Dark Matter IV
- Brooks Thomas (University of Hawaii)
Gustavo Marques Tavares
(Boston University)
05/05/2015, 16:30
parallel talk
We propose a new alternative to the Cold Dark Matter scenario, in which the Dark Sector contains a Dark Matter particle charged under the Standard Model SU(2) gauge group and also charged under an unbroken SU(N) dark gauge group. We focus on dark gauge couplings that are much smaller than the SM gauge group couplings. In this limit the confinement scale is negligibly small and the dark gauge...
Patrick Stengel
(University of Hawaii)
05/05/2015, 16:45
parallel talk
Dynamical dark matter (DDM) is an alternative framework to the more typical stable dark matter scenario. Instead of imposing stability of one or several particles that constitute the relic dark matter abundance, we consider many different particles decaying with less stable lifetimes while balancing their respective abundances in order to provide for an ensemble that acts as a...
sonia el hedri
(JGU Mainz)
05/05/2015, 17:00
parallel talk
The impact of unitarity constraints on a few Dark Matter portals as well as their physical meaning is briefly discussed. In regions of the parameter space where perturbative unitarity is violated, Dark Matter will form "mesonic" bound states that decay to Standard Model particles. Investigating the formation (and fate) of these bound states allows for a better understanding of the Dark Matter...
Fatemeh Elahi
(University of Notre Dame)
05/05/2015, 17:15
parallel talk
If dark matter is thermally decoupled from the visible sector, the observed relic density can potentially be obtained via freeze-in production of dark matter. Typically in such models it is assumed that the dark matter is connected to the thermal bath through feeble renormalisable interactions. Here, rather, we consider the case in which the hidden and visible sectors are coupled only via...
Joseph Andrew Bramante
(University of Notre Dame (US))
05/05/2015, 17:30
parallel talk
Asymmetric fermionic dark matter coupled to the Standard Model through a MeV-scale Higgs portal mediator may be destroying pulsars at the center of the Milky Way. This talk reviews the recently uncovered galactic center missing pulsar anomaly, determines maximum pulsar age curves for asymmetric Higgs portal dark matter in the Milky Way (maximum pulsar age increases as dark matter halo density...
Anthony DiFranzo
(UC Irvine / Fermilab)
05/05/2015, 17:45
parallel talk
We discuss options and challenges associated with building viable models of Vector Dark Matter which interact with the Standard Model via the Higgs boson. The primary focus is to examine an effective operator as well as its possible UV completion where the portal is generated radiatively. Bounds and future sensitivities by collider and direct detection experiments will also be considered.
Shreyashi Chakdar
(oklahoma state university)
05/05/2015, 18:00
parallel talk
The existence of dark matter is now well established fact. In this talk, I will talk about two distinct possibilities of dark matter. In the first case, the dark matter is assumed to be the ordinary matter in a “parallel Universe”. Our Universe and the parallel Universe are described by their own nonabelian gauge symmetries which forbid any kinetic mixing between them. However, the quartic...
Gaurav Mendiratta
(Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore,India)
05/05/2015, 18:15
parallel talk
Dark matter is one of the major puzzles in our understanding of physics today where we expect the solution to be within the reach of our current theoretical knowledge of field theory and experimental reach. With LHC run-II scheduled for 2015, searches for accessible dark matter models is a major concern. In this work we consider the simplest dark matter model, an inert scalar with no Standard...