Biswarup Paul
(Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (IN))
The inclusive J/$\psi$ differential production cross-sections and nuclear modification factor as a function of $p_{\rm T}$ in Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}$ = 2.76 TeV have been calculated at forward rapidity (2.5 $<$ $y$ $<$ 4) and compared with the results reported by the ALICE Collaborations [arXiv:1506.08804v1]. The calculations have been carried out by estimating the pp cross-sections at $\sqrt{s}$ = 2.76 TeV within the framework of NRQCD [J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 42 065101 (2015)]. The cross-sections have been scaled by the Glauber model for Pb-Pb collisions and convoluted with the survival probability fraction due to color screening [Phys. Rev. D 37, 1851 (1988)]. The feed-down contributions from $\psi$(2S), $\chi_{c}$ and $B$ mesons to J/$\psi$ have been included to compare the inclusive results from ALICE. The comparison with experimental values shows a good agreement beyond $p_{\rm T}$ = 4 GeV for the three centrality bins namely, 0%$-$20%, 20%$-$40% and 40%$-$90%. These results indicate that the cold nuclear matter and recombination effects on J/$\psi$ production at forward rapidities in Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}$ = 2.76 TeV is negligible for $p_{\rm T}$ $>$ 4 GeV. Thus, in the high $p_{\rm T}$ domain ($p_{\rm T}$ $>$ 4 GeV), the observed suppression in the J/$\psi$ yield by ALICE Collaboration can solely be accounted by color screening. Results will also be shown for Pb-Pb collisions at higher energies.
On behalf of collaboration: | NONE |
Biswarup Paul
(Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (IN))
Mahatsab Mandal
(Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (IN))
Pradip Kumar Roy
(Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (IN))
Sukalyan Chattopadhyay
(Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (IN))