Yoshimasa Hidaka
We discuss the dilepton and photon production in the semi-quark gluon plasma (semi-QGP), at temperatures above but near the critical temperature for deconfinement. Working to leading order in the coupling constant of QCD, we find that there is a mild enhancement, ~ 20%, for dilepton production in the semi-QGP over that in the perturbative QGP. In contrast, we find that photon production is strongly suppressed in the semi-QGP, by about an order of magnitude, relative to the perturbative QGP. In the perturbative QGP photon production contains contributions from 2->2 scattering and collinear emission with the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal (LPM) effect. In the semi-QGP we show that the two contributions are modified differently. The rate for 2->2 scattering is suppressed by a factor which depends upon the Polyakov loop. In contrast, the collinear rate is suppressed not by the Polyakov loop, but by 1/N. We compute the rate from 2->2 scattering to the leading logarithmic order and the collinear rate with the LPM effect to leading order in the semi-QGP. We also discuss that the effect of the photon suppression to the photon elliptic flow.
Reference: Yoshimasa Hidaka, Shu Lin, Robert D. Pisarski and Daisuke Satow, 1504.01770[hep-ph]
Shu Lin
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Daisuke Satow
Robert Pisarski
(Brookhaven National Lab.)
Yoshimasa Hidaka