September 27, 2015 to October 3, 2015
Kobe, Fashion Mart, Japan
Japan timezone

Lattice simulation of two-color QCD with $N_f=2$ at non-zero baryon density

Sep 29, 2015, 4:30 PM
Exhibition space 3 & 4

Exhibition space 3 & 4

Board: 0118
Poster Baryon Rich QCD Matter Poster Session


Alexander Nikolaev (Far Eastern Federal University)


At the present time study of the $QCD$ phase diagram in the $(T, \mu)$ plane from LQCD calculations is very difficult due to the sign problem. On the other hand, $QC_2D$ has no sign problem, thus providing an opportunity to investigate properties of $QGP$ from the first principles. In this talk we present the results of lattice simulation of $QC_2D$ with two flavors of staggered fermions and non-zero quark chemical potential. Dependencies of the Polyakov loop, chiral condensate and baryon number density on $\mu_q$ were studied. We found, that raising of the baryon chemical potential leads to the chiral symmetry restoration. At small $\mu_q$ our results for the baryon density agree with ChPT predictions.
On behalf of collaboration: [Other]


Alexander Nikolaev (Far Eastern Federal University) Andrey Kotov Victor Braguta (IHEP)


Mr Semyon Valgushev (University of Regensburg)

Presentation materials