Higgs II
- Adam Orion Martin (University of Notre Dame (US))
Falko Dulat
(ETH Zurich)
5/4/15, 4:30 PM
parallel talk
I will present the Higgs production cross section in gluon fusion at N3LO in QCD. I will discuss the calculation and its impact for Higgs phenomenology.
Zhengkang Zhang
(University of Michigan)
5/4/15, 4:45 PM
parallel talk
A conventional approach to precision calculations of Higgs boson observables uses quark masses $m_c$ and $m_b$ as inputs. However, quark masses are single numbers that hide a variety of low-energy data from which they are extracted, and also hide the various sources of theoretical uncertainties and correlations with additional input parameters such as $\alpha_s$. Higher-precision calculations,...
Jeong Han Kim
5/4/15, 5:00 PM
parallel talk
Composite Higgs Models provide an attractive extension of the Standard Model which solves the hierarchy problem and predicts new resonances at the TeV scale which can be observed at the LHC run II. In most composite models, the new resonances include colored top/light quarks partner states. In this talk, we present results on several new search strategies for such heavy vector-like quark...
Andrew Spray
(CoEPP, University of Melbourne)
5/4/15, 5:15 PM
parallel talk
Composite Higgs models can trivially satisfy precision-electroweak and flavour constraints by simply having a large spontaneous symmetry breaking scale, f > 10 TeV. This produces a 'split' spectrum, where the strong sector resonances have masses greater than 10 TeV and are separated from the pseudo Nambu-Goldstone bosons, which remain near the electroweak scale. Even though a tuning of order...
Felix Kling
(University of Arizona)
5/4/15, 5:30 PM
parallel talk
Models of Electroweak Symmetry Breaking, with an extended Higgs sector, are theoretically well motivated. In addition to to SM-like Higgs boson, in these models the low energy spectrum includes other CP-even Higgses $H$, CP-odd Higgses $A$, as well as charged ones $H^\pm$. Conventional search strategies focus on Higgs decays into a pair of SM fermions or gauge bosons. However, exotic decay...
Sven Dildick
(Texas A & M University (US))
5/4/15, 5:45 PM
parallel talk
Several models of new physics predict the existence of new light bosons that are weakly coupled to SM particles. Two examples include SUSY with a "dark" sector (in which the new light bosons can also be relatively long-lived) or models with an extended Higgs sector, e.g. NMSSM. In these scenarios, the new bosons can be produced either in the Higgs decays or as part of SUSY cascades. Non-SM...
Yiming Zhong
(Stony Brook University)
5/4/15, 6:00 PM
parallel talk
The search for exotic Higgs decays are an essential probe of new physics. The small width of the Higgs boson makes its decay uniquely sensitive to the existence of light hidden sectors. We assess the potential of an exotic Higgs decay search for h -> 2X -> bbmumu to constrain theories with light CP-even and CP-odd singlet scalars. This decay arises naturally in many scenarios, such as the...
Adarsh Pyarelal
5/4/15, 6:15 PM
parallel talk
The Two Higgs Doublet Model (2HDM) is one of the simplest extensions to the Standard Model Higgs sector, and predicts the existence of additional Higgs bosons, including a pair of charged Higgs bosons $H^\pm$ and a pseudoscalar Higgs boson $A$. Existing searches for the charged Higgs mostly focus on the $H^\pm\rightarrow\tau\nu /cs$ decay channels. For light $A$’s, $H^\pm\rightarrow AW$...