- Neil Christensen (University of Pittsburgh)
Konstantin Matchev
(University of Florida (US))
05/05/2015, 16:30
Mohammad Abdullah
(University of California , Irvine)
05/05/2015, 17:00
parallel talk
We propose a systematic way of searching for new physics at colliders that compliments existing strategies. Starting from a given final state topology we survey the possible resonance structures that lead to such a final state. As a case study we examine the *lljj* final state and propose analysis techniques and give sensitivity estimates for the $\sqrt{s}=14\ TeV$ and $\mathcal{L}= 300\ ...
James Gainer
(University of Florida (US))
05/05/2015, 17:15
parallel talk
Edge detection and inferring distributions from discrete data are both important problems in particle physics, especially in searching for physics beyond the standard model. We demonstrate how methods involving Voronoi tessellations can be used to accomplish both of these tasks.
Dipsikha Debnath
(University of Florida)
05/05/2015, 17:30
parallel talk
We study analytically and numerically the production cross-sections in the UED model where all SM model fields propagate in one extra compact dimension. We derive analytical formulas for the parton-level cross-sections in the general case of non-degenerate KK masses. We compare numerically three existing mUED implementations: PYTHIA, CalcHEP and MadGraph. We identify and remove some...
Joel Wesley Walker
(Texas A & M University (US))
05/05/2015, 17:45
parallel talk
RHADAManTHUS is a consumer-level tool for the automated graphical representation and optimization of collider event statistics. A simple, compact, and powerful meta-language syntax facilitates the generation of sophisticated publication-quality plots based upon instructions supplied in a reusable card file. The weighted recombination and over-sampling of distinct or duplicative data channels...
Rachik Soualah
(Universita degli Studi di Udine (IT))
05/05/2015, 18:00
Tools & Software
parallel talk
The most recent findings on the Monte Carlo simulation of proton-proton collisions at ATLAS are
presented. In this, the most recent combined MPI and shower tunes performed using 7 TeV ATLAS data are reported, as well as improved modelling of electroweak processes, and processes containing top using recent MC generators and PDF sets.
Hiren Patel
(Max Planck Institute)
05/05/2015, 18:15
parallel talk
Package-X is a Mathematica package designed to analytically compute dimensionally regulated one-loop Feynman integrals. UV-divergent, IR-divergent and finite parts are all obtained analytically for any combination of external invariants or internal masses. In this talk, Package-X will be showcased with a series of illustrative applications highlighting its ease of use.
Technical details...