- Linda Carpenter (Ohio State University)
Kaladi Babu
(Oklahoma State University)
5/4/15, 2:00 PM
parallel talk
Flavor symmetries acting on the three chiral families can be consistently used to suppress SUSY flavor violation in gravity mediated SUSY breaking models. Models of this type will be presented, and the resulting MSSM phenomenology will be developed.
Nathan Papapietro
(University of Alabama)
5/4/15, 2:15 PM
We propose a new variation to the SUSY Left-Right model (LRM) by extending the Minimal B-L model. Starting from energies of $\sqrt{s}>7$ TeV, we can describe an intermediate scale for Grand Unification along the Pati-Salam path from SO(10). Here the breaking of $SU(2)_L\times SU(2)_R\times U(1)_{B-L}\rightarrow SU(2)_L\times U(1)_Y$ is by a doublet rather than a triplet. Analyzing the RGE...
Hasan Serce
(University of Oklahoma)
5/4/15, 2:30 PM
parallel talk
The discovery of Higgs boson with mass $m_h=125.09\pm0.24$ GeV confirms the particle content of the standard model but carries some fine-tuning questions along with it. While supersymmetry (SUSY) solves the Big Hierarchy problem (or EW fine tuning) involving quadratic divergences, there is a growing Little Hierarchy problem typified by the increasing gap between the W,Z and h masses ($\sim100$...
Volodymyr Takhistov
(University of California at Irvine)
5/4/15, 2:45 PM
parallel talk
With LHC not observing superpartners,
minimal supersymmetric versions of the Standard Model (SM) are very constrained.
We consider supersymmetric extensions of the SM in which the
usual R or matter parity gets replaced by another R or non–R discrete symmetry
that explains the observed longevity of the nucleon and solves the µ problem of
MSSM. Such R-parity violating scenarios may lead to...
Stephen Martin
(Northern Illinois University)
5/4/15, 3:00 PM
parallel talk
I propose a mechanism for obtaining Dirac gaugino masses from an F-term
VEV, without the usual accompanying "supersoft" scalar interactions.
The mu problem can be solved in these models in a novel way, which
decouples the Higgsinos from naturalness arguments. I will also briefly
describe the resulting superpartner mass spectrum and make some comments
on LHC phenomenology.
Sujeet Akula
(Northeastern University)
5/4/15, 3:15 PM
parallel talk
Sparticle mass hierarchies contain significant information regarding the origin and nature of supersymmetry breaking. The hierarchical patterns are severely constrained by electroweak symmetry breaking as well as by the astrophysical and particle physics data. They are further constrained by the Higgs boson mass measurement. The sparticle mass hierarchies can be used to generate simplified...
Hugues Beauchesne
(Carleton University)
5/4/15, 3:30 PM
parallel talk
Stringent experimental constraints have raised the lower limit on the masses of squarks to TeV levels, while compatibility with the mass of the Higgs boson provides an upper limit. This two-sided bound has lead to the emergence of Mini-Split theories where gauginos are not far removed from the electroweak scale while scalars are somewhat heavier. This small hierarchy modifies the spectrum of...
Todd Garon
5/4/15, 3:45 PM
parallel talk
We consider the phenomenology of deflected mirage mediation, a "mixed" supersymmetry breaking scenario motivated by string compactifications in light of results from LHC8, PLANCK, and LUX. In this scenario, there are additional gauge mediation contributions along with the standard gravity and anomaly mediation contributions of the KKLT-motivated mirage mediation scenarios, which drastically...