Jets and High pT Hadrons III
- Carlos Albert Salgado Lopez (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES))
Daniel Pablos
(Universitat de Barcelona)
9/29/15, 10:50 AM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
Contributed talk
Within a hybrid strong/weak coupling model for jets in strongly coupled
plasma, we explore jet modifications in ultra-relativistic heavy ion
collisions. Our approach merges the perturbative dynamics of hard jet
evolution with the strongly coupled dynamics which dominates the soft
exchanges between the fast partons in the jet shower and the
strongly coupled plasma itself. We implement...
Jiechen Xu
(Columbia University)
9/29/15, 11:10 AM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
Contributed talk
We utilize a new framework, CUJET3.0, to deduce the energy and temperature dependence of the jet quenching parameter, $\hat{q}(E>10\;{\rm GeV},T)$, from a combined analysis of available data on the nuclear modification factor and azimuthal asymmetry of high $p_T$ light hadrons and open heavy flavors in high-energy A+A collisions at RHIC and LHC. Extending a previous perturbative QCD based jet...
Nihar Sahoo
(Texas A & M University)
9/29/15, 11:30 AM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
Contributed talk
Photons are valuable probes of the QCD plasma due to their lack of
color and electric charge. Direct photons ($\gamma_{dir}$), those
produced during the collision rather than from decays of hadrons, are not affected by the medium.The study of direct-photon-triggered away-side jets can give information about the energy loss of the away-side parton while
traversing through the medium. On...
Ali Hanks
9/29/15, 11:50 AM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
Contributed talk
Suppression of high $p_{T}$ hadrons in heavy ion collisions is a
well-known phenomenon, understood to be a result of in-medium energy
loss of partons. To explore more precisely the underlying energy
loss mechanism, PHENIX has measured many complementary observables.
Fractional energy loss of single hadrons vs the number of
participants in Au$+$Au and Cu$+$Cu collisions reveal scaling...
Redmer Alexander Bertens
(Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))
9/29/15, 12:10 PM
Jets and High pT Hadrons
Contributed talk
Jets in heavy-ion collisions are used to probe the QGP, as medium-induced parton energy loss from elastic and radiative interactions between partons and the QCD medium will lead to a modification of the measured jet spectrum. The dependence of the energy loss on the in-medium path length provides deeper insight into the energy loss mechanisms and can be studied by measuring jet production...