Paolo Finelli
(University of Bologna)
Pairing gaps [1] in isospin-symmetric nuclear matter and neutron matter
are investigated using the chiral nucleon-nucleon potential at the N$^3$LO order
in the two-body sector [2] and the N$^2$LO order in the three-body sector [2,3].
After a short introduction to chiral potentials and related techniques (renormalization group approaches [4]), we present results for the singlet channel ($^1S_0$) and higher partial coupled waves ($^3PF_2$
and $^3SD_1$) [5].
The role of three-body forces and other many-body correlations is discussed
in comparison with available {\it ab-initio} microscopic calculations [1,6] whenever is possible.
We will also show **(a)** a preliminary analysis of the Cooper pair wavefunctions and **(b)** the
extension of our formalism to finite temperature in connection with neutron star cooling mechanisms.
[1] D.J. Dean and M. Hjorth-Jensen, Rev. of Mod. Phys. **75** (2003) 607
[2] R. Machleidt and D.. Entem,
Phys. Rept. **503** (2011) 1
[3] J.W. Holt, N. Kaiser and W. Weise, Phys. Rev. C **81** (2010) 024002
[4] S.K. Bogner, R.J. Furnstahl, A. Schwenk, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. **65** (2010) 94
[5] S. Maurizio, J.W. Holt and P. Finelli, Phys. Rev. C **90** (2014) 044003
[6] S. Gandolfi, A.Y. Illarionov, K.E. Schmidt, F. Pederiva and S. Fantoni,
Phys. Rev. C **79** (2009) 054005
Primary author
Paolo Finelli
(University of Bologna)
Jeremy W. Holt
(University of Washington)
Stefano Maurizio
(University of Bern)