4–6 May 2015
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Hunting for Hierarchies in $\mathcal{PSL}_2(7)$

5 May 2015, 15:00
G31 (University of Pittsburgh)


University of Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, PA 15260
parallel talk BSM III


Michael Perez (University of Flordia)


We present a model with the family group $\mathcal{PSL}_2(7)$ wherein the top quark hierarchy, through $SO(10)$ and the Seesaw mechanism, is mapped onto the vacuum values of familon fields and transferred to the $\Delta I_{\rm w}=0$ parameters of the $\nu$MSSM: the right-handed neutrino Majorana mass $\mathcal{M}$ and the mu term. It predicts tribimaximal mixing, and a normal hierarchy for the light neutrinos. The familon vacuum is used to derive the supersymmetric $\mu$-masses of Higgs fields with family quantum numbers, as well as the Yukawa matrices of the quarks and leptons. We find, through the magic of $\mathcal{PSL}_2(7)$ invariants, a $\mu$-matrix with a hierarchy of thirteen orders of magnitude. Only one Higgs field (per hypercharge sector) is light enough (with a $\mu$-mass ~ 10-100 GeV) to be destabilized by SUSY soft breaking at the TeV scale. Remarkably, their vacuum values generate unsupressed masses only for $t$, $b$, and $\tau$.

Primary author

Michael Perez (University of Flordia)

Presentation materials