27 September 2015 to 3 October 2015
Kobe, Fashion Mart, Japan
Japan timezone

Dual condensates at finite isospin chemical potential

29 Sept 2015, 16:30
Exhibition space 3 & 4

Exhibition space 3 & 4

Board: 0131
Poster Baryon Rich QCD Matter Poster Session


Zhao Zhang (NCEPU)


The dual observables as order parameters for center symmetry are tested at finite isospin chemical potential $\mu_I$ in a Polyakov-loop enhanced chiral model of QCD. As a counterpart of the dressed Polyakov-loop, the first Fourier moment of pion condensate is introduced for $\mu_I>{m_\pi}/{2}$ under the temporal twisted boundary conditions for quarks. We confirm this dual condensate exhibits the similar temperature dependence as the conventional Polyakov-loop. We demonstrate that its rapid increase with $T$ is driven by the evaporating of pion condensation. On the other hand, the dressed Polyakov-loop shows abnormal thermal behavior, which even decreases with $T$ at low temperatures due to the influence of pion condensate. We thus argue that in QCD the critical temperature extracting from a dual observable may have nothing to do with the quark confinement-deconfinement transition if the quark mass is very small.
On behalf of collaboration: NONE


Zhao Zhang (NCEPU)

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