27 September 2015 to 3 October 2015
Kobe, Fashion Mart, Japan
Japan timezone

Strangeness production in Au+Au collision at $\sqrt(s)$ = 2.4 $A$ GeV

29 Sept 2015, 16:30
Exhibition space 3 & 4

Exhibition space 3 & 4

Board: 0120
Poster Baryon Rich QCD Matter Poster Session


- HADES Collaboration (speaker to be announced) Joachim Stroth (Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe Univ. (DE))


Particle production in collisions of heavy ions at energies in the few $A$GeV energy regime is still a matter of theoretical controversy. Is the assumption of statistical emission from a thermalized system sufficient, or is there evidence for sequential freeze-out? Is there a consistent picture of chemical and thermal freeze-out? Or can particle production at these energies be only understood in a fully dynamical description like e.g. microscopic transport? HADES has recently measured 7 billion central (40%) Au+Au collisions at a beam energy of 1.23 $A$GeV. For the first time at such low energies it has been possible to reconstruct the dominant particles carrying strangeness like K$^+$, K$^-$, K$^0$ and $\Lambda$ as well as the hidden-strange $\phi$. After development of an improved reconstruction method the particles can now be reconstructed with high purity and with a large phase space coverage. The respective phase space distributions are analyzed with regard to the above phrased questions. In particular the conjecture of a possibly uniform freeze-out configuration is assessed as well as its location on the QCD phase diagram. Preliminary studies of flow and e-by-e observables will also be presented.


- HADES Collaboration (speaker to be announced)

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