27 September 2015 to 3 October 2015
Kobe, Fashion Mart, Japan
Japan timezone

Lattice QCD for Baryon Rich Matter -- Beyond Taylor Expansions

30 Sept 2015, 09:00
Convention room 1

Convention room 1

Contributed talk Quark Matter in Astrophysics Quark Matter in Astrophysics


Atsushi Nakamura (RCNP, Osaka Univ)


Lattice QCD is believed to have limited power for baryon rich QCD matter because of the notorious sign problem. There have been several approaches to circumvent the problem, such as the multi-parameter reweighting method and the pure imaginary chemical potential approach, which can not provide us information beyond $\mu/T=1$ where $\mu$ is the quark baryon chemical potential and $T$ is temperature. Here we report our recent studies, the canonical approach and the pinning one. We first review the previous methods, and study why we cannot go into large $\mu/T$ regions. Then we present our results which catch the hadron/QGP transition line, although our lattice is still small and the quark mass is heavy.
On behalf of collaboration: [Other]

Primary author

Atsushi Nakamura (RCNP, Osaka Univ)


Dr Asobu Suzuki (Tsukuba univ.) Dr Junichi Takahashi (Kyushu univ.) Dr Ryutaro Fukuda (Univ. Tokyo/ETH) Dr Shotaro Oka (Rikkyo univ.) Dr Shuntaro Sakai (Kyoto univ.) Prof. Yusuke Taniguchi (Tsukuba univ.)

Presentation materials