Pierre Moreau
(Frankfurt Institute of Advanced Studies)
We study the production of (anti-) strange and multi-strange hadrons in
heavy-ion collisions from FAIR/NICA to LHC energies within the
Parton-Hadron-String Dynamics (PHSD) microscopic transport approach,
which contains the partonic and hadronic dynamics. By showing the
channel decomposition for the strangeness production we demonstrate
how with increasing energy the production in the QGP dominates the
hadronic production. We observed traces from the QGP by looking at
a verity of 'bulk' observables like the excitation functions of particle
yields, pt- and rapidity distributions, centrality dependencies of yields, $\langle$ pt $\rangle$ etc.
At RHIC energies strange and anti-strange hadrons are produced at
mid-rapidity with the same amount, while with decreasing energy the particles
dominate more and more over antiparticles.
On behalf of collaboration: | [Other] |
Pierre Moreau
(Frankfurt Institute of Advanced Studies)
Elena Bratkovskaya