relative production of strange and multi-strange particles in different colliding systems enables a systematic investigation of possible dependence of strangeness production...
Srikanta Kumar Tripathy
(Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
Enhanced strange quark production in high-energy heavy-ion collisions relative to p+p col- lisions was proposed as a possible signature of the deconfined phase of quarks and gluons [1]. It was suggested that the dominant process for the production of strange quarks in the quark gluon plasma is gluonic fusion. Chemical equilibration of strange quarks formed in such medium happens faster than...
Jorge Noronha
(University of Sao Paulo)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
In this talk we use the holographic correspondence to determine for the first time the temperature dependence of 13 transport coefficients that appear in 2nd order hydrodynamics [1]. These coefficients may be relevant to determine the regime of applicability of hydrodynamics in small systems such as in pA collisions. The holographic model goes beyond the simple conformal scenario and is, thus,...
Alexandre Lebedev
(Iowa State University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Measurements of heavy quark bound states, like $J\psi$ meson,
provide a unique opportunity to access basic QCD properties.
One of the observables important for understanding $J\psi$
production and dynamics is angular distribution of decay products,
sometimes also called "polarization". $J/\psi$ polarization
measurements can help to differentiate between various models
of $J/\psi$...
Tomoya Hoshino
(Hiroshima University (JP))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Electromagnetic Probes
Photons and dileptons in high-energy heavy-ion collisions are good probes to understand space-time evolution of the produced system. The PHENIX experiment has measured low-pT direct photons with internal conversion method in p+p, d+Au, and Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 200 GeV. PHENIX has recently reported low-pT direct photon in Au+Au collisions with external conversion method. But...
Pornrad Srisawad
(Naresuan University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
We study the elliptic flow (${v_2}$) in the framework of PACIAE2.1b model. The theoretical results of charged hadrons (K, p, $\pi $ ) as a function of transverse momentum (${p_T}$) dependence and pseudorapidity ($\eta$) dependence are compared with LHC and RHIC experimental data in Pb+Pb and Au+Au collisions at center of mass energy 0.2 - 2.76 TeV. The results cover a broad kinematic range,...
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
The hot and dense matter created through the high-energy heavy ion collision
experiments possesses a very rich phase structure characterized by the confining
and chiral properties. In these experiments, the matter is produced
within a finite volume, finiteness of which depends on the size of the colliding
nuclei, the centre of mass energy ($\sqrt{s}$) and the centrality of collisions. The...
Yusuke Taniguchi
(University of Tsukuba)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Baryon Rich QCD Matter
The canonical partition function is related to the grand canonical one
through the fugacity expansion.
In this talk we perform the fugacity expansion by a method of the
hopping parameter expansion in temporal direction.
The canonical partition function is evaluated for Nf=2 QCD upto
baryon numbers of nB=30 in a wide range of temperature.
After derivation of the canonical partition...
Zebo Tang
(University of Science and Technology of China)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
The hydro-dynamic inspried thermal approach - Blast-Wave (BW) model - implemented with non-equilibrium Tsallis statistics has gained increasing interest (and application) in high-energy heavy-ion physics. With the come out of recent LHC results on particle production of various species, we find it a good opportunity to use this approach to interpret the data. The transverse-momentum spectra,...
Garima Punetha
(Center of Advanced Study, Department of Physics, Kumaun University, Nainital-263001 (India))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QCD at High Temperature
Based on the well known topological properties of
non-abelian gauge theories, a dual QCD gauge theory is constructed in terms
of magnetic symmetry, which manifest the topological structure of the symmetry group in a non-trivial way. The topological magnetic charges associated with monopoles have been brought into the dynamics by the possible homotopy $\Pi_{2}[SU(3)/U(1) \otimes...
Paul Romatschke
(University of Colorado, Boulder)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
superSONIC is an evolution package that couples pre-equilibrium flow (inspired by AdS/CFT) to viscous hydrodynamics to a hadron cascade (B3D) for event-by-event simulations of relativistic ion collisions. I'll briefly review the ingredients before discussing results for AA and pA collisions.
Liwen Wen
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
QCD allows for chirality imbalance as a consequence of the vacuum transition$[1]$. When coupled with the strong magnetic field produced in heavy-ion collisions, the chirality imbalance in local domains can lead to electric charge separation along the magnetic field direction, manifested as the chiral magnetic effect (CME). Recently, an analogous effect, the chiral vortical effect(CVE)$[2]$...
Michal Krelina
(Czech Technical University in Prague, FNSPE, Prague)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Electromagnetic Probes
We investigate nuclear effects in production of Drell-Yan pairs and direct photons in proton(deuteron)-nucleus collisions. For the first time, these effects are studied within the colour dipole approach using path integral technique based on the Green function formalism which naturally incorporates the colour transparency and quantum coherence effects. Numerical results for the nuclear...
Takao Sakaguchi
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QGP in Small Systems
The energy loss of the hard scattered partons in the hot dense
medium produced in relativistic heavy ion collisions has been of
interest for investigating the properties of the medium.
Recently, the second-order azimuthal anisotropy of particle
emission has been observed at a low $p_{\rm T}$ (1-3GeV/c for the RHIC case)
in long-range two-particle correlations in small systems such
Armando Puglisi
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QCD at High Temperature
The transport coefficients of strongly interacting matter are currently subject of intense studies due to their relevance for the characterization of the Quark-Gluon Plasma produced in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions.
One of the main results of heavy ions collision at relativistic energy experiments is the very small shear viscosity to entropy density ratio of the Quark-Gluon Plasma,...
Kristjan Gulbrandsen
(University of Copenhagen (DK))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
Forward-backward multiplicity correlation measurements are used to study the soft component of high energy collisions. The observable is sensitive to the dynamics of the collision and is relatively less affected by the following hadronization processes. In proton-proton collisions, forward-backward multiplicity correlation measurements allow one to study the underlying event while, in...
Song Zhang
(Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, CAS)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
The ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions aim at forming the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) and presenting properties of QGP phase transition. The fireball created in the ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions will reach kinetic freeze-out stage from the initial ultra-hot-dense state. The temperature, system size and lifetime, and expansion velocity at radial direction may inherit some properties...
Prasad Hegde
(Central China Normal University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Baryon Rich QCD Matter
One of the goals of the ongoing Beam Energy Scan program at RHIC is to look for evidence of the conjectured QCD Critical Point. The feasibility of detecting the critical point however depends on how close the QCD chiral phase transition line is to the freeze-out curve. In the two-flavor chiral limit, this transition is expected to be second-order at zero and small values of $\mu$, the quark...
Igor Kozlov
(McGill University), Dr
Matthew Luzum
(University of Santiago de Compostela)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
Recent developments in the field give evidence of the QGP formation in central proton-nucleus collisions. This gives grounds to studying both proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus systems within hydrodynamical framework. We extend our 3+1D hydro model to include effects of bulk viscosity and provide comparative analysis of the obtained results to an extensive set of comprehensive experimental...
Sangwook Ryu
(McGill University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
This work presents a comprehensive description of hadronic observables in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC and LHC energies
using a hybrid model that combines IP-Glasma initial conditions, full second-order viscous hydrodynamics (MUSIC)
with both the shear and bulk viscosities, and a hadronic afterburner (UrQMD) [1].
In this hybrid approach, it is found that the temperature-dependent bulk...
Pok Man Lo
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
Motivated by recent lattice QCD (LQCD) studies on fluctuations of conserved charges and
their interpretation within the Hadron Resonance Gas (HRG) model, we explore the effects
of interactions on strangeness fluctuations in hadronic matter at finite temperature. We
focus on the s-wave K-pi interactions and discuss the role of the attractive isospin-1/2
channel, with the broad...
BingRan He
(Nagoya Univ.)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Relations to Other Strongly Interacting Systems
We study the effects of light scalar mesons on the Skyrmion properties by first constructing a mesonic model including pion, rho and omega mesons as well as a two-quark and a four-quark scalar states. In our model, the physical scalar mesons are defined as mixing states of the two- and four-quark states. We find that the scalar mesons reduce the Skyrmion mass as expected and the lighter scalar...
Gábor Papp
(Eötvös University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
The popular HIJING event generator is redesigned to match the compatibility with ALIROOT and is rewritten to C++. We review here the design of the C++ interface and the connections to the PYTHIA 8 event generator.
Furthermore, with the development new physics is also introduced, like the inclusion of new particle distribution functions, the DGLAP evolution of the shadowing effect, different...
Carlos Eugenio Perez Lara
(Stony Brook University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QGP in Small Systems
The Muon Piston Calorimeter Detector Extension (MPC-EX) is a silicon strip preshower detector recently installed at PHENIX.
The MPC-EX detector comprises two arms of eight layers each, which in turn are composed of 2 mm of tungsten and 0.5 mm of Silicon with a pitch of 2 x 15 mm$^2$.
Due to its granularity, forward acceptance and complementarity to the MPC calorimeter, it will allow for...
Raghunath Sahoo
(Indian Institute of Technology Indore (IN))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QCD at High Temperature
Tsallis non-extensive thermodynamics has been successfully used in describing the transverse momentum distributions from RHIC to LHC energies. In this work, we present a simplified and thermodynamically consistent Tsallis distribution by using Taylor series expansion in (q-1). It helps us to study the degree of deviation of Tsallis distribution from a thermalized Boltzmann distribution, for...
Christian Schmidt
(University of Bielefeld)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QCD at High Temperature
We present results from a calculation of the QCD equation of state to next-to-leading order $(\mathcal{O}(\mu_B^4))$ in the baryon, strangeness and electric charge chemical potentials [1,2]. We approximate the conditions met in heavy ion collision by enforcing strangeness neutrality and a constant baryon number to electric charge ratio. We show that the fourth-order equation
of state is...
Hamza Berrehrah
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QCD at High Temperature
The thermodynamic properties of the quark gluon plasma (QGP) - as produced in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions – is well determined within lattice QCD calculations at vanishing quark chemical potential [1]. However, the QGP equation of state needs to be interpreted in terms of effective degrees of freedom (d.o.f). Considering the QGP as a dynamical quasi-particle medium of massive...
Claudia Hoehne
(University Giessen)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Future Experimental Facilities, Upgrades, and Instrumentation
The CBM fixed-target experiment at FAIR will investigate highly compressed baryonic matter at moderate temperatures in heavy-ion collisions with 2-15 AGeV beam energy at the SIS100 accelerator at FAIR from 2020 on and at SIS300 with beam energies up to 45 AGeV once this becomes available. The CBM experiment aims at understanding and characterizing nuclear matter at high net-baryon densities...
Sandra Padula
(UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista (BR))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QGP in Small Systems
Long-range near-side dihadron correlations have been extensively studied at RHIC and LHC over the past decade in heavy ion collisions. The ridge revealed the collective behavior of particles produced in such collisions. This behavior mainly comes from hydrodynamic properties of the hot medium created, the so-called Quark and Gluon Plasma. Surprisingly, a few years ago, similar features were...
Viktor Begun
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QCD at High Temperature
The by now well-established scalar-isoscalar resonance f0(500) (the σ meson) seems potentially relevant in evaluation of thermodynamic quantities of a hadronic gas, since its mass is low. In this talk, based on the recent work of Ref. [1], we show that its contribution to isospin-averaged observables is, to a surprising accuracy, canceled by the repulsion from the pion-pion scalar-isotensor...
Daimei ZHOU
(Institue of Particle Physics, Central China Normal University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Electromagnetic Probes
We employed the PYTHIA 6.4 model and the extended parton and hadron cascade
model PACIAE 2.2 to comparatively investigate the DIS normalized specific
charged hadron multiplicity in the 27.6 GeV electron semi-inclusive
deep-inelastic scattering off proton and deuteron. The PYTHIA and PACIAE
results calculated with default model parameters not well and fairly well
reproduce the...
Yin Jiang
(Indiana University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Initial State Physics and Approach to Equilibrium
We study the kinetic evolution in dense systems of bosons with overpopulated initial conditions. Two important examples of such systems include (1) the dense gluon system at the early stage of heavy ion collisions and (2) the scalar field system shortly after inflation in the early universe. Common to both systems are the high overpopulation and possible dynamical formation of Bose-Einstein...
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
The thermodynamics of hot and dense matter created in heavy-ion collision experiments are usually studied as a system of infinite volume. Here we report on the possible effects of considering a finite system size for such matter in the framework of a hadron resonance gas model. The bulk thermodynamic variables as well as the fluctuations of conserved charges are considered. We find that the...
Leticia Palhares
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QCD at High Temperature
In the last years, some works have explored the thermodynamic properties of softly BRST broken pure gauge theories, as the ones that take into account the effect of Gribov ambiguities in the deep infrared regime.
The results obtained display clear nonperturbative aspects and indicate
that this may be a new pathway for QCD model building.
In this talk, we explore thermodynamic properties...
(Sophia University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
Femtoscopic analyses have a long history towards comprehensive
understanding of the space-time structure of dynamically evolving matter
created in high-energy nuclear collisions. Among them, the source
imaging technique enables us to extract the source function, namely
distribution of the relative distance between two emission points for
observed particles, directly from two particle...
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Electromagnetic Probes
We have estimated initial temperature and chemical potential of the QGP
system, relevant for FAIR energy, using Bjorken hydrodynamics.
We have also calculated time evolution of temperature, chemical potential
as well as the equation of states of the QGP system. Finally, we have estimated invariant-mass
distribution of thermal dilepton for quark antiquark anihilation process.
This thermal...
Elena Bratkovskaya
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
Authors: T. Song, H. Berrehrah, D. Cabrera, J.M. Torres-Rincon, L. Tolos, W. Cassing and E. Bratkovskaya
The charm production in ultra-relativistic heavy-ion
collisions is studied based on the Parton-Hadron-String Dynamics (PHSD)
transport approach. The initial charm quarks are produced by the
Pythia event generator tuned to fit the transverse momentum
spectrum and rapidity...
Piotr Bozek
(AGH University of Science and Technology)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
We investigate the torque effect (decorrelation of event planes in rapidity) [1,2] and find
that the recent CMS results for p+Pb and Pb+Pb collisions suggest specific fluctuations of the initially
deposited entropy. In our model, the extent in rapidity of the initial sources is randomly distributed over
the available range. These fluctuations increase the event-plane decorrelation: for...
Sarah Campbell
(Columbia University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Future Experimental Facilities, Upgrades, and Instrumentation
The MPC-EX detector is a Si-W preshower detector located in front of PHENIX's well-established Muon Piston Calorimeter. The combined energy measurement from these two detectors in concert with the improved position resolution and detailed early shower information provided by the MPC-EX expands PHENIX's neutral pion reconstruction capabilities in the rapidity range 3.1 < $|\eta|$ < 3.8 out to...
Yang-Ting Chien
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
Theoretical investigations and experimental measurements of jet substructure modifications in heavy ion collisions allow us to disentangle cold nuclear matter effects and jet-medium interactions in the quark-gluon plasma, providing a direct probe of the QGP properties. Precision calculations of jet substructure observables will thus become the key to extracting the medium properties. Jet...
(Constanta Maritime University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
The CBM experiment aims the study of the QCD phase diagram at low temperatures and high baryonic densities, mainly to find out the order of the phase transition between hadrons and partons under these conditions. Between the many predictions about signals to detect the phase transition point: fluctuations [1], hydrodynamics [2], baryon-baryon correlations [3], etc., in our previous studies...
Julius Maximilian Gronefeld
(GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
A measurement of the transverse momentum distribution of charged particles in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 13\,\text{TeV}$ was performed using the ALICE detector at the LHC. Charged particles were reconstructed in a pseudorapidity range $|\eta|<0.8$ and with transverse momenta down to $p_{\text{T}} = 150\,\text{MeV/c}$. The results are compared to the previous ALICE measurements at lower...
Oana Ristea
(University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
Transverse momentum distributions of the final-state particles are very useful observables for the understanding of the dynamics of the high energy collisions. It has been shown that the Tsallis distribution gives an excellent description of pT spectra measured in relativistic nuclear collisions at different energies and under different kinematical conditions of the data collection. The...
David Englert
(Wigner RCP, Budapest (HU))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Correlations and Fluctuations
Two-particle angular correlations are studied between identified pions, kaons, protons and unidentified charged particles in pPb collisions with an integrated luminosity of approximately 35 nb$^{−1}$ at a nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV by the CMS experiment. The particles are identified via their energy loss in the silicon tracker. In order to eliminate short-range...
Adam Bzdak
(AGH University of Science and Technology)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Relations to Other Strongly Interacting Systems
I show that the charged particle multiplicity distribution in proton-proton (p+p) collisions, which is often parameterized by the negative binomial distribution, results from the multiplicity distribution measured in electron-positron collisions, once the fluctuating energy carried by two leading protons in p+p is taken into account. It is suggestive of a universal mechanism of particle...
Edward Grinbaum Sarkisyan
(University of Texas at Arlington (US))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
QCD at High Temperature
A study of the universality of multihadron production in nucleus-nucleus and pp/p ̄p collisions is performed using the dependenceies of the midrapidity pseudorapidity and transverse energy densities and of the mean multiplicity on the collision energy and on the number of nucleon participants, or centrality, in the energy range from a few GeV to a few TeV. The approach in which the...
Rajiv V Gavai
(Tata Institute, Mumbai, India)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
Strong medium effects seen in the suppression of R_{CP} in RHIC
data are also visible in the recent LHC data. Constructing jets explictly
in heavy ion collisions, similar ratios for jets have also been
constructed, and display suppression as well. The latter are
theoretically more appealing for studies of jet quenching. However, the
corresponding results appear to depend on cone...
Ganesh Jagannath Tambave
(University of Bergen (NO))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Future Experimental Facilities, Upgrades, and Instrumentation
ALICE experiment at the LHC studies high-energy heavy-ion collisions (Pb-Pb) to characterize the
strongly interacting matter at extreme energy densities. After the long shutdown of LHC in 2018,
RUN3 of ALICE experiment is planned where the Pb-Pb collision rate of 50 kHz is expected. To cope
with this high collision rate, the present Multi-Wire Proportional Chamber based TPC will be...
Prabhakar Palni
(Central China Normal University CCNU (CN))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Future Experimental Facilities, Upgrades, and Instrumentation
ALICE is collecting pp data at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV also employing high multiplicity triggers that guarantee a signicant statistics of low pile-up data for rare pp interactions having a multiplicity around ten times higher than the average or more.
Validation and preliminary investigation of the basic features of this high multiplicity data sample are presented.
Darren McGlinchey
(University of Colorado Boulder)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
Measurements of heavy quark (charm and bottom) production provide important constraints on the nature of the quark gluon plasma produced in high energy heavy ion collisions, as they are created only during the initial collision and therefore probe the full evolution of the medium. The PHENIX Collaboration has previously measured open heavy flavor production via the yields of electrons from...
Sungtae Cho
(Kangwon National University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Open Heavy Flavors and Strangeness
We investigate the variation of the $K^*$ meson abundance in heavy ion collisions by focusing on the hadronic effects on the $K^*$ meson abundance. We evaluate the absorption cross section of the $K^*$ meson as well as that of kaon in the hadronic matter, and further investigate
the variation in the meson abundances for both particles during
the hadronic stage of heavy ion collisions. We...
Himanshu Khanchandani
(Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Using the gauge-gravity duality we have obtained the potential
between a heavy quark and an antiquark pair, which is
moving transverse to the direction of orientation.
For the purpose we work on a metric in the gravity side, {\em viz.} OKS-BH geometry, whose
dual in the gauge theory side runs with the energy and hence proves to be a
better background for thermal QCD.
The potential...
Iurii Karpenko
(Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
We present vHLLE, a 3+1 dimensional relativistic hydrodynamic code for the simulations of quark-gluon/hadron matter expansion in ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions. The code solves the equations of relativistic viscous hydrodynamics in the Israel-Stewart framework. In addition to energy and momentum, charge densities are explicitly propagated and included in the equation of state, making...
Dennis Vadimovich Perepelitsa
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
Recent measurements of high-$p_\mathrm{T}$ jet and dijet production in
centrality-selected proton--lead collisions at the LHC are observed to
grossly violate geometric models of the relationship between jet
production at mid-rapidity and soft particle production in the nuclear
fragmentation region. These modifications have been, variously,
attributed to the suppression of soft gluons in...
Salvatore Plumari
(University of Catania (Italy))
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Collective Dynamics
Viscous hydrodynamics is commonly used to model the evolution of the matter created
in an ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collision. It provides a good description of transverse
momentum spectra and anisotropic flow. These observables, however, cannot be consistently
derived using viscous hydrodynamics alone, because they depend on the microscopic
interactions at freeze-out. We derive the...
Di-Lun Yang
(RIKEN/University of Crete)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Electromagnetic Probes
In the quark gluon plasma (QGP), the transport properties of electromagnetic (EM) probes such as leptons and photons could be modified by the lepton/photon-parton scattering compared with the case in the QED plasma. In order to incorporate the non-perturbative effects from the strongly couple QGP on the lepton/photon-parton collisions, a semi-holographic approach which combines the Boltzmann...
Alexander Sorin
(Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
New Theoretical Developments
We study vorticity and hydrodynamic helicity in semi-peripheral heavy-ion collisions using the kinetic model of Quark-Gluon Strings. The angular momentum, which is a source of P-odd observables, is preserved with a good accuracy. We observe formation of the specific toroidal structures of the vorticity field. Their existence, accompanied by the strange chemical potential, is mirrored in the...
Kenji Morita
(Kyoto University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
Baryon Rich QCD Matter
Fluctuations of conserved charges provide us information on the state of
matter at freeze-out temperature $T$ and baryon chemical potential $\mu$.
Since the underlying multiplicity distribution of the net-baryon number
is related to the canonical partition function $Z(T,V,N)$, one can
construct the partition function $\mathcal{Z}(T,V,\mu)$ as a series of
fugacity [1], $...
Atsuro Ikeda
(Osaka University)
9/29/15, 4:30 PM
We study the charmonium spectral functions with finite momentum
from lattice Euclidean correlators using the maximum entropy method.
In medium, the spectral function of vector channel with finite momentum
is decomposed into transverse and longitudinal components
because of the lack of Lorentz invariance.
We investigate these spectral functions, their
residues and the dispersion relations...