Deepali Sharma
(Stony Brook University)
The dielectron mass spectrum is a unique probe
to directly access the different stages of a heavy-ion
collision. The intermediate ($1< m_{e^+e^-}<3$
GeV/$c^2$) and high ($4<m_{e^+e^-}<8$ GeV/$c^2$) mass regions
are dominated by semi-leptonic decays of open charm and beauty
respectively, and so provide information about the heavy flavor
dynamics. We will present the current status on the bottom cross-section
extracted in $p$+$p$ collisions. The method utilizes the double
differential fit done in $m_{{e^+}e^{-}}$ and $p_T$ space, which
provides sensitivity to the regions where either charm or bottom
dominates. A comparison to the $p_T$ spectrum and cross-section
extracted from the $d$+$Au$ dielectron mass spectrum using the
same technique will be presented.
On behalf of collaboration: | PHENIX |
Deepali Sharma
(Stony Brook University)