We present a X-Ray camera module consisting of a hybrid pixel detector working in single photon counting mode. The camera consists of square-shaped, 2 cm x 2 cm hybrid pixel detector built from a single 320 or 450 µm thick silicon sensor designed and fabricated by Hamamatsu and two readout integrated circuits, each of which is a matrix of 128 x 256 pixels with 75µm pitch, designed in CMOS 130nm at AGH-UST. The camera communicates with the higher level system using one of the interfaces including Ethernet (UDP), USB 2.0 and a Camera Link for high-speed data streaming up to 640 MB/s while having single 5V power supply connector. A commercially available sbRIO 9651 module containing an Artix-7 FPGA is used for both Camera Link interface and integrated circuit specific communication at the frequency of up to 200MHz. In the design of the camera functionality a single software platform was used for FPGA, Real-time OS and a host application allowing high acceleration of the development process.
During presentation a silicon pixel detector readout circuit architecture will be presented including single channel architecture, threshold dispersion trimming capabilities and high-count rate performance. The camera design will be shown with the details of FPGA and Real-time application written in single software platform without any significant limitations.