Jun 4 – 5, 2015
Europe/Zurich timezone

Event Description


Cryogenics has widely contributed to the recent majors successes of High Energy Physics (HEP). And conversely, HEP has pushed cryogenic engineering developments to a high level of technical excellence.

HEPTech, together with CNRS, CEA, Grenoble University, Lanef and ILL, in close partnership with CERN, the University of Twente, and the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, is organizing an Academia Industry Matching Event on Cryogenics, in Grenoble at the CCI (“Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Grenoble”, which also supports the event), scheduled for the 4th and 5th of June 2015.

This event aims to explore the subject of Cryogenics and its impact in society and research. It will cover topics like:

  • Cryogenic Systems for HEP at particles accelerators, neutron facilities, and related applications
  • Cryogenics for Astrophysics/HEP in Space
  • Industrial spin-offs: MRI, NMR and energy-related applications

This event is a unique opportunity for industry to meet leading experts in cryogenics and project leaders that may have exciting and challenging needs in terms of development and manufacturing of future cryogenics systems. For this purpose face to face meetings will also be organized over the two days in a brokerage event available in separate rooms.

Moreover, the first morning session will be dedicated to the First Meeting of the new Cryogenics Society of Europe (CSE). 


Dates: from 4 June 2015 to 5 June 2015

Venue: Chambre de Commerce et d' Industrie, Grenoble, France

Organizing Committee: Alain Girard, Chair CEA/SBT
  Sebastien Triqueneaux  CNRS/Neel
  Eddy Lelievre Berna  ILL
  Laure de Tassigny  CCI/EEN
  Ivan Charles  CEA/SBT
  Philippe Gandit  CNRS/Neel
  Bertrand Baudouy  CEA/IRFU/SACM
  Laurent Tavian  CERN
  Jean-Marie Le Goff  CERN
  Antonio Pacheco  HEPTech
  Konstantina Kiriazi  CERN/HEPTech
  John Vandore  Cryox, RAL
  Marcel ter Brake  University of Twente 
  Xavier Thibault Lanef