4–6 May 2015
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

QCD Effects on Direct Detection of Wino Dark Matter

4 May 2015, 14:15
G29 (University of Pittsburgh)


University of Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, PA 15260
parallel talk Dark Matter I


Dr Natsumi Nagata (University of Minnesota)


We complete the calculation of the wino-nucleon scattering cross section up to the next-to-leading order in αs. We assume that the other sparticles are decoupled and wino interacts with the Standard Model particles via the weak interaction. As a result, the uncertainties coming from the perturbative QCD are significantly reduced to be smaller than those from the nucleon matrix elements. The resultant scattering cross section is found to be larger than the leading-order one by about 70%, which is well above the neutrino background.


Dr Natsumi Nagata (University of Minnesota)


Junji HISANO (Nagoya university) Koji Ishiwata (DESY)

Presentation materials