4–6 May 2015
University of Pittsburgh
US/Eastern timezone

Strong Optimized Conservative DM Constraints from Fermi-LAT Inclusive Spectrum

4 May 2015, 15:15
G29 (University of Pittsburgh)


University of Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, PA 15260
parallel talk Dark Matter I


Andrea Massari (Stony Brook University)


The Fermi $\gamma$-ray Space Telescope has observed the sky since 2008. Dark matter annihilations or decays contribute to the measured diffuse $\gamma$-ray background flux. Using simulated data to first find the “optimal” regions of interest in the $\gamma$-ray sky, we present conservative bounds on annihilation cross section or decay lifetime competitive with other existing limits. We consider DM annihilation/decay into 10 different SM & BSM final states, 4 DM density profiles, and 2 GeV < $m_{DM}$ < 10 TeV, performing no astrophysical foreground modeling. (ArXiv: 1503.07169)


Dr Andrea Albert (KIPAC - SLAC) Andrea Massari (Stony Brook University) Eder Izaguirre (urn:Google) Prof. Elliott Bloom (KIPAC-SLAC, Stanford University) German Gomez-Vargas (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile) Rouven Essig (S)

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