27 September 2015 to 3 October 2015
Kobe, Fashion Mart, Japan
Japan timezone

Angular distributions of the quenched energy flow from dijets with different radius parameters in CMS

28 Sept 2015, 15:10
Exhibition Space 1-B

Exhibition Space 1-B

Contributed talk Jets and High pT Hadrons Jets and High pT Hadrons I


Christopher Mc Ginn (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))


One of the first observations of the flow of the quenched energy in imbalanced dijet events has been through the studies of transverse vector sum of particles with the CMS detector, namely the missing $p_{T}$ measurement. The results have led to new theoretical insights to order to explain the wide angle radiation, such as "jet collimation", "color decoherence", "turbulence cascade" and "hydrodynamical expansion of quenched energy". These mechanisms could give different angular distribution of quenched energy. In this talk, the missing $p_{T}$ technique has been improved so that it allows the study of angular distribution of the energy flow with respect to the dijet axis. Moreover, in order to get insights about the number of particles which carry the quenched energy, charged particle multiplicity differences in the leading and subleading jet hemispheres are measured. In addition, the measurements are performed using different resolution parameters in anti-$k_{T}$ clustering algorithm, which provide information about how the angular distribution of the quenched energy depends on the jet width.
On behalf of collaboration: CMS

Primary author

Christopher Mc Ginn (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))

Presentation materials