27 September 2015 to 3 October 2015
Kobe, Fashion Mart, Japan
Japan timezone

Scaling Properties of Particle Production, Azimuthal Anisotropy and Two-pion Emission Source Radii in p+p, p+A, d+A and A+A Collisions

29 Sept 2015, 16:30
Exhibition space 3 & 4

Exhibition space 3 & 4

Board: 0209
Poster QGP in Small Systems Poster Session


Roy Lacey (Stony Brook University)


A crucial open question is whether a fundamental change occurs in the reaction dynamics and the particle production mechanism, when the collision system-size is reduced from the values produced in central and mid-central A+A collisions, to those obtained in p+p, p+A d+A, and peripheral A+A collisions. This question can be addressed via detailed complementary validation tests for similarities in the reaction dynamics and particle production mechanism in p+p, p+A, d+A and A+A Collisions. The results from complementary scaling tests of particle production, azimuthal anisotropy and two-pion emission source radii in these systems, will be presented and discussed.
On behalf of collaboration: NONE

Primary author

Roy Lacey (Stony Brook University)

Presentation materials

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