- Cen Zhang (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Zack Sullivan
(Illinois Institute of Technology)
5/5/15, 4:30 PM
parallel talk
We examine the sources of parton distribution errors in the W mass measurement, and point out shortcomings in the existing literature. Optimistic assumptions about strategies to reduce the error by normalizing to Z observables are examined and found to rely too heavily on assumptions about the parametrization and degrees of freedom of the parton distribution functions (PDFs). We devise a...
Jia Zhou
(SUNY Buffalo)
5/5/15, 4:45 PM
parallel talk
Electroweak (EW) corrections at the LHC can be enhanced at high
energies due to soft/collinear radiation of W and Z bosons, being
dominated by Sudakov-like corrections in the form of
$\alpha_W^l\log^n(Q^2/M_W^2)\;(n\le 2l-1, \alpha_W =
\frac{\alpha}{4\pi\sin\theta_W^2})$ when the energy scale $Q$ enters
the TeV regime. Thus, the inclusion of EW corrections in LHC predictions
is important...
Steven Honeywell
(Florida State University)
5/5/15, 5:00 PM
parallel talk
A precise determination of V+b processes (V=Z, photon) at hadron colliders opens the possibility of measuring the b-quark PDF at the LHC. In this context, we have computed the one-loop electroweak (EW) corrections for the production of a b-jet in association with a Z boson in hadronic collisions. In the interest of accuracy and future developments, we retain the b-quark mass both in the...
Aparajita Dattagupta
(Indiana University (US))
5/5/15, 5:15 PM
parallel talk
ATLAS measurements of multi-boson production processes involving
combinations of up to three W, Z and isolated photons are summarized.
Production processes sensitive to vector-boson fusion and vector-boson
scattering such as electroweak production of single Z and W bosons
associated with two forward jets and the same-sign WW production at 8
TeV pp collisions are also presented and...
Samuel Webb
(University of Manchester (GB))
5/5/15, 5:30 PM
Standard Model
parallel talk
Measurements of vector boson production allow tests of perturbative and non-peturbative QCD and of electroweak couplings, as well as being important backgrounds in measurements of Higgs properties and searches for new resonances. Six of the latest results from ATLAS in this area will be presented including measurements of the W cross-section in association with jets, which tests QCD in a...