- Gregory Mahlon
Cen Zhang
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
05/05/2015, 14:00
parallel talk
Computations at next-to-leading order (NLO) in the standard model offer new technical challenges in the presence of higher dimensional operators. I will present a framework that, starting from the top-quark effective field theory, allows one to make predictions for cross sections as well as distributions in a fully automatic way. Therefore in this framework one can easily obtain NLO...
Ki Lie
(Univ. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (US))
05/05/2015, 14:15
parallel talk
Measurements of the inclusive top quark pair production cross sections
in proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron
Collider are presented. The most precise result requires opposite sign
electrons and muons and uses the full data-set at a centre-of-mass energy
of 7 and 8 TeV. In addition, differential measurements of the top transverse
momentum and...
Bruno Galhardo
(Universidade de Coimbra (PT))
05/05/2015, 14:30
parallel talk
The latest measurements of the properties of the top quark using the ATLAS
experiment are presented. The top quark mass is one of the fundamental parameters
of the Standard Model. A measurement based on a multi-dimensional template fit
that can constrain the uncertainties on the energy measurements of jets is presented
and combined with a measurement using dilepton events. In addition,...
Andrew Brinkerhoff
(University of Notre Dame (US))
05/05/2015, 14:45
parallel talk
New measurements of top quark pair production in association with a W or Z boson are presented, using 19.5 fb−1 of 8 TeV pp collision data collected by the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC. Final states with opposite-sign, same-sign, three, and four charged leptons plus b-tagged jets are examined. Signal ttW and ttZ events are identified by reconstructing the top quark pair, yielding the most...
Kevin Sapp
(University of Pittsburgh (US))
05/05/2015, 15:00
parallel talk
Measurements of single top-quark production in proton proton collisions at 7 and
8 TeV are presented. In the leading order process, a W boson is exchanged in the
t-channel. The single top-quark and anti-top total production cross sections,
their ratio, as well as a measurement of the inclusive production cross section is
presented. In addition, a measurement of the production cross...