Higgs I
- Doojin Kim (University of Florida)
Kirtimaan Mohan
(Michigan State University)
04/05/2015, 14:30
parallel talk
The discovery of the Higgs boson has now opened a window of opportunity to investigate the possibility of Beyond the Standard Model Physics through scrutiny of the nature of its interactions with other SM particles. In this talk we will focus on the CP nature of the Higgs and top interaction. More specifically, we investigate methods to explore the CP nature of the tth coupling at the LHC, in...
Kentarou Mawatari
(Vrije Univ. Brussel)
04/05/2015, 14:45
parallel talk
At the LHC the CP properties of the top-quark Yukawa interaction can be probed through Higgs production in gluon fusion or in ttH/tH. We consider the possibility for both CP-even and CP-odd couplings to the top quark to be present, and study CP-sensitive observables at next-to-leading order (NLO) in QCD, including parton-shower effects.
Chien-Yi Chen
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
04/05/2015, 15:00
parallel talk
We analyze the constraints on a CP-violating, flavor conserving, two Higgs doublet model from the measurements
of Higgs properties and from the search for heavy Higgs bosons at LHC, and show that the stronger limits typically come from the heavy
Higgs search channels. The limits on CP violation arising from the Higgs sector measurements are complementary to those from EDM...
Seodong Shin
(Indiana University)
04/05/2015, 15:15
parallel talk
We study contributions to $pp\to W^+W^- \to \ell\nu_\ell \ell^\prime\nu_{\ell^\prime}$ in models with a new Higgs boson, $H$, and a neutral lepton, $\nu_{4}$, with couplings $H-\nu_{4}-\nu_{\mu}$ and $W-\nu_{4}-\mu$ through the process $pp \to H \to \nu_4 \nu_\mu \to W \mu \nu_\mu \to \ell\nu_\ell \mu \nu_\mu$. Contrary to naive expectations, we find that contributions to $pp\to WW$ can be...
Peisi Huang
(University of Chicago/Argonne)
04/05/2015, 15:30
parallel talk
I am going to show that there is a tight correlation between the dynamics of the Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and the Higgs trilinear coupling. A large deviation of the Higgs trilinear coupling is expected for models exhibit a strong first order Electroweak Phase Transition. The Higgs trilinear coupling can be probed at the LHC by the double Higgs production process.
Zhuoni Qian
(University of Pittsburgh)
04/05/2015, 15:45
parallel talk
We evaluate the $e^-e^+\to e^-e^+h$ process through the ZZ fusion channel at the International Linear Collider (ILC) operating at 500 GeV and 1 TeV center of mass energies. We perform realistic simulations on the signal process and background processes. With judicious kinematic cuts, we find that the inclusive cross section can be measured to $2.9\%$ after combining the $500$ GeV at...