4–6 May 2015
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

A Dark Side of Neutrino Mass

5 May 2015, 14:45
University of Pittsburgh

University of Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, PA 15260
parallel talk Dark Matter III


Dr Wei-Chih Huang (University College London)


We propose a simple scenario that directly connects the dark matter (DM) and neutrino mass scales. Based on an interaction between the DM particle $\chi$ and the neutrino $\nu$ of the form $\chi\chi\nu\nu/\Lambda^2$, the DM annihilation cross section into the neutrino is determined and a neutrino mass is radiatively induced. Using the observed neutrino mass scale and the DM relic density, the DM mass and the effective scale $\Lambda$ are found to be of the order MeV and GeV, respectively. We construct an ultraviolet-complete toy model based on the inverse seesaw mechanism which realizes this potential connection between DM and neutrino physics.


Dr Frank Deppisch (University College London (UK)) Dr Wei-Chih Huang (University College London)

Presentation materials